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Something needs to be done to spice up research

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12 years ago
Aug 17, 2012, 5:51:09 PM
Well, if the techs for scientific victory are always the same "depth" into the tech tree, it does not change it that much....
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12 years ago
Aug 17, 2012, 5:46:40 PM
Epimethee wrote:
But if we put random in techs or if we do not know what is after what we researshed, wouldn't it become really difficult to have scientific victory ?

The point is to make the game more varied which in turn does imply difficulty. Some victory types might be more difficult. I would not move techs too much but I would drop techs randomly making holes in the tree that you have to trade/conquest to get.
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12 years ago
Aug 17, 2012, 5:24:52 PM
But if we put random in techs or if we do not know what is after what we researshed, wouldn't it become really difficult to have scientific victory ?
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12 years ago
Aug 17, 2012, 5:03:58 PM
I feel like the tech tree would be cool with a number of sub branches off of every technology that can provide a number of specialty bonuses of unlocks, none of which are vital to the game but can easily add that decisive edge.

They could be randomized or mutually exclusive in-order to promote a more varied style of game-play.
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12 years ago
Aug 17, 2012, 4:57:14 PM
JIntegrity wrote:
I think Gal' Civ' 2 did it best by having a unique tech' tree for all races. If we could do the same with affinities, and create a tech' tree of mutually exclusive tech's and choices... for "a game is a series of interesting choices." Once the game loses its choices, there's almost nothing left.

Your still in the same situation though. Instead of a best path for all races you have a best path for each race.
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12 years ago
Aug 17, 2012, 4:00:30 PM
I think Gal' Civ' 2 did it best by having a unique tech' tree for all races. If we could do the same with affinities, and create a tech' tree of mutually exclusive tech's and choices... for "a game is a series of interesting choices." Once the game loses its choices, there's almost nothing left.
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12 years ago
Aug 17, 2012, 3:51:07 PM
Copperwire1632 wrote:
I have always liked forcing real choices in a tech tree. Maybe you could make certain techs mutually exclusive.

Oooh, I like that.

Perhaps we could leave in the trees as they are now but include 4 Exclusive Efficiency branches that you can go down which unlock for research based on turns.

  • You have a Military Efficiency branch for example which has things like "All ship hulls start with 15% laser absorption with no cost".
  • But you could have picked from the Science Efficiency branch "All planets with resources gain +25% more of those resources".
  • And similar offerings would be in the other two Efficiency branches.
  • Once you pick the military one the other three get greyed out.
  • And then next 4 offerings pop up in 33 turns.

  • [/LIST]

    The offerings could be semi-random as to when they will appear and this would add some variety to the tree and allow for you to make more informational decisions.
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    12 years ago
    Aug 17, 2012, 5:24:49 AM
    I like the ideas of forced choices between technologies and the possibility of having the next technology after the one you're researching unknown and blacked out until you finish researching. To go with this, someone suggested that we randomize the tiers of research by level and make the connections between technologies random and unknown until usable.
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    12 years ago
    Aug 17, 2012, 3:16:31 AM
    I have always liked forcing real choices in a tech tree. Maybe you could make certain techs mutually exclusive.

    One thing that can breath life into a stale tech tree is races/factions with large enough differences that you at least have to learn the best "path" for each. As is, the only race I "tech" differently is Sowers. Other then that, the only real difference is "I am using trade this game" vs "I am not using trade this game".

    There is a sense of loss to me when I look at part of a game and realize it has become a routine rather then something I participate in. "Correct path" is the game killer.
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