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The Urizen (Faction Idea)

The Urizen are better than Harmony
I like it, but I would tweak...
I don't like it because...
Don't create more factions, really
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 9:13:07 PM
Pietrak wrote:
Honestly I didn't know that ship is Eldar, I was just browsing random images at Google. Good to know smiley: biggrin

A Okay, honest mistake then! my bad smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Apr 3, 2013, 2:41:32 PM
Yoalli wrote:
Soo much Eldar but i like the idea and i like new factions. Maybe nerf them whit very low population they are space elfs and elfs always are few in number , they can have diplomatic nerfs too.

I didn't think about that, those are good points. Updating original post now!
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12 years ago
Apr 2, 2013, 1:25:00 PM
Soo much Eldar but i like the idea and i like new factions. Maybe nerf them whit very low population they are space elfs and elfs always are few in number , they can have diplomatic nerfs too.
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12 years ago
Apr 2, 2013, 3:33:49 AM
Triangular pointy ships is ripping off gamesworkshop eldar?

I am not sure you can rip-off geometric shapes form anyone but nature.
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12 years ago
Apr 2, 2013, 2:51:55 AM
I like their general play idea but their appearance in ship design seems so generic SPACE ELF, i mean GW is a money grabbing bunch of idiots who ruin everything using MATT WARD the destroyer, ruined all their specialist games, ruined my store and are making me move to a different gaming universe. Going off topic into rage now; the general idea they had behind the Eldar initially was basically space elves, a spin off from their fantasy WARHAMMER... a bit like how squats were space dwarfs and etc... just for the love of all that is Ice-cream don't just copy-pasta the Eldar designs.
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12 years ago
Mar 30, 2013, 1:02:29 PM
Rheem wrote:
I think its interesting, but it kind of feels a bit cliché as far as the appearance goes, and not very distinct or well defined in that area.

I also think early wormhole access without a downside would make it too op, usually the person who gets wormhole tech first and starts colonizing the unpopulated area wins the game.

Maybe if you change the affinity to:

- Fleets don't use all Movement Points when using a Wormhole. Instead, Fleets use 25% of max move points when entering a Wormhole.

- Invasion occurs 20% slower against factions you are at war with. Enemy invasions on your systems occur 20% faster if you are at war with their faction.

And then leave the early wormhole tech in. I think this is a bit more balanced as a whole as if you are too aggressive early game there are repercussions.

As it currently is you would have way too many systems early on, especially on larger maps, to be balanced.

This makes a lot of sense to me too... the faction, as you have it, is rather OP, because of the opportunity to expand in a huge way before any other races have got wormhole tech. Also, the opening position can be so variable. I've had just 3 systems before a wormhole, or up to just over half... this can be very restricting at the beginning of a game, but to be able to ignore it, like in this idea, would be to have a hugely OP faction.

While the idea of fast travel is a good one, you'll have to nerf it with something like: colony modules cost at least double, perhaps more, to make it fair.

Some very good ideas there, but the affinity needs to be properly balanced... however, it's a project well worth pursuing. Good luck with it.
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12 years ago
Mar 29, 2013, 1:04:42 AM
Shouldn't this be in the lore or modding area?
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 11:12:00 PM
n18991c wrote:
My favourite part of your post haha smiley: stickouttongue

This humor is beyond me for some reason. Probably all that homework...
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12 years ago
Mar 27, 2013, 11:47:02 PM
(This thread is a Work In Progress. I will gradually add new things to the Original Post. Posted this on my blog as well.)

Changes in red, based on community feedback.


Credit for this faction idea goes to Digitalhawk96 and to HumanSpacer‎ - your topics on the Tohari and the Leralons factions were the spark that fired my creativity up.

Thanks guys!

This faction is a combination of 2 factors:

- my preferred playstyle - expand early, get as many enemy systems as possible without declaring war, dig in and build eco/military

- the absence of certain themes in Endless space

I give you...

The Urizen

Home Planet Type: Jungle

Diplomatic Alignment: Neutral

Gameplay: Expansion, Raiding Fleets

Main Victory Type: Military/Economic

Faction theme: a formerly great empire of sophisticated humanoids with pointy ears (first missing theme), the Urizen display strange psychic powers and a connection to hyperspace (the stuff that wormholes are made of) (second missing theme). They used to be powerful, getting what they wanted by trade or by force. Now, after a long and brutal civil war, they are reduced to a fraction of their previous strength and have specialized themselves in lighting raids at enemy territory. They are highly xenophobic and regard any other races (save the Endless) as a noble regards his peasant slaves.

Affinity - Hyperspace Awareness

The Urizen affinity would emphasize traveling and wormholes. Currently there is no race in Endless Space that has such an affinity.

It would work somewhat like this:

- Fleets don't use all Movement Points when using a Wormhole. Instead, Fleets either lose 25-50% of MP left when entering a Wormhole - added mobility early on.

- Fleets that are composed only of 1 CP ships have additional movement points (+2). Adding a 2 CP ship cuts the bonus to (+1). A 4 CP removes it totally - favors early raids on enemy territory

- If an enemy fleets uses a Wormhole within a certain radius of a Urizen-owned system, there is a chance that the Urizen will be able to see full details of the enemy fleet.

- Increased industry cost of colonization modules by up to 100% - personally I think it would too much of a nerf, but it would all come out during testing (yeah I'm a dreamer).


Exploration and Expansion tree:

- Access to Wormholes moved to the second tier, researchable with the Destroyer design (Efficient Shielding tech) - community deems this too OP, so I guess this has to go as it would really give too much of an edge.

- Access to traveling without Nodes and Wormholes also moved a tier earlier - now researched with Improved Thermodynamics

Applied Sciences tree:

- An Urizen-specific engine module - stats just as Precision Navigators (+4 MP on ship, +2 MP on fleet, +2 MP free travel), but researchable on the same tier as Non-bayronic Particles (the first +40% science improvement)

Galactic Warfare tree:

- An Urizen-specific support module - Raider Module - as long as an enemy system is blockaded, the blockading fleet leeches Dust and Science. Leech amount based on the amount of modules inside the fleet. More effective if there is a lot of 1 CP ships with one module each than if there is a 4 CP with a lot of those modules. Placed early in the tree, right after the initial upgrades.

Faction Traits

Big Fleets 2/2

Blockade Breakers 1/1

Deadly Weapons 3/3

Fast Travelers 2/2

Fragile Hulls 2/2

Merchants 2/2

Offense First 3/3

The Price of Beauty 1/3

Total: 64/65 points

The chosen traits reflect the military and mercantile heritage and the current degeneration of the race into a one that lives of piracy. They field big fleets that are powerful on the offensive, but suffer in prolonged fights or when mishandled. As pointed out by Yoalli, a negative diplomatic trait would really fit, but there isn't anything negative there now apart from Eternal War. Also there is no trait that limits population growth, this would also quite fit.


The physical appearance of an Urizen would be something like an Elf from Lord of the Rings but with energy blades and silver, ornate armor (something like Protoss Zealots from Starcraft, but silver).

The starships of the Urizen would be distinctive and beautiful, but in a menacing way. The bigger ships would have a very distinctive, wedge shape (third missing theme!), but they wouldn't have any sharp edges. They would be smooth and feature fancy arches and loops and beams across their decks and sides. Smaller ships could also have some fancy shapes, featuring trident-like fronts and dorsal fins or something like that.

The outer, ornate shells of the ships would be very dark, black almost, while the inner hulls would be a dark, glowing blue or purple.

The ships could look somewhat like this:

Small attack craft could be something like this:

Waiting for feedback!
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 6:23:43 PM
stasik28 wrote:
I'm pretty sure Eldar ship means Eldar? :P

Honestly I didn't know that ship is Eldar, I was just browsing random images at Google. Good to know smiley: biggrin

stasik28 wrote:
And it says Gameplay: Pirates, not raiders smiley: stickouttongue

Fixed smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 4:26:14 PM
Interesting faction, good to see that people are starting to create their own unique factions. I also like their affinity, because so far, we have no faction focused on fast space travel. I also think that their ships design are unique.

On the other hand, I think that their gameplay should be "raiding" and not "Pirate Fleets".
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 3:57:59 PM
Pietrak wrote:
It's intended as a friendly jest smiley: wink

And who said Eldar? The Urizen are by no means supposed to be a ripoff from Games Workshop smiley: smile

There is a distinction between pirates and raiders. Pirates ruled the Caribbean, they were lawless bandits.

Raiders on the other hand... The Viking were Raiders. They had their own culture and they focused on taking what they needed for their own development from other countries.

I'm pretty sure Eldar ship means Eldar? :P And it says Gameplay: Pirates, not raiders smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 3:57:08 PM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
Not to mention that the Harmony were part of the original Endless lore. I've been waiting for them, whatever they are lol.

My favourite part of your post haha smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 3:45:41 PM
n18991c wrote:
It's not actually rude at all to be honest, it's just an opinion. I myself think that the Harmony could have been made just a little bit more interesting because, although a good addition once it's fully implemented etc, I somehow feel there's a spark missing there, but that might just be my impression.

It is, however, an unnecessary voting option, as the Harmony will be implemented - as well they should - since they represent the Devs' vision and that's what counts here, but ah well there it is smiley: smile

Not to mention that the Harmony were part of the original Endless lore. I've been waiting for them, whatever they are lol.
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 3:36:50 PM
stasik28 wrote:
WOAH! The first option on the poll is a bit rude to the developers... And I'm not sure that Eldar Ships are a... wedge shape tbh smiley: stickouttongue. Pirate fleets and expansion don't really go well together... Pirates don't need a lot of planets, usually they hole up in an asteroid or something and go raiding away from it...

It's not actually rude at all to be honest, it's just an opinion. I myself think that the Harmony could have been made just a little bit more interesting because, although a good addition once it's fully implemented etc, I somehow feel there's a spark missing there, but that might just be my impression.

It is, however, an unnecessary voting option, as the Harmony will be implemented - as well they should - since they represent the Devs' vision and that's what counts here, but ah well there it is smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 8:41:47 AM
stasik28 wrote:
WOAH! The first option on the poll is a bit rude to the developers... And I'm not sure that Eldar Ships are a... wedge shape tbh smiley: stickouttongue. Pirate fleets and expansion don't really go well together... Pirates don't need a lot of planets, usually they hole up in an asteroid or something and go raiding away from it...

It's intended as a friendly jest smiley: wink

And who said Eldar? The Urizen are by no means supposed to be a ripoff from Games Workshop smiley: smile

There is a distinction between pirates and raiders. Pirates ruled the Caribbean, they were lawless bandits.

Raiders on the other hand... The Viking were Raiders. They had their own culture and they focused on taking what they needed for their own development from other countries.
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 7:48:44 AM
WOAH! The first option on the poll is a bit rude to the developers... And I'm not sure that Eldar Ships are a... wedge shape tbh smiley: stickouttongue. Pirate fleets and expansion don't really go well together... Pirates don't need a lot of planets, usually they hole up in an asteroid or something and go raiding away from it...
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 6:11:32 AM
Rheem wrote:

I also think early wormhole access without a downside would make it too op, usually the person who gets wormhole tech first and starts colonizing the unpopulated area wins the game.

Hm, if the early expansion was too strong then it could be toned down with increased industry cost of colonization modules. It would be the downside of the affinity. You can travel far but you can't colonize as fast as others.
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 12:19:42 AM
I think its interesting, but it kind of feels a bit cliché as far as the appearance goes, and not very distinct or well defined in that area.

I also think early wormhole access without a downside would make it too op, usually the person who gets wormhole tech first and starts colonizing the unpopulated area wins the game.

Maybe if you change the affinity to:

- Fleets don't use all Movement Points when using a Wormhole. Instead, Fleets use 25% of max move points when entering a Wormhole.

- Invasion occurs 20% slower against factions you are at war with. Enemy invasions on your systems occur 20% faster if you are at war with their faction.

And then leave the early wormhole tech in. I think this is a bit more balanced as a whole as if you are too aggressive early game there are repercussions.

As it currently is you would have way too many systems early on, especially on larger maps, to be balanced.
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