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Improve Ground combat

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12 years ago
Mar 21, 2013, 3:17:05 PM
For the Amoeba, their soldier can be some human sized armored space suit... The head should look like old diving suit, with many arms and no dead angle, beacause they are many who are driving it, because they are amoebas...

They shoud not have other races fighting for them, they want harmony not slavery...

For the ground combat system, the combat should change with the technology found on the 2 sides, how many troops they have, the races, the type of planet, the up grades built on the invaded system, etc...

The conquest should be done in at least the number of planet on the attacked system for the side who strikes, until one side falls out of troops or one side stops the hostilities...

With the same card type system, which can combine space ship intervention for the invaders, or some climatics issues known by the locals...

It can be great.

Edit: How can I delete the picture???

And for the look of the amoeba troops, they should be more organic than I suggest, with the same green smoke like their ships.
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12 years ago
Mar 22, 2013, 8:51:54 AM
When talking about ground combat, we must remember about 2 faction traits:

-Fearless Warriors

-Feeble Warriors

Currently they give only bonuses (or penalties) to system defense. They should also influence invasion power.
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12 years ago
Mar 22, 2013, 11:17:17 AM
On the Traits I personally suggest to add two mutually exclusive traits:

Space Marines: Increaces Invasion strengh 20% Decreaces System defence 10%

Planetary Militia: Increaces System defence 20% Decreaces Invasion strengh 10%

This is my idea. The problem is that a solar system cannot really be won by a short skirmish, it would have to be turn by turn invasion battles that you have to participate in; you could have yearly "besieging war plans" to influence the siege and overall battle plan, this could function as a battle formation selected before battle influencing the highlighted manual or auto battle which during that 'year' which would be the key turning point or most important battle during that 'year'. While at the same time this the 'year' plan and key battle would influence how progress is going; it could then skip along from an overall percentage of control or planet by planet control. Your turn by turn victories, draws and loses would either lessen invasion time or increase it... it could also mean that trying to invade a system might hurt your ships a little if things don't go to plan. The best thing is that it is self balancing because it will function similarly to the fleet battles as it is basically MP verses System Defense; higher MP then SD would lessen the invasion time because of the steamrolling during the battles. It doesn't have to function specifically this way... but i think it should function similarly to the way how fleet battles are going to be when the combat update comes out.

How about every time one of your systems is Attacked you can choose a "defence card" (one is chosen randomly to begin with) that provides certain bonuses(smiley: industry , smiley: food , SD) but mainly counters specific attacks from the Invaders. Invading parties however choose a "Invasion Card" when they order a Invading fleet to "attack" the system. A basic idea for this could be:


Orbital bombardment(no risk of losing MP, reduces siege time by 1%, Reduces Population by 1 when successfull)

Raid Outskirts(Ideal: reduces Siege time by 5%, reduces smiley: industry by 10%, yields 10% of systems smiley: dust production to invader ; sub-par: reduces siege time by 5%, reduces Industry by 10%, deals damage to invading fleet based on 20% of System defence; Countered: Deals damage based on 50% of SD

Fullscale invasion(Ideal: reduces Siege time by 50%, inflicts damage to Fleet based on 75% of SD - 20% population; sub-par: reduces siege time by 25%, inflicts Damage to fleet based on 25% of SD; countered: Deals damage based on 200% of SD to fleet, decreaces SD based on fleets Invasion strengh AFTER damage to fleet has been calculated)

Possible through Heroes and special modules:

Strafing run(similar to raid but with less risk, no dust and more damage dealt)

Relentless bombardment(similar to OB just more devastating)

subversive tactics(reduces SD based on Hero wit)


Underground production(boosts Industry a bit, counters Orbital bombardment, impedes Fullscale invasion)

buisness as usual(boosts food and approval, counters Subversive tactics, impedes Raids)

Call to Arms(boosts SD, decreaces smiley: fids, counters Raids and Fullscale invasion)

Possible through Improvements and heroes

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11 years ago
Apr 6, 2013, 11:36:12 AM
I like the idea of a card based 'invasion'/'defence' mechanic. The importance of both fleet-and system based heroes would be enhanced and it would add depth to the war-fighting mechanics.

On a presentation note, I think that a summary message listing casualty numbers each turn of an invasion would add some extra colour and a sense of scale to the 'population' statistics that are at present a little bland.
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2013, 5:46:24 PM
Telthes wrote:
I like the idea of a card based 'invasion'/'defence' mechanic. The importance of both fleet-and system based heroes would be enhanced and it would add depth to the war-fighting mechanics.

On a presentation note, I think that a summary message listing casualty numbers each turn of an invasion would add some extra colour and a sense of scale to the 'population' statistics that are at present a little bland.
That's how I expect it to be done up. They need a couple of different animations for space combat, and a few different ones for ground combat/invasions. I'd be okay with it.
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11 years ago
Apr 8, 2013, 8:20:37 PM

The same card system should be used , its the mark of ES, we will need some new models, ( alot of them ) Soldiers, mechas , tanks , it will give a lot of imersion to the game , and a lot of feedback from the comunity ( imagine the vote for Ameba MEcha/battlesuit )

The battle should be resolve just whit the invasion modules, and the modules must be big, i mean maybe a ship is like a city , but you need barracks, armory , academy , its very diferent a transport full of marines than a transport full of guns. ( just see the real world)
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11 years ago
Jul 5, 2013, 5:00:04 PM
I think that ground battles should be similar as space battles. Rapprochement of armies, ranges, battle cards etc. And I have some ideas.

I. Types of ground forces: 1. Infantry or Mechanized Infantry (APC's protect your soldiers from enemy fire, support infantry in combat and open fire with armored forces) for Melee. 2. Tanks or Mechs (Tanks have better defense, but Mechs have higher firepower) for Mid-Range. 3. Artillery (Regular (less vulnerable), Direct fire (higher accuracy) and AA (shoot down enemy aircrafts)) for Long Range.

II. Ground units constructor.

III. Mechanics. To capture enemy system, you need to destroy all enemy troops or force them to surrender. Battles take place on colonized planets of system. You need to occupy all planets to capture the system. Duration of planetary battle depends on morale of your and enemy troops. If morale of enemy army reaches zero, then planet becomes occupied by your forces and enemy will be forced to retreat on another planet, but if all colonized planets occupied by your forces, then enemy will be forced to surrender.

IV. Doctrines and Battle Cards already written by Yzaxtol.
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 10:32:56 PM
I just want a picture at the end, lol. To have combat like the space combat, now that would awesome.
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11 years ago
Jul 7, 2013, 8:34:48 PM
Just building on what has been said here many... MANY times... however :P

I would love to see the normal 3 phase combat system

Opening cinematic: Drop ships falling to planet, where you can see that the battle is raging throughout the planet where the battle can effectively extrapolate what the Whole invasion process on the whole planet/system is going in that phase. Here we can see the orbital cannons (showing their effect on invading dropships) firing off and your fighter/bomber squadrons fighting on the planet surface

And then the normal 3 phase combat approach (some great battle card ideas here!).

If each race had different models for tanks, infantry etc I would love to see slight mixing of your troops with allied forces to make sense to the Amoeba and Pilgrim mutual understanding advantage. Also, fighters and bombers randomly attacking the battle field would be just amazing with the orbiting ships firing down on the battle field (which could allow some interesting abilities: Signal hacking which lowers accuracy and can make bombers/orbiting fleets attack wrong targets etc.)

But definitely keep the 3 phase system as it would drag out ground combat way too much! I personally loved Imperium Galactica II but the ground combat could get tedious fast (Move tanks, kill defenses, kill remaining tanks, rinse and repeat).

The big problem here would be balancing which would require a HELLUVA lot of testing. But would be cool to see some races preferring long range weaponry (Sophons) and others focusing on swarming upclose and melee (Cravers) for instance.

What hero would be "in-charge" of planetary defenses? Having a commander as an assigned system hero? or would there be another type or two types of heroes designated to planetary invasion/defence?
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11 years ago
Jul 8, 2013, 9:19:22 AM
SpeedyGonzales wrote:
I. Types of ground forces: 1. Infantry or Mechanized Infantry (APC's protect your soldiers from enemy fire, support infantry in combat and open fire with armored forces) for Melee. 2. Tanks or Mechs (Tanks have better defense, but Mechs have higher firepower) for Mid-Range. 3. Artillery (Regular (less vulnerable), Direct fire (higher accuracy) and AA (shoot down enemy aircrafts)) for Long Range.

Why would you use any of those things if you have orbital and aerial bombardment capabilities that DON'T require you to put a man on the surface of the planet. The only thing you would ever want to put down on a planet is some elite special ops teams to take key positions.

If anything, base the ground combat around that: defensive positions (anti-aircraft guns), government buildings, and ground troops on one side. Orbital bombardment, aerial bombardment, and ground troops on the other side. Tactics cards to match.
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