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Are The Harmony Underpowered? A.K.A. Help the Harmony

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11 years ago
Sep 1, 2013, 11:19:49 PM
Its quite obvious that I was saying that that Could be how it is. If I was saying how it was, I would have said that Void Stone is correlated to the Harmony. I just stated a logical path with which the lore could be altered to accommodate such a development.

And the Canon definition that you just provided "...their ability to manipulate gravitational fields..." What a coincidence, the Harmony can do just that: Manipulate gravitons and subsequently gravitational fields. Another reason how the Harmony and the Void Stone Could be linked. Perhaps even made from the same phenomenon, and out of the same molecular structure.

I'm not saying that my suggestion should be implemented. I am simply suggesting a way to help the Harmony, which is what this thread is about.

All I found was that the Void Stone Gem has the strongest link to the Harmony, so if any luxury resource, it should be Void Stone. While their focus is on strategic resources, that is no reason why they cannot use luxury resources. Look, I'm not saying you're dead wrong, but please at least understand my perspective of trying to aid the Harmony.

btw, a strech of the imagination? Canon clearly states that they are focused completely on the Core, and their entire race is trying to achieve it. How is it so un-reasonable that they would try to live in the best place to achieve Core Rhythms?
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11 years ago
Sep 1, 2013, 11:05:51 PM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
So Void Stone, then, is a mineral native to their home. Now, the only reason the Harmony would live in the Void would be because it enhances the ability to tap into the 'Core'. The rationale behind this is that they're sole purpose is to tap into the Core, thus they would find the ideal place to do so.

That's a pretty big stretch of the imagination. Nowhere in the game does it ever states a relationship between Harmony and Void stone. Now if you really want to make that argument that's fine, but unless its part of the official canon you can't really just say that that's how it is.

Here's the description of void stone direct from the game text:

"Amethyst-colored crystal accreted around a graviton pearl that in turn contains pure anti-matter, Void Stones have enormous industrial utility. Due to their ability to manipulate gravity fields, Void Stones can be used for all manner of transport, construction, and practical jokes."

Sounds useful? Yes. Special to Harmony? Where does it say that?

I just don't see why any Harmony fix should be tie to a single luxury resource. Its already been stated that their focus is strategic resources. Why not work on enhancing the existing characteristics of Harmony, along the line of what Meedoc has already posted, instead of injecting a new element?
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11 years ago
Sep 1, 2013, 3:43:25 PM
Antera wrote:
What so special about void stones, other than that do nothing for Harmony? There's plenty of resources that do very little for Harmony and are just as forgettable. Story-wise, Harmony seems to like rocks in general. Not to mention hunting for a single resource type is a pain.

Void Stone is special, as it is the only type of gem that does nothing for the harmony. (as you mentioned, they like rocks)
EndlessSpaceWiki wrote:
They [TheHarmony] live in Voids between stars.
Harmony Wiki Page

So Void Stone, then, is a mineral native to their home. Now, the only reason the Harmony would live in the Void would be because it enhances the ability to tap into the 'Core'. The rationale behind this is that they're sole purpose is to tap into the Core, thus they would find the ideal place to do so.

And if the Void, the ideal place for using the Core, has stones, it is logical to assume that these stones have something to do with the core. Thus I proposed that if the Harmony had Void Stone, Disharmony would decrease, the Harmony could have better access to the Core, and they would be happier. While Approval may not be the best word to describe the affect as it entails happiness with regards to Government action, the Harmony would be happier.

And Hunting a specific luxury resource isn't all that hard, especially if you can trade Harmony-Worthless resources such as Blue-Cap Mold to get them from other factions.

But as nacho said, since they are an 'un-corrupted Society' it would most likely result in an empire wide effect, whether it be Disharmony reduction, Greater FIDS output (people are getting hung up on approval. The basic idea is that the more Void Stone the Harmony have the more FIDS they get), or both.
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11 years ago
Sep 1, 2013, 2:49:37 PM
What so special about void stones, other than that do nothing for Harmony? There's plenty of resources that do very little for Harmony and are just as forgettable. Story-wise, Harmony seems to like rocks in general. Not to mention hunting for a single resource type is a pain.
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11 years ago
Sep 1, 2013, 5:57:14 AM
I know, and I'm saying it would be simpler if they just reduced disharmony, instead of adding a smiley: approval system to the harmony that only mattered if you had Void Stones.
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11 years ago
Sep 1, 2013, 12:19:45 AM
Nacho wrote:
I don't know about the idea of adding a smiley: approval system to the Harmony. What if Void Stones reduced disharmony empire wide instead?

As our posts state, we are suggesting one of two things:

A) Void Stones give Harmony on an empire wide basis, and give extra bonuses to the systems where the sources are.

B) Void Stones give a flat smiley: approval bonus for the entire empire per source, without bonuses to the specific systems in which they are found.
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11 years ago
Sep 1, 2013, 12:13:24 AM
I don't know about the idea of adding a smiley: approval system to the Harmony. What if Void Stones reduced disharmony empire wide instead?
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11 years ago
Aug 30, 2013, 4:52:53 PM
Ca_Putt wrote:

Tho it could work on a per system basis: a system has an average of 1-2 gems(counting all those systems that don't have any and all those that have 6, they tend to pile up in certain systems) thus with an empire balance of 55-60 that does not actually make a difference. However those 1-3 systems with multiple deposits would be well in the 70s thus you'd have a few "happy"(+10% FI) and probably one "Ecstatic"(+20% FI) systems.

That's a good idea. +5 smiley: approval empire wide for every void stone, and maybe +10 smiley: approval for the system with the void stone. However, it is rare that void stone is found twice in one system, and a rather rare gem overall as you mentioned. So the smiley: approval bonuses may need beefed up to actually make a difference, like +7 smiley: approval empire wide per void source and +15 smiley: approval on the specific system per source. Thus an empire with 3 sources would have 71% approval on all systems and 85% on on on others (Those numbers therefore represent Happy and Fervent) But if its like this there shouldn't be any bonus for having 4 resources. That would blow things out of proportion.

Here is my signature. Anyone who wants to use it may.

Help The Harmony![/CENTER][/U]

They are unbalanced and about to fall over
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11 years ago
Aug 30, 2013, 4:15:07 PM
Yes they are underpowered IMO, they are fine in the late game, IF you get there but in the early game they are extremely suseptible to being rushed.
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11 years ago
Aug 30, 2013, 4:12:50 PM
*passing the ball back to Hawk*


You're probably right, with all those space gems and no possibility of negating it +5 per unit probably is a bit much. And voidstones being worthless to the Harmony is pretty silly.

Tho it could work on a per system basis: a system has an average of 1-2 gems(counting all those systems that don't have any and all those that have 6, they tend to pile up in certain systems) thus with an empire balance of 55-60 that does not actually make a difference. However those 1-3 systems with multiple deposits would be well in the 70s thus you'd have a few "happy"(+10% FI) and probably one "Ecstatic"(+20% FI) systems.

I had another idea but I forgot it smiley: frown

PS: @Stealth_Hawk: you mind if I copy your sig?
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