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Beta patch 1.1.15 - Balance Update

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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 7:42:59 PM
Gameslayer989 wrote:
i never realised amplitude worked in valve time... :P

That's MY joke! <_<
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11 years ago
Aug 20, 2013, 2:06:20 PM
and 6 pm CEST is when most people in england are still at work, and most people in the rest of europe have recently finished work and probably having dinner :P

No, gameslayer, shut up before you make a fool of yourself
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11 years ago
Aug 20, 2013, 2:01:38 PM
I'll try to be available for another game either tomorrow or next week smiley: smile

(but it will still start around 6 pm CEST )
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11 years ago
Aug 20, 2013, 1:53:25 PM
Yeah I won't be playing then.

You obviously had decided that you was going to play at this time some time ago, you should have either made a post about it or updated your original post to let people know you would be starting 3 hours earlier than you said.

I'm gonna stop here before I sound whiney (the damage may have already been done however smiley: stickouttongue)
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11 years ago
Aug 20, 2013, 8:27:28 AM
Hi there, we did start a public lobby but we encountered a big connectivity issue :\ I had to give up the streaming and finally I just played a few turns. After that I wasn't even able to join any game smiley: frown

Tonight I'll play on another computer which has its private connexion so it should be better! Sorry for the inconvenience and let's play tonight!
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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 8:17:57 PM
Well good thing I checked your twitter, I now know that you played the game 2 hours before you announced you would and apparently you streamed it for only 30 minutes. I smell a cop out.

Not cool guys...
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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 8:13:11 PM
So I just found out (should've checked my twitter) that the game has started about 2-3 hours early... You should start using time zone converters amplitude :P

Well, that kinda costed me 90 minutes of wait. I'm glad I did check the twitter, otherwise I'd be sitting here all night.

Sigh -_-

What about tomorrow? Will you make a game again? And if so, when?


This might help you with the "when" :P
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11 years ago
Aug 20, 2013, 2:21:27 PM
I'll play from the office, so I can't start too late. But I'll see if I can start a bit later like 7-8 pm
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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 7:39:05 PM
i never realised amplitude worked in valve time... :P
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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 7:20:52 PM
Gameslayer989 wrote:
HEY! that was my joke smiley: frown

Come on meedoc, you already owe me 2 fingers from this refresh spamming, don't cause a heart attack too!

I reserve the right to ninja any joke you make
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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 7:15:25 PM
HEY! that was my joke smiley: frown

Come on meedoc, you already owe me 2 fingers from this refresh spamming, don't cause a heart attack too!
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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 7:08:04 PM
About this LP that you promised us Meedoc...

remember to not set the room to "private" by accident ;P

I'm already spamming the refresh button :3
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11 years ago
Aug 18, 2013, 11:21:54 PM
No changes to combat mechanics or modules were made in the xml files from 1.1.15 to 1.1.17.

I ran some quick tests of deflection and it seems it acts on a per shot basis, so mitigation is pretty small.

Weapon mix to keep your opponent "honest" and using all three defenses is: 1 SR Kinetic:2 ML Laser: 3 LR Missile.

No idea about weapon/defense/armor balance.
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11 years ago
Aug 18, 2013, 8:57:58 PM

I enjoyed Thuvian's and Meedoc's interesting discussion, but the most important thing was skipped, as Thuvian said:

thuvian wrote:

The first problem is that it lacks face validity. Face validity is the idea that what you would expect to happen, does happen. An example of failing face validity are FPS games where you can shoot your normal, unarmed human opponents in the head with a huge gun, and it fails to kill them. Maintaining face validity is important, especially when it comes to the casual player, who doesn't have the time or interest to do massive calculations or deep searches into game mechanics. As it stands, a casual player designing ships will NOT come to the correct conclusions about which weapons to use and how much damage they should expect their weapons to do.

The second problem is that experienced players don't know how to figure out which weapons are best either. Make some predictions about what type of weapons should go onto a destroyer to kill destroyers, battleships, and dreadnaughts. We'll see how those pan out.

Now, I love this refresh of the 4x genre, my first was Civ1 in highschool (yep, I'm THAT old), and since I went on to Paradox, other Civs, TW etc. And I certainly love this game as well. And still, for the first time, I find myself rushing to dev threads, searching XML files, and having to perform controlled experiments. A bit of complicated calculations are actually fine by themselves, but numerous different calculations intertwining and lack of clear-cut explanation of the mechanics is not enhancing the tactics or strategy of the game, it's simply adding chaotic accounting to the game. I'm creating a ship, and then I remember that I forgot one factor or another, so I recalc, and do something, and then I try to complement with other ships to account for other calculations, for instance after creating good battle vessels, I go on to creating ships that spam their lower power firepower to exploit the evasionDisorientation. And I am using the word exploit, because that is actually the feeling I get when I devise a fleet that is aware of the calculations I know of, I don't feel like a strategist, I feel like an engineer that exploited a formula.

So at this point I have to get back to something I said a few sentences ago, this is a great game, combining nicely different subgenres of strategy and developing on them to produce a refreshing strategy game that I hope will have the success of the legacies I mentioned, but it would be easier to enjoy it if it maybe get some better in-game documentation (hyper-linked endless-o-pedia? smiley: smile ), and get something nearing the "face validity" Thuvian defined. I don't know if it's feasible, so maybe just keep it in mind for Endless Space 2? smiley: smile

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11 years ago
Aug 16, 2013, 6:36:06 PM
LordReynolds wrote:
Sso, i call this a sower and harmony help patch, i am looking forward to test the impact tolerant colony creep has for harmony now. perhaps they finally can get out of the early game slump.

As for sowers: yay. about time.
Hopefully the bugfix gets packaged in soon so I can actually test the tolerant change (still being bugged for me if it's supposed to be fixed)
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11 years ago
Aug 16, 2013, 5:24:40 PM
Sso, i call this a sower and harmony help patch, i am looking forward to test the impact tolerant colony creep has for harmony now. perhaps they finally can get out of the early game slump.

As for sowers: yay. about time.
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