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[Suggestion] extra effects of Craver locusts.

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13 years ago
May 13, 2012, 5:55:20 AM
I wish terraforming projects were something that happened in the background. You'd designate your chosen target, and it would just occur over time. 'Positive' terraforms (more habitable) would sap resource as they went on representing the drain of the terraforming project; 'negative' terraforms (less habitable) would grant bonuses representing the resources freed up by not having to worry about ecological effects. That would also give a potential alternate form for the locust points: They automatically terraform every planet to Arid, then to Desert, then to Barren. As the planet gets worse, the bonuses from the negative terraforming accelerate, but the final product is a barren planet that you can't terraform back to something decent. The best you could do would be to turn the Barren planet to a Lava world (as I wouldn't imagine the Locust Points would terraform across specific classes: Tundra would go to Desert, and Lava wouldn't revert to Barren.)

This would also let other races 'restore' used up Craver planets by terraforming them positively.
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13 years ago
May 13, 2012, 5:50:55 AM
Rather you would need to have them make the planet into a "husk", because a barren could just be reterraformed. A "husk" would have little or no value.
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