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13 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 4:48:31 PM
idolord wrote:

need an aspirin ? lol

Not yet, just more tea. Lots more tea. Bwaaaaainz... *cough* Sorry, my zombie-like tea-craving set in, again.
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13 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 4:50:43 PM
edited my last message i can't answer on those thread are they locked ?


i'll get you some sweet brain-tea. i'm pretty confident you'll get feed of it smiley: stickouttongue

latest edit: it could be cool to have it as an individual sticked thread.
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13 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 5:02:43 PM
idolord wrote:
edited my last message i can't answer on those thread are they locked ?


i'll get you some sweet brain-tea. i'm pretty confident you'll get feed of it smiley: stickouttongue

latest edit: it could be cool to have it as an individual sticked thread.

The archive is locked for posting.

The idea is to reduce the numbers of threads in this forum to an amount everyone with an hour of time can browse to get a complete picture of at least all the areas of suggestions that were posted and can click himself through all the archived ideas if he wants to know more details.

But as you can see, I've already moved 90+ threads into the archives and I didn't even start moving threads with more than one suggestion there. smiley: alder
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13 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 5:22:10 PM
that's right there is a lot of multi proposition threads around here. I even started one myself ... you'll see (edit: you did see smiley: stickouttongue would be more exact). i don't know if you plan to merge somehow thread that's cover the same subject if you do so...

here are my single proposition threads

neutrals and possible utility

mission system

and anyway: Nice work! keep going ... this is the awesome game ever (and i played a lot of space-civ, before endless space their were only Ascendancy (Ms Dos 1995) witch was a good space-civ) (if you have some free time, give it a try).
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13 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 5:27:41 PM
I start from the oldest submitted threads, take all propositions out of the page that are single-propositions and not lists, sweep through the whole rest of the proposals section and link+move everything alike to the archives.

I'm not going to merge them, since this would severely upset the points of a lot of users and the threads wouldn't make sense anymore, since the order of the posts in the merged threads is only due to the time of the post.
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13 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 5:48:31 PM
that's right peoples how care want their rep (i prefer having a good game lol)

i must admit that i often have trouble browsing through the forum for threads that are meaningful to me.
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13 years ago
Jul 20, 2012, 1:31:37 AM

System Invasion reports


Without changing how system conquest works, you could add a report much like science or hero


This would then open window with still frame report which could contain the following elements

-Estimated turns at current strength to completion

-Improvements in the system that impact the battle (bonuses to defense etc.)

- Names of any heroes involved on both sides and the bonuses they are giving.

- Any racial traits that impact the combat good or bad - like the enemy is fearless or we

detect the opportunity for rebellion etc.

- Introduce possible random events to aid one side or the other would be good as well for


For bonus it would be nice to have custom stills for each Faction to use.

Adding voice (not wierd alien noises) to give the reports would be very nice

Having any sort of animation even more so - like perhaps a cut seen of the two races battling -

could be generic even.

As reports they could be ignored by those who do not need or care to see them and be available

to those who do.


Discovery of resources and estimates of population or production


As mentioned elsewhere part of the immersion factor of the game is taken away by instantly

knowing where resources are after discovery even in systems you do not have colonized or within

an influence zone.

- Perhaps later change this so that scanners / sensors and their chain of improvements and

events that impact them are more useful - in that these are needed to update what is in systems

or if this would add too much complexity for record keeping then they are required for updated

information on a system not your own or within your influence.

Also to provide information on enemy systems (allied ones as well) you would need or benefit

from a scout ship or having them equiped in a fleet somewhere. This could give you information

on estimated population (or actual), special resources (with out them you do not find out until

you take the system or are allied.


Galactic News


I add my vote to something like this at some point.

As mentioned perhaps only mention specifics about factions you have met.

News to include would be:

- Special events like Nova's or other stellar event.

- Battle results of the known race vs other races (if both are known then general results of

both. Not things like specifics of military points or Command points but just the outcome or

the use of a ship class you do not possess - such as Dreadnaught or something if you only have

Cruisers. Details can be voted on but just an update that a battle happened and which side one

(not how many battles but the system they occurred in if it involved more than a certain amount

of CP.)

Or when a system of their falls and to whom if known or ...unknown if not met yet.

- perhaps some cut scenes for certain events that reports the even and the systems impacted



Space battle reports


Perhaps an expancded after action report much like now but if you have say a ship equiped with

scanners in the battle you can potentially get more information such as estimated tech level of

the weapons (or at least if they are further advanced than your own technology) If the ships

had extra tonnage or if the race benefited from certain trait special such as snipers etc.

Again as reports so that they could be reviewed or not.


I should add I like the random events expanded to exploration events or involving wormhole

travel or direct system to system travel without warp lines or wormholes that could occur that

make this sort of thing of interest and worth pursuing.

Also the idea of relics or other specials that are unique and not always in a game.


Along the lines of improving use of scanners or scout modules - perhaps the chance that without

them equipped a large enough or stealth equipped fleet could destroy a small fleet of a single

cruiser or equivelant CP value fleet, without a battle -and with a battle report saying only

that contact had been lost in this system.

I think this would have emersive value as well as help with min/maxing destroyer hulls /



This is probably enough or too much.
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 7:46:44 AM
Zep' wrote:
- sounds in space. No more "pew pew" in the void of space

Hahaha... I spewed milk through my nose tentacle into my faceplate.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 9:03:02 PM
Are You kidding ? 2.5c speed - this is game about exploring GALAXY not 1/1000 of it - to nearest star is like 4,22 light-year, with this speed You will travel more then 1,5 y. How much is to have one turn? 1, 10, 100 years?
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 9:07:41 PM
I just decided on a random slow speed as an example, I don't care if we go sub light for our first colonization, it doesn't matter. I was asking about the movement of stellar bodies.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 11:27:39 PM
Interesting. I like the idea. You could also use it to an advantage in battles. Say you have 2 ships and the enemy has 2 ships. Your ships are better equipped, but the planet has a large amount of defenses on one side. You could wait for the defenses to be on the other side before attacking. It would add an interesting new feature to gameplay.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 11:41:47 PM
I do not agree. I do not see the point about having the galaxy map slowly rotating just for the pleasure of having it rotating. If a planet is at a given position when I begin the game, I want it to be at the same position later, not wasting time looking for it.

Besides, I do not think they plan to have a "real" representation of a solar system so its rotation is not relevant.

You could wait for the defenses to be on the other side before attacking. It would add an interesting new feature to gameplay.

Way too much micro management. I prefer the KISS concept : Keep it simple, stupid smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 12:27:49 AM
Well, that is why I brought up the issue. I'm downright sick of how simplistic most people portray the universe, it's quite frankly stupid to have a map of something that is constantly moving not represent that fact.

It's like having a pirate game, set in the Caribbean, but not having the flow of both wind and current - it doesn't properly represent the subject matter and does not live up to it's potential.

I'd want my orbital defense systems to actually go around the planet, and my stars to move... all that jazz. Presumably we would be able to give names and mark landmarks on our maps, so it's not like we would need to hunt for the planet, just know it's name. Not to mention that in a galaxy conquering game, you really should have a quick and easy search tool that will get you to any ships, stations, planets, or landmarks that comes at the press of a button. Perhaps vi's traditional, "/" for search would be a good hotkey for such a tool.
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 2:05:23 AM
Zep' wrote:
Way too much micro management. I prefer the KISS concept : Keep it simple, stupid smiley: smile

If i wanted dumbed down, i'd play Halo or COD. I don't want my STRATEGY game to be so simple my dog can play it. And the rotating is not just for the pleasure of it rotating, it has practical uses and drawbacks, giving more a sense of immersion.

Besides, I do not think they plan to have a "real" representation of a solar system so its rotation is not relevant.

Fact: All space has the same characteristics, so a solar system in ES should look and act like an actual solar system.
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 6:03:48 AM
I think this would take it all to far. Just lets presume the explorers takes this into consideration as they move around and thus calculate for where the stellar bodies will be in the time required to get there.

I sincerely does hope they know how to calculate movement through physics or they are very crafty indead with all their advanced technology yet know knowledge of how things work...

Also, the entire worm-hole-thingy. Just think of the universe as an expanding balloon where our known universe is the surface of that balloon and the wormholes are shortcuts straight through the balloon. So the warp-lanes are stable enough.
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 6:08:28 AM
I'm going to assume if this is implemented they will make something to calculate where that stellar body will be.
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 6:11:25 AM
which would allow for 'hidden' or 'lost' planets that you would need to find the coordinates for or they would be forever lost in the vastness of space...

... yeah I like that idea. But still think it can be inferred rather than built into the game engine. Playing a game is not supposed to make my head hurt.
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 6:17:43 AM
Thus, the tool. The planets would orbit and rotate and move, but all this would be tracked and information on the planets rotation and orbit could be placed in a side bar sort of thing. It could tell you which side of the planit you would arrive and where it would be in its orbit.
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 7:17:20 AM
Frankly, what does it give you?

Any competent defensive planner knows about planetary rotation and hence protects from all sides.

I don't mind adding a layer of complexity, but it should bring something more into the game than just a nice rotating figure...

And frankly, Micro-management is usually the death of any 4x game. The only ones who really enjoy the micro-management are usually very hardcore people and not the mass of the gaming community.
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 7:30:58 AM
Danne wrote:
If i wanted dumbed down, i'd play Halo or COD. I don't want my STRATEGY game to be so simple my dog can play it. And the rotating is not just for the pleasure of it rotating, it has practical uses and drawbacks, giving more a sense of immersion.

First the game will be turn based. So I can' have a real time representation of a universe while you are playing on a turn based game.

Then, you can't take in consideration all thing that are not "real", like

- superluminal speed (which is basically impossible because in order to be faster than light your mass must be 0

- sounds in space. No more "pew pew" in the void of space smiley: frown

- laser beam which are slow enough for us to see it coming from the cannon to the target (yeah this is light, so it must be somewhat superfast normally)

- etc...

This is just a game which must be playable, and enjoyable by humans smiley: smile

Fact: All space has the same characteristics, so a solar system in ES should look and act like an actual solar system.

Fact : this is how they want to represent a solar system in game...
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