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Troop transport mods for ships and population cost of invasions

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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 4:20:43 PM
I don't either, but i have read from people who do, and basically it allows them to cross galaxy in a turn or two, so it is still very important.
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 4:39:11 PM
suth2436 wrote:
I agree with this, but I also find the fact that any fleet, of any size, with any offensive power what-so-ever can invade a system. It makes all the invasion mods you can put on your ships seem kind of superfluous.

That's not exactly true. If a planet's invasion strength is strong enough, a weak fleet gains NO ground in the invasion (I have seen this happen).

Further, invasion mods can greatly slow down an invasion. I have seen fleets need 15 turns to take a planet, and in that time if you can't build a counter fleet to stop the invaders then they have earned the planet.

Now, I could see the case made that the high end invasion defenses are too expensive (I never get them myself), but at least in early game I think the stealth structures building gives a decent amount of strength to do the job.
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 1:32:16 PM
Stalker0 wrote:
I don't see the need for the micromanagement myself

I agree with this, but I also find the fact that any fleet, of any size, with any offensive power what-so-ever can invade a system. It makes all the invasion mods you can put on your ships seem kind of superfluous. Honestly, I think that it should be impossible to invade a system without the use of ships using invasion modules. That way you don't need to micromanage transports back and forth, but you still need to make tactical and strategic considerations when attacking systems, possibly requiring multiple fleets, one of "escorts" and one of "invaders."
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 11:36:28 AM
przemekxyz wrote:
My piont was that war will cost population converted in troops when player building this marines pods on ships. Players will be carefull what system to attack when they must pay by population.

That wasn't evident to me in your first post, either, but I've changed the title to accomodate to your suggestion.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 5:04:25 PM
I don't see the need for the micromanagement myself, invasion is one of the concepts I like about ES as is. And it makes sense, in a Space game, once you control space you are going to win. A seperate invasion portion isn't necessary imo.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 4:53:03 PM
Its like starwars, the ships can literally park 20 ft away from the ground and start shooting things.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 4:46:44 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
But all ships can invade, technically even scouts.

FinalStrigon wrote:
There's already an Invasion Mod, though, that deal with troops. "Trooper Defensives", unlocked by the Entangled System research node in the north tree. The text says it is better defenses for the soldiers, again implying that they're already on board. I just don't think we need a separate mod to give ships additional soldiers.

You both are right but i am suggesting that we should useing population from our planets (that will be cost of troop pods) to take control of enemy systems. If fleet have no these troop pods they can only bombard system destroying some pop and buildings each tour or destroying one planet at the system each tour. Sorry i should write that at the begining. smiley: frown
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 4:30:33 PM
przemekxyz wrote:
I am suggesting troops mods that take 50 space on ship and that is up to you if you will build ship with only fast engines and 2 or more troop mods or you will install this troop mod on your battleship and take less weapons.

There's already an Invasion Mod, though, that deal with troops. "Trooper Defensives", unlocked by the Entangled System research node in the north tree. The text says it is better defenses for the soldiers, again implying that they're already on board. I just don't think we need a separate mod to give ships additional soldiers.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 4:25:26 PM
But all ships can invade, technically even scouts.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 4:24:12 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
When you build a ship, I imagine the ship already gets a full crew. So any ships designed for invasions would already have a large number of Marines on board, aside from the normal complement for security/boarding parties/etc. Adding in another ship just to carry around soldiers seems pointless...Especially since that's it's only purpose, those ships would be prime targets for enemy vessels, as they would lack the guns and armor of warships.

I am suggesting troops mods that take 50 space on ship and that is up to you if you will build ship with only fast engines and 2 or more troop mods or you will install this troop mod on your battleship and take less weapons.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 3:26:30 PM
Marines / troops could be transported on mods installed on ships. It will be like colony ship mod that you can put on ship. These marines mods will cost 1 colonist and some industry and will be eg. 50 tons each. New tech gives new marrines mods that means more powerfull marines. After using marines mod ship will have empty space in place of mod so that ship could be retrofit and used again as marines carrier.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 4:18:58 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
But having to return to full up my transports?

But this is my point - in that situation players will have to chose if they are building big ships with many troop pods or small but very fast ships that can go quickly for reinforcements. In my opinion need for increasing speed of ships and need of useing better engines is very bad right now - eg. when i was playing i never used better tech engines coz for me it was tottaly waste of space on ships that can be used for weapons or something else.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 4:11:57 PM
When you build a ship, I imagine the ship already gets a full crew. So any ships designed for invasions would already have a large number of Marines on board, aside from the normal complement for security/boarding parties/etc. Adding in another ship just to carry around soldiers seems pointless...Especially since that's it's only purpose, those ships would be prime targets for enemy vessels, as they would lack the guns and armor of warships.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 4:07:34 PM
But having to return to full up my transports? Ugh, i don't like it.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 4:05:11 PM
When you are buiding colony ship civilian population is transfered to colonists simply by instaling colony mod (it cost 1 pop. and some industry) on ship. The same will be with troops mod installed on ships (one troop mod cost 1 pop and industry) so it will be quite easy.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 4:01:09 PM
I am not sure I approve of the micromanagement.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 3:52:14 PM
But your not using civilians, your using military personnel.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 3:48:58 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
There is no need, most if not all ships are capable of landing on enemy worlds to unload troops, so all ships already come with this.

My piont was that war will cost population converted in troops when player building this marines pods on ships. Players will be carefull what system to attack when they must pay by population.
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