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"Science" after all research is done

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12 years ago
Feb 24, 2013, 12:48:54 PM
wallenstein wrote:
However, a solution might be to add "future techs 1,2,..." like Civ did, with minor benefits on each...

That's what Mitchell and I said.
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12 years ago
Feb 24, 2013, 12:08:03 PM
Are there really enemies left when you finished research? Or you probably play on very large maps? I think the game is supposed to be over then. And I think most of the challenge is gone. However, a solution might be to add "future techs 1,2,..." like Civ did, with minor benefits on each...
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12 years ago
Feb 24, 2013, 10:49:06 AM
Mitchell wrote:
However want if we look at games like Civilization when you hit the end of the tree the last one is repeatable and will give of extra plus, maybe a lot of Dust, maybe a free ship with some random upgrades to help in combat not sure. But it’s still an idea that can turned into something maybe?

Or maybe you get +1smiley: approval in every system each time you research it. Would be funny to have a recently conquered system without any approval buildings but with 100smiley: approval. smiley: biggrin

But the idea of a repititive research isn't bad. But how should this be implemented since we have 4 tech trees?
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12 years ago
Feb 23, 2013, 10:52:18 PM
As Science is one of the victorys if you have that one turned on then you would win, however you do have a point for games that go past this point as it’s not set to be a victory.

Both your ideas are ok, you would save a lot of dust by deleting all them upgrades.

However want if we look at games like Civilization when you hit the end of the tree the last one is repeatable and will give of extra plus, maybe a lot of Dust, maybe a free ship with some random upgrades to help in combat not sure. But it’s still an idea that can turned into something maybe?
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