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11 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 2:26:55 PM
metaldream wrote:
Can I add more to the stuff I would like to see beside espionage(spies and counter-intelligence) smiley: biggrin

*allies can coordinate attacks against enemy (I can set tartget, or my ally(A.I.), and know which planet to attack)

*making a federetaion or some sort of alliance where you and your allies could share money together, for example: 25% of your dust will go to allies, and vice-versa. Maybe OP, but you get the idea smiley: smile

I think these would make a great addition to the game smiley: smile

I especially like these ideas. I normally am very reluctant to join an alliance but these would make them a lot more useful. smiley: approval It would also make adventure heroes useful.
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11 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 1:02:34 AM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Let's just summarize: Desperation drives people to make the weirdest alliances one can imagine.

Not just desperation, the Crusades united all of (Catholic) Europe even though they had their own wars going on to reclaim the "Holy Land"
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11 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 1:43:19 AM
stasik28 wrote:
Not just desperation, the Crusades united all of (Catholic) Europe even though they had their own wars going on to reclaim the "Holy Land"
Sure, but nothing like that is happening in my game. It's a weird dynamic. The whole diplomacy aspect of the game has to be reworked and fleshed out. Again, that needs to have it's own expansion, and if it comes with some other minor additions and perks, I know I'd pay without any complaints. I think with some additions, re-working and updates, ES can be the clear winner in the genre for years to come.
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11 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 1:43:47 AM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
Alliance mechanics need a major Overhaul (maybe)

1) Allied fleet support/joint military operations

2) Joint research capabilities

3) Allied victory conditions

Just to name a few

These are good points, specially "allied victory conditions". I like them.
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11 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 4:45:36 AM
Nasarog wrote:
Sure, but nothing like that is happening in my game. It's a weird dynamic. The whole diplomacy aspect of the game has to be reworked and fleshed out. Again, that needs to have it's own expansion, and if it comes with some other minor additions and perks, I know I'd pay without any complaints. I think with some additions, re-working and updates, ES can be the clear winner in the genre for years to come.

Imagine if in game, you have like 3 UE fighting, and like... a planet named Earth (just as example) is attacked by like, cravers.... and they all unite to kill the cravers
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11 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 5:42:58 AM
Or like if the US and USSR during the cold war decided to instead of pointing the guns at each-other, to instead shoot everybody else in the room.........which they kinda did.

The problem here for the AI is that if their guns end up empty or their 'friend' points to shoot at them first, it's game over.
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11 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 9:17:43 AM
Can I add more to the stuff I would like to see beside espionage(spies and counter-intelligence) smiley: biggrin

*allies can coordinate attacks against enemy (I can set tartget, or my ally(A.I.), and know which planet to attack)

*making a federetaion or some sort of alliance where you and your allies could share money together, for example: 25% of your dust will go to allies, and vice-versa. Maybe OP, but you get the idea smiley: smile

*able to make weaker faction in the game your "vasal" state. Let's say enemy or neutral faction is left with only 3-4 planets, and you are much stronger than they are. You can propose to make them part of your empire, as in, they will work for you (give you money, share sicence and industiral potention) and you offer them protection instead, or simply you are offering them a way to survive and not to be destroyed by you smiley: biggrin

*make influence matters even more, if your influence ring extends ove enemies colony or outpost, they can make popullation of that planet like you more and rebel against their current owners and join your empire. Maybe sowers and cravers are to be immune to this effect?

*also making a.i. to think better is always a must.

I think these would make a great addition to the game smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 1:22:04 PM
stasik28 wrote:
Imagine if in game, you have like 3 UE fighting, and like... a planet named Earth (just as example) is attacked by like, cravers.... and they all unite to kill the cravers

Sure, that would make sense. Now if these 3 factions for some reason killed off 2 U.E. faction within their alliance that would sorta make sense. But, U.E./Sheredyn joining forces with Hissho to kill other U.E./Sheredyn factions and not one another is a little harder to stomach. No?

Igncom1 wrote:
Or like if the US and USSR during the cold war decided to instead of pointing the guns at each-other, to instead shoot everybody else in the room.........which they kinda did.

The problem here for the AI is that if their guns end up empty or their 'friend' points to shoot at them first, it's game over.

Except that hardly happens in ES, if it did, it would make sense. That's where espionage comes in. You try to find the hole sin their armor and cause a rift between them.

metaldream wrote:
Can I add more to the stuff I would like to see beside espionage(spies and counter-intelligence) smiley: biggrin

*allies can coordinate attacks against enemy (I can set tartget, or my ally(A.I.), and know which planet to attack)

*making a federetaion or some sort of alliance where you and your allies could share money together, for example: 25% of your dust will go to allies, and vice-versa. Maybe OP, but you get the idea smiley: smile

*able to make weaker faction in the game your "vasal" state. Let's say enemy or neutral faction is left with only 3-4 planets, and you are much stronger than they are. You can propose to make them part of your empire, as in, they will work for you (give you money, share sicence and industiral potention) and you offer them protection instead, or simply you are offering them a way to survive and not to be destroyed by you smiley: biggrin

*make influence matters even more, if your influence ring extends ove enemies colony or outpost, they can make popullation of that planet like you more and rebel against their current owners and join your empire. Maybe sowers and cravers are to be immune to this effect?

*also making a.i. to think better is always a must.

I think these would make a great addition to the game smiley: smile

All good ideas, and something that I would assume would be included in an expansion fleshing out diplomacy and espionage, except for the A.I. thing. I would hope that with each expansion and update they tweak the A.I. to play better, and not cheat.
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11 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 2:14:16 PM
metaldream wrote:
Can I add more to the stuff I would like to see beside espionage(spies and counter-intelligence) smiley: biggrin

*allies can coordinate attacks against enemy (I can set tartget, or my ally(A.I.), and know which planet to attack)

*making a federetaion or some sort of alliance where you and your allies could share money together, for example: 25% of your dust will go to allies, and vice-versa. Maybe OP, but you get the idea smiley: smile

*able to make weaker faction in the game your "vasal" state. Let's say enemy or neutral faction is left with only 3-4 planets, and you are much stronger than they are. You can propose to make them part of your empire, as in, they will work for you (give you money, share sicence and industiral potention) and you offer them protection instead, or simply you are offering them a way to survive and not to be destroyed by you smiley: biggrin

*make influence matters even more, if your influence ring extends ove enemies colony or outpost, they can make popullation of that planet like you more and rebel against their current owners and join your empire. Maybe sowers and cravers are to be immune to this effect?

*also making a.i. to think better is always a must.

I think these would make a great addition to the game smiley: smile

All of those are good, and some are explanations of what I said. Save the Alliance Mechanism! lol jk
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11 years ago
Apr 26, 2013, 2:11:24 PM
Nasarog wrote:
That could be in another expansion, but a temporary work around would be a re-evaluation of the alliance when it automatically expires every 30 turns (arbitrary#). If one member significantly benefits from the alliance, then the other member/s would be suspicious as relations would adjust the way they normally do.

Stealth_Hawk wrote:
Alliance mechanics need a major Overhaul (maybe)

1) Allied fleet support/joint military operations

2) Joint research capabilities

3) Allied victory conditions

Just to name a few

Both these suggestions make far more sense than the status quo as is... I hope the devs are watching and they take them up to improve this part of the game...
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11 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 4:32:03 PM
Nasarog wrote:
Except that hardly happens in ES, if it did, it would make sense. That's where espionage comes in. You try to find the hole sin their armor and cause a rift between them.

Well like I said, they are both currently rebounding off the diplomatic benefits of fighting the same enemy, riding it forward, but once that runs out the hate gained by having close proximity systems should start a war.

So yea, rebounding off the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" to keep the alliance going, whether or not the AI knows of this or not, that's most likely is what is happening.
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11 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 9:47:02 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
Well like I said, they are both currently rebounding off the diplomatic benefits of fighting the same enemy, riding it forward, but once that runs out the hate gained by having close proximity systems should start a war.

So yea, rebounding off the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" to keep the alliance going, whether or not the AI knows of this or not, that's most likely is what is happening.

I think that just happened in my game, but it took too long. The Cravers were vanquished a long time ago, and this alliance kept steam rolling everyone. The reason I was safe is that I had all kinds of agreements with them, but now all that is up. I am trying to figure out how I'll win this bad boy.
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11 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 10:13:57 PM
If you can blockade their dust systems, you could make their fleets disband due to the lack of funding.
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11 years ago
Apr 29, 2013, 12:08:21 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
If you can blockade their dust systems, you could make their fleets disband due to the lack of funding.

If it came down to it, I would start scrapping improvements before ships in a time of war. But thats just me.
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11 years ago
Apr 29, 2013, 12:57:24 AM
Nasarog wrote:
I think that just happened in my game, but it took too long. The Cravers were vanquished a long time ago, and this alliance kept steam rolling everyone. The reason I was safe is that I had all kinds of agreements with them, but now all that is up. I am trying to figure out how I'll win this bad boy.

Well, I don`t know if they fixed this bug, but the AI don't seem to attack systems.. I saw this LONG ago so it might be fixed... but the AI are most pretty horrible. The best you can do is create fortress-planets on your outer edges by adding a lot of planetary defenses and ship production bonuses. And can you send me that save? :P I want to play that desperate situation smiley: wink sounds fun
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11 years ago
Apr 29, 2013, 1:34:47 AM
stasik28 wrote:
Well, I don`t know if they fixed this bug, but the AI don't seem to attack systems.. I saw this LONG ago so it might be fixed... but the AI are most pretty horrible. The best you can do is create fortress-planets on your outer edges by adding a lot of planetary defenses and ship production bonuses. And can you send me that save? :P I want to play that desperate situation smiley: wink sounds fun
I play on a MAC, you?
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11 years ago
Apr 29, 2013, 5:05:02 AM
Ah yea, I forgot... I'm have windows... do they really have too big of differences? smiley: frown
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11 years ago
Apr 29, 2013, 12:00:25 PM
stasik28 wrote:
Ah yea, I forgot... I'm have windows... do they really have too big of differences? smiley: frown

Yes, no maybe? To be honest, you'd have to ask the dev's because I'm not sure what differences there are in the ports.
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11 years ago
Apr 26, 2013, 5:22:57 AM
What a stalemate or Mutually Assured Destruction?.........or both?

Also how would you gauge a stalemate? Would it being allied to everyone else for long enough that the game finally declarers that a galactic federation if forming? Or that a never-ending passive aggressive cold war has occurred?
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11 years ago
Apr 25, 2013, 8:27:50 PM
Actually, I just wish all the other AI players would realize what the two strongest factions are doing and band together in a 6 on 2 alliance.

But I see your point. More espionage than 'Science leaking' should be in the game.

P.S. Game Design proposal thread?
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