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Summary of suggestions so far - Discussion

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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 7:19:31 AM
This is really the place to link your threads, not to explain your ideas.

Anyway, I just started a new thread on the subject of streamlining the engine system and I would appreciate it if it was added to the list if you think it is worthy.


I will continue to put my creativity to work making this the best space 4x game ever!

Edit: I was responding to drazgo, and I also want to thank you for putting in the effort of running this thread =)
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 10:10:29 AM
SubSeven wrote:
Improvement of Sound in Battles. More impact/ sound changes per weapon level

In Battle Weapon Graphics change/per level

Current battle system brings some "fresh air" (i.e. it is different from what I am used to). It is promising but it should have a much wider range of sound and video effects depending on the strategy chosen. The player should clearly have the impression that his choices have an impact on the battle (defense/offense/weapons chosen/...).
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 2:23:57 PM
thelovebat wrote:
A few things for the audio department

Its been mentioned a few times before in a few other threads, but combat chatter amongst your ships would make a great addition and go well with the cinematics of the combat. It would also help represent the status of individual ships and how they're faring in the fight or if they're close to being destroyed.

I'd also like it if they implemented some voice overs for galactic events, like coming across an alien race for the first time or settling your first planet outside your home system, those different in-game events.

And something that isn't really needed but would be interesting to consider is having remixed tracks of some of the music/songs in the game at release, and being given the choice in the options menu to turn remixed music tracks on and off, or to customize which tracks you'd rather have play on loop in game or to mute certain tracks. Since as of right now there aren't actually any voice overs in the game, the audio is dominated almost solely by the background music, along with having clicking sound effects and the somewhat subtle sound effects heard in combat. Remixed versions of the menu music, combat music, and General UI music would add some variety and make subsequent playthroughs of the game seem less repetitive (since there aren't race specific music themes that play from what I've seen).

Has been added here smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 5:18:15 PM
drazgo wrote:
Some things to add to the list:


Targeting: I have noticed repeatedly that the AI will first target and destroy my capital ships while my ships focus on the smaller ships first. This would be better served if it were more random or better yet, give us the option to focus/direct fire prior to combat. Three combat options would probably be sufficient: Capital, Wide Field of Fire (shoot at everything), or Small ship focus. Also, splitting of the focus of fire on ships would be helpful as well... currently its a 1 to 1 ship to ship combat. And since you don't need 15 missiles shooting at a single target in most cases (see below), allowing ships with missile and beam/kinetic weapons mixes becomes more feasible. But there is no point to doing the hybrid weapon mixes if missiles and projectiles/beams all go for the same target.

Focus Fire or selecting target either before or during combat has been suggested

Missiles: Fix for the phantom missile deaths of ships. Ships getting blasted before they launch their payload (or appear to launch, not sure of the actual game mechanic here) means I shouldn't watch part of my fleet get blown up suddenly while doing my victory lap.

This sound like a a bug and needs to be looked at by Dev team.

Missiles: There doesn't seem to be a real way to diffuse missile frigates... You either have to go full out flak or it doesn't do any good. I've outfitted my ships with partial flak capabilities, watch them destroy half or more of the incoming missiles only to watch them die anyway. Missiles to me just seem to be overly powerful in a kamakazi kind of way. Doesn't matter if they die, they will always destroy any ship that doesn't have enough flak to diffuse 100% of the incoming missiles. I've only had a few dreadnought's survive a missile onslaught and they were heavily geared towards defence (lots of flak and armour) but even so, they still lost half their life from just a couple of missiles making it through. Basically this combined with the Phantom Missile syndrome means I can pump out scores of cheap missile frigates (destroyers), and not care if they get shot down or not. I can just fill the skies with them and rain missile death from beyond the grave at all those capital ships of my enemies (as most will not have 10x+ flak).

You need to balance your ships and improve your tech by upgrading your fleet once apprioate research done, as I have no problem on this issue.

Missile Defence: That said... I thought I would be clever and outfit a bunch of Corvette class ships with FLAK to defend my larger capital ships... you know, like in the real world when carriers are escorted by cruiser's and destroyer's... Alas, FLAK only covers the ship that has them from missile attacks... they do nothing to support your other ships in fleet. Giving us another module to project cover from support ships would go a long way in the role of fleet mechanics and combat overall.

You have the tech from research to develop support ships however specific mods will be added to the list.

Wormholes: Instructing my fleets to go to a particular system sends them running through the starlanes burning up their movement points before deciding to actually enter the wormhole and go where I want them to. I need my fleets to move according to my instructions, not take a joyride through the galaxy.

Suggestion Added to the list.

Interdiction: It's been said, but I will repeat here... interdiction, interdiction, interdiction! Please give us the option or fix this if its a bug as I am tired of fleet after fleet flying past my fleets and deep into my controlled territory. Warp around me by not using starlanes, I am okay with that... but stop sailing past me without so much as me putting up a challenge to the incursion of my systems.

Their is an argument on this and that is starlane are very wide and its "nail in an hay stack" that your ships will cross the enemey ships path. However ratio should be taken into account. This needs to be debated.

Movement: Last edit! Many times when its the AI's turn to move, it moves, then when you make your moves during your turn... the AI moves again! Many times I have gone after a fleet, only to arrive from a wormhole or at the end of my movement points to have them warp off as soon as I get there. If they AI has ended their turn, they have ended their turn... otherwise I should be able to action freely during the "gray phase" after I click the turn button.

This sound like a a bug and needs to be looked at by Dev team.
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 7:11:15 PM
Apologies if this is already under consideration, but I couldn't see it anywhere on the lists.

Here Type Balance: The hero ability which provides +25 industry seems way too good. Whenever I play a game where I'm not offered at least one with this tree I feel like restarting immediately, it seems almost a requirement due to the extreme impact it can have in the early game. Needs either toning down, or tuning to have more difficult prerequisites.
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 10:45:55 PM
Battle theater: it would be nice if i could save recording of my battles so that i could watch them later or share them with the forum.
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 11:08:10 PM
Title Screen

Hall of Fame

-We would like to see a persistent Hall of Fame listing such things as victory type (or loss), high score, and game rankings (similar to what you get at the end of a match, but persistent

Quick Play

-Quick play option would generate a map using the same parameters as your last map - including the races. Useful if you wanted to simply "regenerate" the map you just started without having to reassemble your picks. If I play with 5 factions on a map, for example, right now I have to manually assign each one to a different faction (because I don't like repeats!)

New Game Screen

Victory Conditions

-It would be helpful for players to receive a tooltip upon hovering over the victory conditions - in order to know the parameters of each.

More options

-How about generating maps without gas giants? Or no terran planets? Or only tiny planets?

Faction Trait Techs

-Currently, hovering over a trait such as "Isolation Shields" (Sophon has this) only says that it "Unlocks the Eponymous Technology" with a flavor description. I would like to see an actual comparison between the tech the trait unlocks vs. what it replaces (or the way in which it differs). Particularly when it comes time to creating custom races

Better Descriptions

-Some abilities are very unclear to players


-Horatio's Cloning ability, for example, gives +1 food to all planets, yet every planet is listed individually. This greatly clutters up the Empire screen's "currently affecting the empire" list.


From: [pug]Greta , Hawawaa

-Would like to see an option to choose "Random" for racial choices and many more map options

Galaxy View

Hostile Ships

-Many players would like an indication when hostile ships arrive in their territory, including pirates. Sometimes blockades occur or ships slip past your network, leaving you to play chase with them.

Arrival Notification

-Players would also like notification when ships (particularly colony ships) arrive at their destination. Long-distance travel sometimes means ships waste turns before you realize they made it already.

Number of Turns to Travel

-It would be handy to see the number of turns it would take a ship to reach your selected destination before sending them on their way. A little number that pops up showing "3" or whatever when you are holding down right click.

View Distance

-I love the look of the galaxy and I love seeing the territorial control indicators. However, particularly in larger empires, I need to scroll out quite a bit and some of this useful info disappears as you zoom out. Would love to set an option as to what level of zoom do certain attributes about the systems appear/disappear.

Ship Selection

-It is difficult/impossible to select some ships when other ships are "on top" of them.

Threatened Indicator

-Systems could use some sort of small change (in the circle around them, perhaps?) indicating that they are blockaded/have hostiles around them

End-of-Turn Stoppers

-Similar to Civ 5, end of turn should not be possible (This would also be a candidate for an option to enable/disable) if certain actions have not been taken - choosing a new research path, a system producing nothing

Nonviable Pathing Descriptions

-Sometimes, you cannot travel to particular systems, even if you control them. Nothing indicates why not, some sort of error message would be nice.

Ships Cannot Reverse

-This is probably a design question, but I'm not sure why ships cannot change course, or at least return to origin, midroute. I can understand not changing pathing when you are traveling without a cosmic lane, but sometimes you are locked in for several/many turns when you really wanna back off!

Victory Indicators

-These only start to show up when a player is closing in on achieving one. Might be a design question again, but would be nice to have a screen or dropdown showing each victory type and where each faction stands on achieving it, at any point.

Hero Tags

From: Mesthione

-Add an icon to planets or fleets that indicate that a hero is assigned to them

Fleet Renaming

From: Mesthione

-Allow the renaming of fleets via the galaxy interface instead of just within the fleet screen (helps you keep track instead of having to also remember what planet they are stationed at)

Show all FIDS Income

From: Mesthione

-Dust per turn is shown in the galaxy screen. Include the others, as well, without drilling down.

Show Idle/Converting Planets

From: Mesthione

-An alternative to a forced-choice end-of-turn stopper, display an icon around a system that currently has no production queued.

From: Taverius

-Would like to see planets current running 'conversions' (prod->sci/dust) display the infinity icon

Escape Key

From: [pug]Greta

-Allow the Escape button to open the Menu (to save game, quit, etc.)

Fleet Strength

From: Mesthione

-Better "at a glance" indication of fleet strength - possible use of a banner/meter or indication of size/military power

Fleet Retrofits

From: Taverius

-Allow the fleet retrofit payment to be done while selecting the fleet in galaxy view

System Screen[/b]

Queue Reordering

From: Mesthione

-Allow the production queue to drag-and-drop items within them to reorder it

Moon Exploration

-I would like to see something indicate that a planet's moon has been explored without zooming in to the planet itself. I swear I check every system's moon at least 5-6 times because I don't remember

Multi-system Queue

From: Mesthione

-Allow multiple systems to be selected and add production orders to them

Ind>Sci/Dust Override

-Currently, adding an item to production if you are currently running one of the 'conversions' places it below the conversion in the queue, meaning it will never be built unless you remove the infinite duration conversion. Adding an actual construction to the queue should remove the conversion from the queue.


-Alternatively, default the conversions to always be placed last in the queue, regardless of when they are clicked

Constructions With No Effect

-Moon upgrades in systems with no moons. Tiny/Small pop upgrade in a system with only huge planets. Several upgrades are buildable but NEVER applicable. These upgrades should not show up in the list of productions. Productions that could *potentially* have an effect (through, say, terraforming) but currently would not - should be in the list, but greyed out to indicate they would provide no benefit yet.

Rally Point

From: Phoneix

-Allow constructed ships to be built and automatically move to a rallying system
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 11:08:43 PM
Empire Screen

FIDS Grand Totals

-Right now, you can see each system's FIDS production and sort them. It is easy to see the effect of the tax rate on Dust (because the top left has a Net Income), but what if I want to pick a tax rate that maximizes my food, science, or production values? A grand total could be added on the "Star Systems" line which gives you the net food, sci, and prod for your empire.

Empire Factors Lengthy/Unclear

-The list of factors affecting the whole empire can get quite lengthy and mixed-up. A drop-down menu allowing you to see everything affecting food values, happiness, combat states, etc. would be useful. Many effects do not state how they were acquired or what exactly they do.

Home System

-the little crown you see in galaxy view for your home system is neat. It should be here too!

Defense Level

-You can sort your systems by 'defense level' but there doesn't appear to be any indication of what the level is actually at.

Strategic and Luxury Resources

-For me, at my resolution, the difference between the white and yellow value on resources indicating a monopoly is hard to see. I'm not sure if it's always 4 of a resource for the monopoly, but with the space allotted to show these resources, they could perhaps be separated or otherwise better indicated which ones are monopolized.

-Also, when you have many different resources, there is a very tiny scrollbar and despite lots of horizontal room (on my res at least) only 4 or so resources are shown on the line.

Research Screen

Queue Removal

-Right now you can only queue additional research or reset it to zero/one item. Shift or Ctrl could be used to add the next item, with the other one used to remove an item (and dependents) from the queue

Victory Indicator

-I had no idea for several playthroughs where the victory tech even was or how you got to it. I was thinking for a while that you had to research the last techs in every tree (until finally I saw it in applied science). Could this be presented better? The tree currently moves "In to Out" - what if this was reversed and the beginning techs were at the edge, with the top techs in the middle? Since each tree is independent, this could work - and you could clearly have the Winning Tech plus the three "30% reduction" techs close by. Something to consider

Fleet Screen

Cannot Move Ships

-Sometimes, you cannot move ships from one fleet to another without any indication of why not. I assume some sort of bug. I have to play around with creating new fleets from other fleets, moving ships to those, moving ships back and forth, until finally I achieve the simple original combine I meant to do.

Double Click to Select on Galaxy

-I currently see no way to actually move from the fleet screen to galaxy screen without closing/right clicking. Would be useful to be able to double-click a fleet and be taken to the galaxy map with that fleet selected. Would help alleviate the current problem of unselectable fleets because of other fleets sitting right on top of them.

Move the Modify Button

-I feel this should be between "Add" and "Remove". I've seen a few users who didn't know that you had to modify a current ship type by selecting it first

Obsolete Indicator

-How about some sort of symbol placed atop current ship designs that indicates "Upgrades are available for modules used in this design"?

Support Module Scrolling

-It took a while to notice that the support modules section even had a scrollbar! There are far more types of these than there are actual upgrades, could they be listed vertically instead of horizontally?


-What changed when I hit autoupgrade? Could something have a before-and-after listing of the modules used? Like how much the MP increased, or whether a weapon type was changed, or how many were added?

Longer Ship/Fleet Names

From: Gondor12340

-The length allowed for naming ships (through creation/modification) or Fleets (in fleet screen) is pretty short. Hard to give some kickass sounding names or do much beyond short functional descriptors

Chassis Unlocks

From: Aetherios

-Upon unlocking the 4 researched ship types, have the game automatically create a basic ship design using that chassis (if space is available)
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