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[POLL] Automaton - Ship Design Competition

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12 years ago
Mar 4, 2013, 7:00:24 AM
Panzer wrote:
I come back from vacation, no internet, and a small rural village, and what do I find? Despair... Anyway haha, good job Vahouth, although I will reinforce that you should all vote for my ships smiley: biggrin

On a serious note, Valouth's ships are really cool, they're probably the most intricate and original ships here, but the problem I saw with them is that I didn't feel Automaton when I saw the ships, plus they didn't work too well with the clockwork/floating city feeling. I honestly thought Digital Hawk would be way ahead in this one since his ships were cool, but again from what I see they don't really fit the style.

But that's probably just me being picky since I thought up everything about the Automatons including ships beforehand. However things go, congrats to everyone! May many more contests such as this be made!

Thanks for your kind words sire, but about the clockwork/floating city feel, I don't see it work for ships smaller than Dreadnoughts. They are just too small. And though you described them as residence floating above the planet, I couldn't see them go to war with them.

Even so, about clockwork, yes I did that, with all those rings and cogs turning around clockwise or counter clockwise with a CLICK.

Also in my vision of the ships the living quarters are the rings themselves and that's more evident in both the transports I made. And those rings are platforms, but not always horizontal ones (it shouldn't matter in space anyway smiley: wink )

In the end I can see you had a very specific view for them and that's the path you took, but I had to make compromises between your lore and the artwork already available.

That's why I cannot see rectangular shapes work with them. If the Automatons were as you posted in your faction contest entry and saw your ships, I wouldn't even participate in this.

Know though that I love you man for creating this awesome race and if in the end my entry wins, you WILL HAVE to name them anew (if that's even possible) smiley: biggrin

Zombiedood wrote:

I just hope that people are voting for how it should look, rather than ships that would just be totally crazy and unique. Like I said earlier...

I hope that too, but with a touch of crazy and unique. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Mar 4, 2013, 1:05:08 AM
It's not over yet Panzer, the polls will go to G2G I think. So the Polls wont decide the winner, just the finalists.

vahouth wrote:

Sorry but I can't quite follow your thought that my designs are over complex when I compare them to these:

Well I was not comparing you to the other designs but the idea of the models I had in my head. Sadly when my pen touches paper I develop Parkinsons. I saw something along the lines of Digital Hawk's art. But when Panzer showed his I was shocked how I didn't see that before and what a perfect fleet that would make. In the end its all what we envisioned. I just hope that people are voting for how it should look, rather than ships that would just be totally crazy and unique. Like I said earlier...

Zombiedood wrote:
I feel his artwork and modeling style would be PERFECT for a new faction of aliens not yet created and to go the path of massive ships that resembling more art and sculptures then ships. Something that really said "crazy alien architecture" with an artsy almost angelic body. But the Automatons were not the race I wanted to go that way.

Your work is great and I wish to see it ingame, just not for the Automatons. Regardless it is still stunning work and luckily its not one person who decides it's the whole community. That is what makes this game and these contests so great.
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12 years ago
Mar 4, 2013, 12:50:36 AM
I come back from vacation, no internet, and a small rural village, and what do I find? Despair... Anyway haha, good job Vahouth, although I will reinforce that you should all vote for my ships smiley: biggrin

On a serious note, Valouth's ships are really cool, they're probably the most intricate and original ships here, but the problem I saw with them is that I didn't feel Automaton when I saw the ships, plus they didn't work too well with the clockwork/floating city feeling. I honestly thought Digital Hawk would be way ahead in this one since his ships were cool, but again from what I see they don't really fit the style.

But that's probably just me being picky since I thought up everything about the Automatons including ships beforehand. However things go, congrats to everyone! May many more contests such as this be made!
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12 years ago
Mar 3, 2013, 11:09:51 PM
I don't know. It's hard picking a favourite, but I didn't think vahouth's would be so popular. The first designs were complex but didn't feel like they would fit in-game or reflect the Automatons much. The other designs are more like it, but then they aren't all that different from anyone else's designs. Digital and Stealth Hawk's felt the best to me. Maybe I'm just a poor loser smiley: stickouttongue.

I can't wait to finally have unique Automaton ships! lol
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 3:28:08 PM
Hi everyone,

We're almost there! But first of all, let us thank you for your participation in the Automaton Ship Design competitions: we got 23 proposals but only 3 will be picked by the community in this forums poll, then leading to a GAMES2GETHER vote.



you guys are all allowed to tell the community why they should vote for you. smiley: approval


We will close this poll on the March 6th at 12pm (CET). smiley: smile

Good luck to all of you!
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12 years ago
Mar 3, 2013, 7:41:04 PM
Neowitch wrote:
vahouth's designs are the most creative and cool looking, hands down. I'm looking forward to see those in the game.

While you are not alone, I think you are wrong lol

Digital Hawk all teh way!
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12 years ago
Mar 3, 2013, 4:24:58 PM
vahouth's designs are the most creative and cool looking, hands down. I'm looking forward to see those in the game.
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12 years ago
Mar 2, 2013, 1:02:06 AM
Wow, loads of great ideas (and awesome artwork!). It took me quite some time to pick my favorites. In the end, I had to decide between Mr-Haitch (that's how I originally imagined Automaton's ships would look like), Panzer (I really like the feel of platform-like ships with a jungleish feel to them) and Mocrasar (simply put, they feel like Endless Space ships and they have the Automaton aesthetic as well).

I think I will vote for Mocrasar ^_^ Other designs are great too, but I think that this one would fit the game best
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12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013, 11:13:46 PM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
It only matters who takes the top 3 on this poll. Once we are in the G2G stage, you never know what might happen. As you can see, Vauhoth currently has less than half of the vote, Thus meaning that if the rest of the community sides with another design in the G2G round, his designs can be beat. Especially if most of his supporters have low G2G points.

Oh how I love to pre-maturely analyze smiley: smile

At the moment, I am rooting for Vauhoth, though. Or Digital Hawk. I cant decide lol

His bar is huge! (Especially when its right beside mine :P )

Oh right, I forgot it when I saw vauhoths bar lol

I wish we could have voted on multiple options smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013, 6:46:12 PM
I ended up voting Biaslemon's concept... even though it is currently simplistic, I really think its important to stress the empty circles of the Automaton's as indicated above in Vahouth's post.

Vahouth, if I had to vote WITHIN your concepts, I'd go with the more sleeker white hulls in your post #138... but push the hollow rings more! More empty space!

Check out Laudenslager's sculpture: http://www.laudenslagersculpture.com/

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12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013, 5:24:02 PM
Wow! I must say that I never expected that many votes already! I'm glad you like them guys, though I must point to the fact that I posted 2 different concepts of ships and I'm somewhat confused about which line has your favor.smiley: confused


Zombiedood wrote:
While I thought Vahouth's work was great, I felt it went over the top on the designs making them feel....over complex..

Sorry but I can't quite follow your thought that my designs are over complex when I compare them to these:
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12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013, 4:12:47 PM
Lipschitz wrote:
The only one who looks vaguely like what the ships are described like in the lore are Panzers designs, quite obviously. The rest are quite meh imho.

The lore clearly states that the automatons ships are platforms. Why people don't bother reading the lore eludes me.
Actually, my ship design is based on the idea of a platform as well. Perhaps it's not as evident because the poll does not include my diagram that shows the ship on every angle, but I can assure you that it is what I had in mind.

Other than that, I agree with you. But if I had to choose someone other than Panzer and myself, I think I'd go for Digitalhawk96.
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