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Community Hero Creation Competition!

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12 years ago
Apr 12, 2012, 12:15:32 PM
I sincerely think they shouldnt display the results before voting. It might influence the choices ppl make.
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12 years ago
Apr 12, 2012, 3:29:22 PM
Hello everyone,

We've been looking into the latest G2G vote today, as suspected there was an issue with the display of the result for the UE biography. We don't know yet what was the cause of this and we're digging deeper into this.

We however have the vote counts in our Back-Office so we are able to check the real total results. We double checked all previous results as well just in case but there was no error prior to this vote.

First of all, we want to present our apologies to Zep' as he was displayed as the winner even though he did not receive the most votes.

In fact the true winner of the Biography Competition are :

- Zkyrd for the Cravers Bio (created by Llama_Guy)

- Ivan Gagarin for the United Empire Bio (created by Nosferatiel)

Congrats to both!

I'll be creating a new G2G vote before the end of the week.

PS: to answer the question on the vote display, it will be displayed after a vote to avoid being influenced by other members' choices. We're working on the feature and hope to have that implemented very soon.
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12 years ago
Apr 12, 2012, 3:52:56 PM
Congrats to the winners! I’d like to thank the devs once again for this opportunity they are providing for the community, also thanks to all who participated, the bios were great and competitive. It was an honor for me to take part in this competition and I hope this isn’t going to be the last community-created stuff that will make it to the game. Cheers!

*goes to cry silently in a dark corner*
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12 years ago
Apr 12, 2012, 9:52:07 PM
A big congrats to the winners of this competition!

Ill close this thread now so all other praise to the winners has to be made through a group or PM or some other feature than this thread.

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13 years ago
Apr 3, 2012, 5:29:43 PM
Faction: United Empire

Name: Làszló Varga

Hero image:


Plump but ruthless, Làszló is the product of an unimaginative bureaucracy. Although moderately gifted, his knowledge of protocols and galactic laws allowed him to reach a senior position in planetary administration. His Production skills changed for the better when he managed to claim for himself an unregistered Dust deposit found on a nearby moon. Strongly favors the whip over the carrot.

Class - Administrator

Labor - 5

Wit - 1

Melee - 1

Off. - 0

Def. - 0
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13 years ago
Mar 23, 2012, 9:13:19 PM
Alright here's mine I hope you like it smiley: ohh

Faction: Craver

Name: Sartaq


Biography: Carefully studying the enemy combat tactics has allowed Sartaq to find and exploit their weaknesses and emerge victorious in more dogfights than any other Craver pilot before him. Entrusting him with the leadership of the Fleet’s most elite air wing, the Command is now using Sartaq’s experience and tactics in the training of new recruits to increase their effectiveness and survivability.

Class - Pilot

Labor - 0

Wit - 1

Melee - 3

Off. - 7

Def. - 6

*The name is of Mongolian origin.
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13 years ago
Mar 24, 2012, 7:23:34 PM
Faction : United Empire

Name : Sukhoï Sobiekm

Biography :

Every person who ever met Sukhoï would say the obese governor is an abhorrent character. Greedy and arrogant, Sukhoï does not hesitate to do anything for his own profit, including corruption or bullying. Surprisingly, his love of money makes him a good administrator : his colony successfully developed and is now a secure crossroad for merchants. Prosperity and security, who could ask for more ?

Class : Administrator

Image : I would see a kind of obese Dr. Evil (from Austin power) smiley: stickouttongue

Labor - 7

Wit - 2

Melee - 1

Off. - 0

Def. - 4
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13 years ago
Mar 24, 2012, 9:19:48 PM

United Empire

Hero Name:


Hero Biography:

Forced to see his parents die at the age of 7, Aron set out on the galaxy to track down his parent's killer. Through out his quest Aron learned the tactics of self defense and learned to kill a man, or machine, with one blow. Living his whole life in solitude and stealthiness, Aron tracked down the killers and brought them down. Now that Aron has no where to go, Aron roams the galaxy learning everything that he can so that one day he can use it when he needs it. Who knows what secrets Aron hides, and who will he side with in the on going race for conquest.

Hero Image:

Hero Class:


Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit - 4

Melee - 4

Offense - 5

Defense - 5
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13 years ago
Mar 25, 2012, 10:01:57 AM
Faction: United Empire

Hero Name: Ivan Gagarin

Class: Adventurer

Image description: Dashing shawl, goggles, unkempt hair under a badly worn officer's hat. Prefers clothing that lets him sneak around. Often wears a mantle to conceal his uniform.

Bio: Ivan lived his early life among his people, learning the trades of thievery and trickery. He met his destiny the day he tried to steal dust from a plain-clothed officer of the Empire's Secret Service. The dust he stole from the officer rose to his defense before he could be caught.

That same day a special assault squad cornered him in his hideout and they made him an offer, he couldn't refuse...


Labor - 0

Wit - 6

Melee - 5

Offense - 3

Defense - 4
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13 years ago
Mar 25, 2012, 9:09:05 PM
Faction: United Empire

Name: Alana Varga


Biography: Alana’s unusual obsession with salvaging alien technology resulted in a number of interesting discoveries, many of which were then adopted and adapted for use in UE ships and colonies. Her experiments, although dangerous and often with unpredictable results, are aimed at just one goal, to give the UE an undeniable technological edge.

Class – Adventurer/Administrator

Labor - 3

Wit - 5

Melee - 1

Off. - 4

Def. – 4

*I tried to get close to the little art we have available of the UE's uniforms, the high collar in particular, at the same time tried to make Alana's uniform look more suitable for field operations rather than for diplomatic missions smiley: smile

**The first name is a common name in various European countries, the last name is of Hungarian origin.

Edit/26.03.12/: typo correction
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13 years ago
Mar 26, 2012, 6:22:41 AM
Faction: Cravers

Name: Mojak

Bio: A hybrid soldier experiment gone wrong, designed to increase Planet side invasion capability for the Cravers, Mojak surprised its creators, destroying them upon activation. Devouring them & a large cache of dust used for Craver prototyping, adding to its menacing form. Destroying all in its path, hell bent for more dust, Mojak, addicted, does what ever it takes for more & leaves nothing but carnage in its wake.

Class: Commader/Advenurer


Labor = 0

Wit = 9

Melee = 9

Def = 0

Off = 0

Image: Large, powerful and menacing with obvious agility. Clad with weaponry & robust armor.

Edit; So pretty much like the ones that you have shownsmiley: smile

Faction: United Empire

Name: Celine Hendrick

Biography: Enlisted to the Academy of Celestial Xenology at the age 16, She excelled in her studies and by the time she graduated, with extinction, even her tutors considered her the go to scientist when any new Endless artifact was discovered to unlock its secrets. Her good nature, saw her fall out with government bureaucrats that just exploited discoveries for no other purpose than to make a buck, so now she works freelance to any with right attitude.

Class: Adventurer

Labor - 2

Wit - 9

Melee -0

Off. - 0

Def. - 0

Image: Gorgeous, like Celine Dion
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13 years ago
Mar 26, 2012, 3:02:58 PM
Faction: United Empire

Name: Xavier Minoru

Biography: "There is nothing that cannot be anticipated - even the unexpected can be planned for, controlled, and then redirected." - Xavier is a strategist without equal, adept at exploiting any weakness or mistake an opponent makes with almost omnipotent ease. His mysterious exotic origins only add fuel to the rumours and Legend that has begun to amass around this enigmatic prodigy.

Class - Commander

Labor - 0

Wit - 0

Melee - 0

Off. - 7

Def. - 9

Faction: Craver

Name: Skraal

Biography: Ruthless and driven by his machine like obsession with the Endless, Skraal will stop at nothing to unlock their ancient secrets. In Skraals mind no line exists which cannot be crossed and nothing is more important than the quest for knowledge, and with it the ability to annihilate any who oppose the Cravers.

Class - Administrator

Labor - 4

Wit - 8

Melee - 3

Off. - 0

Def. - 0
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13 years ago
Mar 28, 2012, 7:09:20 PM
Faction: Cravers

Hero Name : Hexaedric

Hero Biography ( max 400 characters ) :

Hexaedric got a serious blow on the head when he was born. His sister too. And their heads merged, Dust only knows how. From that initiatic experience, they now speak as one. Often rejected by other cravers, they always thought the skies would welcome them one day or another. They choose their name the day they flew from their planet : they always keep a silver die to help them take decision when they don't agree. But as time passes, they need it less often. As time passes they become more and more as one. And now they search why Dust try to communicate with them.

"We think we were born in Dust, but fact is we are born from Dust. Since we know, we need to yell it. The universe must know that only true revelation. We are linked."

Hero Image : Robotic troll with two heads.

Hero Class :

Hero Stats (each measured 0-9 ; max of 18 total):
1 Labor - bonus for agriculture (Food) and Industry

5 Wit - bonus for Science and Dust

2 Melee - bonus in ground warfare offense/defense

0 Offense - bonus in offense

1 Defense - bonus in defense

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13 years ago
Mar 29, 2012, 2:53:50 PM
Hi everybody,

Keep the cool ideas coming! We'll get back to you with polls and/or winners ( probably ) next week.

And yes, we do read this stuff, and some of it will be in the final game.
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13 years ago
Apr 1, 2012, 6:15:59 AM
Faction : United Empire

Name: Marjüsz Wielskije


Having personally repudiated of the institution of war and all its ramifications, he's a man with a plan: Gain enough influence with the big corporations and the government to be capable of changing the Empire's expansionist policy. An encounter with a Dust cache on an uncharted planet in his youth led to an extremely boosted intelligence, which he now uses to maneuver the corporate and government hierarchies at breakneck speed.

Class: Administrator/Corporate

Image: No image, but he is a tall, lanky man with a bald scalp and warm skin. He has several small, horn-like protrusions on his head.

Labor - 7

Wit - 9

Melee - 0

Off. - 0

Def. - 1

Faction: Cravers

Name: Zkyrd


Dust exposure before birth/creation gave this Craver a distinct "jack of all trades, master of none" nature; not extremely skilled in any pursuit, yet not unskilled in any. Such a nature also made it more disposed for intellectual pursuit than most Cravers. Due to its multitude of skills it sees the important red thread between the varying institutions of society, and it toils endlessly to bolster harmony between them, so as to further the Craver race as a whole.

Class: Administrator/Pilot (I presume the heroes can't be more than two classes?)

Image: A leaner torso than what is shown on the Craver concept art, and almost completely smooth

Labor - 3

Wit - 4

Melee - 3

Off. - 4

Def. - 4
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13 years ago
Apr 2, 2012, 1:51:22 PM
Faction: United Empire

Name: Bátor Blázen

Biography: Born in a large family, as is the norm in the outer colonies, Bátor was always eager to prove himself to others. At 16 he enlisted in the marines, where he quickly made a reputation for reckless action and out of the box thinking, for brilliant tactical plans. His fierce defense of the evacuation starport, during a Craver invasion, granted him the rank of Commander and a deep hatred for Cravers.


Class: Commander


Melee - 8

Offense - 4

Defense - 6
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13 years ago
Apr 2, 2012, 6:41:16 PM
Faction: Craver

Name: Arkon

Biography: Arkon has always been fascinated by destruction. Everything on his path is wiped out and the pieces are collected by the hive, gathering knowledge.

Today, after years of work, he is finally at the head of a fleet. And everybody knows than the harvest is beginning...

Class - Commander

Labor - 0

Wit - 8

Melee - 0

Off. - 9

Def. - 0

As the Cravers gain technology by destroying ennemy ships, this character is build around this concept. Destroying and harvesting foes.

And here is my Empire character

Faction: United Empire

Name: Susan Cain

Biography: There are times when you need to leave your feelings behind and act as a living weapon. Susan knows this. On her ship, her words are law and she won't hesitate to make sacrifices in order to protect the majority. Everybody following her path has the hope to survive in the void longer than anyone else. As long as they are part of the majority...

Class - Commander

Labor - 0

Wit - 0

Melee - 5

Off. - 0

Def. - 9
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