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Community Hero Creation Competition!

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13 years ago
Mar 22, 2012, 6:03:03 PM
Fire up those fusion-powered word thrashers, it's time to get creative for our first ever community hero creation competition!

As you know, Endless Space includes heroes that you can to hire to become fleet admirals or system governors.

We are giving you a chance to create your own hero bios that can be included in the game. Once we gather enough proposals, the whole team will get together and choose the best ones. If the team can’t make a clear decision we’ll start a poll, and the winners will be chosen by G2G.

Depending on the quality and the number of proposals, we also reserve the right (with the creator’s consent) to change and tweak some of them so they fit better with the game background story. The winners will be awarded with a special forum reward/achievement at the end of the competition.

The competition starts right now and will end on Wednesday, April 4.

The Rules

1. All posts must be understandable using English as a frame of reference

2. The use of words and descriptions that you would be embarrassed to yell out in church are forbidden

3. Important: Only one (1) hero per faction (United Empire and Craver) can be submitted per member. If you want to submit a new one, let us know which other one you are taking out of the contest.

4. You need to fill in the following info per hero biography :

Faction: United Empire or Cravers

Hero Name :

United Empire : based on Eastern European 'feel' ( Slavic, Hungarian, ... )

The Cravers : you tell us!

Hero Biography ( max 400 characters ) :

So, Mr Clegane, tell us a bit about yourself...

Hero Image : Any ideas are welcome! You can also tell us what would be your inspirations etc…

Hero Class :






Hero Stats (each measured 0-9 ; max of 18 total):

Labor - bonus for agriculture (Food) and Industry

Wit - bonus for Science and Dust

Melee - bonus in ground warfare offense/defense

Offense - bonus in offense

Defense - bonus in defense

For comparison, here are a couple of bios from the current heroes created by the dev team :

Faction: United Empire

Name: Jorun Egezrey

Biography: Living on that fuzzy line between "unpredictable" and "out of control", Egezrey was an erratic if successful leader of colonial explorations. When his mission uncovered an Endless site and Egezrey was augmented by the free-floating Dust, his eccentricities seemed to get worse. At that point the Empire decided it would be far better for him to find work elsewhere, and Egezrey turned freelance...

Class - Corporate/Adventurer

Labor - 0

Wit - 0

Melee - 5

Off. - 5

Def. - 4

Faction: Craver

Name: Aleph

Biography: The only sane survivor from a Craver raiding vessel that cracked open the hulk of an Endless craft, Aleph's phenomenal skills in construction and deveopment have made it famous in spite of the occasional PTSD-driven breakdown. After all, it's not easy to live with the memories of the entire hive you grew up in going insane and slaughtering each other.

Class - Administrator/Commander

Labor - 9

Wit - 0

Melee - 1

Off. - 2

Def. - 3
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13 years ago
Apr 3, 2012, 5:51:58 PM
Me too. That one is really scary ! I'm surprised his labor score isn't higher.
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13 years ago
Apr 3, 2012, 6:28:30 PM
I think ogrettes stats for his hero are a little low figuring most of those in the voting and the two suggestions in the OP are 10+ atleast in combined stat-value with a starting-cap of 18.

We also have yet to see the impact it has on the game since no hero-stats have been shown.

Boosting it might be nice. Say 7 in labor and 3 in wit. That would make him an above average-guy.
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13 years ago
Apr 4, 2012, 8:19:57 AM
Hey guys,

Yes this hero can thank Dust for standing out at last. But he's rather second rate. And mean and ugly, at that. He's lurking around, secretly hoping for a decent assignment that rarely comes. Let's face it: it's not the big rush on the job market for him smiley: smile. Although slightly vexing, that leaves him time to whip and feed.

Actually you'll feel good about sending him do some farming far far away on a system nobody cares about.

Concerning stats, I assumed that heroes shouldn't all necessarily be über-powered. Weak & small can be beautiful (or ugly) and fun too. And if they come with a price, Laszlo should be much cheaper than most. I was thinking of just giving him 2 in labor but then thought that he would really never get picked up. So here he goes with 5, which remains decent altogether.
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13 years ago
Apr 4, 2012, 4:39:49 PM
Yeah new hero to vote for ! Kudos for those that were chosen ^___^

I chosed Zkyrd because I like "Jack of all trades" characters, and Gagarin because I like stealthy characters (I always get 4 levels of rogue in D&D)
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13 years ago
Apr 4, 2012, 4:55:18 PM
The whole team wanted to thank you all for the great proposals! We had a super hard (but great) time choosing the finalists...

Good luck to you all!
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13 years ago
Apr 4, 2012, 5:01:20 PM
And we want to thank you for this great initiative, an awesome way to involve the community!
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