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Yet Another Hero Creation Competition!

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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 3:28:39 AM
With all the Alpha excitement what happened with this competition? shameless personal investment query ; /
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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 1:51:56 PM
Why don't you select 6 hero bios for Horatio? As cravers and UE had have two hero bio votes for now?
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12 years ago
Apr 26, 2012, 9:49:31 AM
Picking only 3 biographies was a difficult choice. But currently in the G2G vote you have: "Horatia H." by VieuxChat, "Perfectio A." by maceman, and "Horus Z." by Loddfafnir.

Also, the hero creation competition is taking place for the Sophons (deadline: May 9th).
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12 years ago
Apr 25, 2012, 5:20:30 PM
*jumps everywhere* I'm in ! I'm in ! I'm in ! I'm ashamed... but... I've voted for me smiley: ohh




*returns to ordinary life*
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12 years ago
Apr 25, 2012, 9:33:14 AM
Competition is over now.

Thanks to: Raptor, Kubuszek_Malakai, Ankehl, Boygor, Ooryl, Loddfafnir, VieuxChat, maceman, vcode, Sharidann, Alderbranch, DannyD, Hardcore_gamer, feyd, and Nosferatiel for their submissions (I hope I didn't forget anyone..!).
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12 years ago
Apr 24, 2012, 9:07:50 AM
Hi guys,

The reason that the 400-word limit is somewhat flexible is because not everybody is a native English writer. Trust me, I know how hard it is to be clever and concise in a foreign language... So do your best to say what you want to say, but keep it as brief as possible.

One good rule of writing: Leave out the bits that the reader would want to skip anyway smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Apr 23, 2012, 3:55:36 PM
maceman wrote:
I thought 400 was the fixed limit? I mean I would love to go back and flesh out my writing... But isn't concise writing a skill?

An error of +/- 10% is still okay, in my regard, otherwise seconded. It is so much harder to write something short than a goddamn epic.
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12 years ago
Apr 23, 2012, 3:47:42 PM
I thought 400 was the fixed limit? I mean I would love to go back and flesh out my writing... But isn't concise writing a skill?
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12 years ago
Apr 21, 2012, 6:40:32 PM
600 is 50% more than 400, that's way more than "a bit more" IMO. I would suggest the devs to set a more clear limit to bios' size. It's confusing having a limit and not having one at the same time. My entry for instance is 398 characters long, as I'm writing this post the longest entry is 871 characters long and there's one 803 characters long. Obviously this:
Slowhands wrote:
The 400-character limit is totally arbitrary
is a subject of quite a broad interpretation.

Not that I wasn't tempted to write a poem but I tried to get within the limit and managed to do that. Anyways that's just some food for thought for the next similar vote. My suggestion, set a fixed limit to avoid any confusion and arguments.
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12 years ago
Apr 21, 2012, 5:26:15 PM
Slowhands wrote:
The 400-character limit is totally arbitrary; it's just so that the bio is something clear and succinct (but interesting) that could be read during gameplay. My experience is that anything too long gets a quick "Esc" treatment and is never seen again... So in this case, 431 is not going to get anybody thrown out of the competition smiley: smile

The first little bio I wrote was 750 letters long. And it was really for me a "very little bio". Nothing fancy in it. When I first tried to cut some sentences I coudl get to 600 letters. Then I had to cut important things to get to 400 letters.

Is 400 an empiric limit ? I understand you don't want to write things that wouldn't be read, but 400 is just too small.

EDIT: Ok, I tried to get some information. On a link I found that 75 to 100 words is the range used in email spamming (so I think that's a good way to know how many words someoine read before pressing esc smiley: wink). And with a Lorem Ipsum generation of 85 words I got 591 letters. So wouldn't 600 letters be a better limit ?
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12 years ago
Apr 20, 2012, 1:43:55 PM
VieuxChat wrote:
A dev can't readproof every langage. Can they ? It's such a difficult task.

For speculum : search in the greek ords instead of latin ones. After all the greek invented the golden number. Maths for the win !

Well, in this case it was very obvious and it was also pointed out to them. ^^

Greek works too
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12 years ago
Apr 20, 2012, 1:39:12 PM
VieuxChat wrote:
A dev can't readproof every langage. Can they ? It's such a difficult task.

For speculum : search in the greek ords instead of latin ones. After all the greek invented the golden number. Maths for the win !

Doesn't fit to the probably latinized shipnames, then, anymore. I'm mulling a bit over changing it to Cogitatio Deformis... Still plenty of time til the end of the competition to decide on that. smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Apr 20, 2012, 1:34:41 PM
A dev can't readproof every langage. Can they ? It's such a difficult task.

For speculum : search in the greek words instead of latin ones. After all the greek invented the golden number. Maths for the win !
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12 years ago
Apr 20, 2012, 11:00:36 AM
Belhoriann wrote:
Cool bio, but are you sure you really want to call him Speculum ?

Combine that hero with Paris Horatian and watch the result... ^^

I too think there could be a name-change here... Cogitatio could also be an option as that is reflection.

Its not as bad as D'hora in HoMM 5... Hora = whore in Swedish... lets just say they didnt proofread that enough smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Apr 13, 2012, 6:46:11 AM
Raptor wrote:

*The name is from the Greek Mythology, Thanatos is the son of the deities Nyx and Erebos.

For being based on a god of death he seems to be kind of a pancy mind you...

Current references in our society of Thanatos is euthanasia

Kubuszek_Malakai wrote:

(A "weak" hero for starters, he might be a bit "cheaper" than the other heroes. Paragon shows the limit of the used "Endless" technology. The A1 batch might be a good and exact copy in terms of looks but they lack the intellect and comprehension of complex affairs that made Horatio a space tycoon. Think of him as a future shallow pop-cultural phenomena that is used as a propaganda weapon smiley: smile )

This triggers an important question: Will there be any differentied cost in recruiting heros in terms of time/resources/whatever?

Another question is: Why does all examples sofar from the devs include TWO hero-classes?
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12 years ago
Apr 13, 2012, 1:03:15 PM
Boygor wrote:
OK, here goes smiley: smile

Wit: 10

Max stat for any individual skill is 9 for all created heroes.

Raptor wrote:
I wanted him to be a character of contrast, combining the ambition of an Inquisitor-like character, the unquestionable devotion towards Horatio and his narcissistic nature. And "Death" is always around him whether that of the enemy or of Horatio followers which he sees the seeds of infidelity in smiley: biggrin


Ooryl wrote:
Here is my proposal:

Class – Commander

Heroes are supposed to be dual-classed. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Apr 13, 2012, 11:56:32 AM
Here is my proposal:

Faction: Horatio

Name: Xenos Sagitta - xx-xxxxx-xxx (deleted from the records)

Biography: Xenos was born in a defective batch that was used to conduct research on the Dust. All the members of the batch died except Xenos which developed an unusual Dust control. Due to its origin, Xenos grew up hidden away from the community but, thanks to his will, finally became a very competent commander. Xenos is however still despised by the Horatio and was assigned to remote area of the empire.

Class – Commander / Pilot

Labor - 0

Wit - 1

Melee - 1

Off. - 8

Def. - 5
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