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Yet Another Hero Creation Competition!

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12 years ago
Apr 17, 2012, 6:14:26 PM
Boygor wrote:
I couldn't get mine below 431 without some seriously messy editing smiley: frown Do you think 31 over is asking a bit much?

The format

- *The 400-character limit should include spaces; if it slides over a bit no one is going to call the byte-count police.

Just to answer a quote with a quote from the first page first post.
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12 years ago
Apr 20, 2012, 9:39:28 AM
I'm no gynaecologists, but I still find it funny. Sadly, there's no other word for "mirror" in latin, anyways. See the latin dictionary.

The only thing you might do, would be to make plural out of it: "Specularia Fra-99t-97" or even change the word of mirror to glass: "Vitrum Fra-99t117-109", which might be close enough to fit.
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12 years ago
Apr 20, 2012, 7:57:33 AM
Slowhands wrote:
My experience is that anything too long gets a quick "Esc" treatment and is never seen again...

This is exactly what I did when I saw the wall of text describing the races in Sword of the Stars...

Nosferatiel wrote:
Faction: Horatio

Hero Name : Speculum Fra-99t117-109 (for the full name, look up the ASCII-numbers, latin for broken mirror)

Hero apparel: This horatio, unlike all others of their "beautiful" race, hides his appearance behind a No mask. His true face is rumored not to be a horatio face at all, anymore, and a mystery.

Biography: Speculum was single survivor of an experimental clone batch with dust abilities. The shock of his first exposure to dust disconnected him from Horatio and he immediately created a mirror to see his own disfigured visage. Since then he couldn't stop painfully altering his face with dust to his version of perfection. He hides it behind a mask until the day he can remake the Horatio in his perfect image.

Hero Classes:


Hero Stats:

Labor 7

Wit 5

Melee 6

Offense 0

Defense 0

Cool bio, but are you sure you really want to call him Speculum ?
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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2012, 11:27:53 PM
Faction: Horatio

Hero Name : Cogitatio Def-111-114M105-115

Hero apparel: This horatio, unlike all others of their "beautiful" race, hides his appearance behind a No mask. His true face is rumored not to be a horatio face at all, anymore, and a mystery.

Biography: Cogitatio was single survivor of an experimental clone batch with dust abilities. The shock of his first exposure to dust disconnected him from Horatio and he immediately created a mirror to see his own disfigured visage. Since then he couldn't stop painfully altering his face with dust to his version of perfection. He hides it behind a mask until the day he can remake the Horatio in his perfect image.

Hero Classes:


Hero Stats:

Labor 7

Wit 5

Melee 6

Offense 0

Defense 0
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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2012, 1:31:50 PM
The 400-character limit is totally arbitrary; it's just so that the bio is something clear and succinct (but interesting) that could be read during gameplay. My experience is that anything too long gets a quick "Esc" treatment and is never seen again... So in this case, 431 is not going to get anybody thrown out of the competition smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2012, 12:41:13 PM
Boygor wrote:
I couldn't get mine below 431 without some seriously messy editing smiley: frown Do you think 31 over is asking a bit much?

Usually, in edition, you can have 10% more or less (for short stories/novelas/etc.), so I would let 431 letters. But a confirmation from the devs would be good.

One question : why so few letters ? Is it an engine limitation ?
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12 years ago
Apr 17, 2012, 7:40:55 PM
Alderbranch wrote:
Just to answer a quote with a quote from the first page first post.

But... how many characters are in a byte??? smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Apr 17, 2012, 11:22:30 AM
Raptor wrote:
Some of you guys forget about the 400 characters limit.

I couldn't get mine below 431 without some seriously messy editing smiley: frown Do you think 31 over is asking a bit much?
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12 years ago
Apr 16, 2012, 8:28:28 PM
Name: Tarsus -B4-52CDG-667

Biography: Tarsus may be the most distinguished scientist of the Horatio civilization. He recently started having visions of Horatio, asking him to stop following this meaningless pursuit of perfection, asking him to be the guide of new era; the era of the respect, altruism, and more important, an era of exchange. From a scientist, Tarsus turned to a leader, the leader of a new Horatio way of thinking.

Class - Corporate/Administrator

Labor - 4

Wit - 9

Melee - 0

Off. - 0

Def. - 1


Tarsus drawns one's inspiration from Gaius Baltar (Battlestar Galactica). That's where his name comes from ( Tarsus is the city where Paul, in the bible, was born. Gaios in the bible, was following Paul during his last travel to Jerusalem. Nothing important, but I just wanted the name to have a background, a reason to be called like that.
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12 years ago
Apr 15, 2012, 12:45:16 PM
Loddfafnir wrote:
Don't forget the two classes on your biographies.

Of course. I updated my earlier post.
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12 years ago
Apr 15, 2012, 12:35:26 PM
Name: Victor Drelderen -H6-83F7C-431

Biography: A sociapathic and a ruthless administrator. Victor Drelderen was the result of a miscalculation in one of the Horatio's cloning vats. He was born with altered brain fuctions, granting him the gift of very high intelligence, but at the expense of not being able to feel compassion or empahty. In addition, in spite of being a clone he was born with his own unique looks as well. His intelligence and lack of remorse made him a fantastic administrator, as his ruthlessnes ensures that the work that needs to get done always gets done at the end of the day.......in one way or the other. Unfortunatly, in spite of his intelligence he is not as effective in combat and prefers to stay in systems away from the frontlines where he can oversea the managing of worlds while others take care of the war effort.

Hero image: As for looks I was thinking of something along the lines of an evil Horatio administrator version of Stahl from Killzone 3.

Class: Administrator/Corporate.

Labor - 8

Wit - 8

Melee - 0

Off. - 1

Def. - 1

I hope this one is any good! smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Apr 15, 2012, 11:40:01 AM
Name: Rejectus ( Unknown System )

Biography: Rejectus is a mistery. Nobody knows where he come from. This Horation is strange, silent and reserved. It is said this horatio is the result of a mistake in cloning production line. But where? In what way? Someone says Rejectus is a "shadow", used when brute force is not needed

Special signs : Red eyes

Class - Administrator/Adventurer

Labor - 0

Wit - 5

Melee - 5 ( bonus in warfare )

Off - 2

Def - 3
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12 years ago
Apr 23, 2012, 5:52:28 PM
maceman wrote:
I thought 400 was the fixed limit? I mean I would love to go back and flesh out my writing... But isn't concise writing a skill?

With only 400 letters it's not concise, it's bare bone, like in "bones that are bare" (not "bones that are beer" or "Bones that are bear". That wouldn't mean anything. At least for non znorkyian&alderbranchian people)
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