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Yet Another Hero Creation Competition!

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12 years ago
Apr 15, 2012, 8:32:54 AM
Faction: Horatio

Hero Name: Considerio

Considerio was almost destroyed at birth, till his instructors realized he was an analytical mind An exposition to dust refined his brain processes and set him clearly on a dual path: research and command. What he thought the Horatio Fleet needed was developed and then he got to test it in battle.

Hero Image: A Classical Horatio, except for 2 tattoos on the sides of his forehead, one with E=mc² and the other with a wasp.

Class: Administrator / Pilot

Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit - 7

Melee -0

Offense - 7

Defense – 4
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12 years ago
Apr 15, 2012, 7:52:44 AM
My contribution...

Faction: Horatio

Hero Name: Romeo

Hero Biography: A fault in the production of a reduced batch, resulted into a group that above highlighted average and evolved as any other. This group is known as "Children of Horatio" and was kept secret until recently, when it was necessary to have their services for the growth of the Horatio's Imperium.

Romeo was selected by his great skills to conquer other planets and transform according to the ideals of Horatio. The planets provided by Romeo to the empire, are considered the most faithful to the cause due to radical methods. It is the only commander that evolved like that on this small batch, and secretly, scientists are trying to reproduce the original failure to replicate the batch again. A member of "Children of Horatio" disappeared when their services were required, some say it is dead, but others think that a new empire is born far from the domains of Horatio ...

Hero Image:

Hero Class: Commander/Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit - 5

Melee - 1

Offense - 7

Defense – 4
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12 years ago
Apr 13, 2012, 10:43:43 PM
Alderbranch wrote:
Max stat for any individual skill is 9 for all created heroes.

Fixed in the original post smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Apr 13, 2012, 6:56:29 PM
ugh. yeah. length shortening ripped the total guts out of that character... alas!
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12 years ago
Apr 13, 2012, 6:25:46 PM
Faction: Horatio

Hero Name: Perfectio Aeternus 1969-12AC4A-77 (latin 'eternal perfection'... kinda)

Hero Biography:As a flight officer his meteoric rise through the Horatiaon faithful and political success showed an innate knack for intrigue and left Perfectio poised to influence the future of the Horatio empire. Sadly, his acute narcissism surfaced and fostered a deep rooted conviction that his was the natural evolution of the Horatio DNA strain. Immediate reassignment to a remote outpost showed Horatio Prime did not concur.

Hero Image:wearing a nice hat!

Hero Class: Administrator/Pilot

Hero Stats:

Labor - 2

Wit - 7

Melee - 1

Offense - 7

Defense – 0
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12 years ago
Apr 12, 2012, 4:22:32 PM
As in the previous competition, the goal is to create the best Endless Space Heroes, those champions of strategy and warfare that will help lead your empire to domination of the galaxy. The format is the same as in previous competitions where you create your own hero bios, and once again the winner(s) will be included in the game.

However, this time the bios are for our most recently announced faction, the empire of clones known as the Horatio

How it works:

  • Read the example below
  • Check out the Horatio faction announcement here: Horatio
  • Write up your own proposal with the necessary elements (Hero Name, Hero Biography, Hero Image (if you have one) Hero Classes (Two), Hero Stats [Labor,Wit,Melee,Offense,Defense])
  • Post it on this forum

  • [/LIST]

    Once we gather enough proposals, the whole team will get together and choose the best ones. This will result in a G2G poll that will choose the winner(s).

    Depending on the quality and the number of proposals, we also reserve the right (with the creator’s consent) to change and tweak some of them so they fit better with the game background story. The winners will be awarded with a special forum reward/achievement at the end of the competition.

    The competition starts right now and will end on Wednesday, April 25!

    The Rules

    1. All posts must be understandable using English as a frame of reference

    2. The use of words and descriptions that you would be embarrassed to yell out in church are forbidden

    3. Important: Each member is allowed to submit only one (1) hero, so take your time and make it count! If you want to submit a new one, let us know so we can remove the previous one from the contest.

    4. You need to fill in the following info per hero biography :

    Faction: Horatio

    Hero Name :

    Hero Biography ( max 400 characters* See below )

    Hero Image : Any ideas are welcome! You can also tell us what would be your inspirations etc…

    Hero Classes (pick 2** See below) :






    Hero Stats (each measured 0-9 ; max of 18 total):

    Labor - bonus for agriculture (Food) and Industry

    Wit - bonus for Science and Dust

    Melee - bonus in ground warfare offense/defense

    Offense - bonus in offense

    Defense - bonus in defense

  • The faction

    - Horatio is still alive. While biology has not yet given the factions immortality, beings can live for centuries (which is close enough...)

    - The last name is not *only* random gibberish. It is system name - factory designation - batch code - unit number. More detail than that is hard to give, as the size of the factories, the frequency of production, the size of the batches, etc. can vary widely in the internecine race to create the most perfect Horatios.

  • The format

    - *The 400-character limit should include spaces; if it slides over a bit no one is going to call the byte-count police.

    - **Every Hero has two classes, and the five Hero Classes all have different trees and abilities. Because of that, there is no point in having Pilot/Pilot, for instance, as you would not get twice the Pilot 'power'. You are free, of course, to only spend points in the Pilot tree if they are Pilot/Administrator and you want them to be a fleet admiral (or vice versa).

  • [/LIST]

    For comparison, here are a couple of bios from the current Horatio heroes created by the dev team :

    Name: Faruda Tergus-1881-12AF4B-61

    Biography: The Horatio had established a beachhead outpost on an asteroid belt in a system coveted by the United Empire. Faruda, at the time an administrator of a cloning facility, led a successful defense and counter-attack to secure their position. As a result, Horatio granted her a Dust augmentation for service to the Siblings. Fortunately, she survived.

    Class - Administrator/Adventurer

    Labor - 4

    Wit - 0

    Melee - 2

    Off. - 4

    Def. - 4

    Name: Adonis Orion-C6-84A7C-441

    Biography: A planner and thinker, this Horatio is respected for his diligence as well for his capabilities in battle. Due to the fact that he was a child of a promising batch whose resemblance to the original Horatio was better than average, he was not destroyed as aberrant when he showed worrying talents like unpredictability and improvisation.

    Class - Pilot/Adventurer

    Labor - 5

    Wit - 0

    Melee - 1

    Off. - 4

    Def. - 4
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    12 years ago
    Apr 13, 2012, 5:51:53 PM
    Raptor wrote:
    I uploaded a hero image, if it even matters. Even after carefully studying the Horatio art images under microscope smiley: wink I couldn't get a complete picture of the race but I tried my best to get close to it and to be original at the same time...

    Nicely done, keep it up. Maybe one day we can see here avatars or signature-blanks from you too!
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    12 years ago
    Apr 13, 2012, 4:39:12 PM
    I uploaded a hero image, if it even matters. Even after carefully studying the Horatio art images under microscope smiley: wink I couldn't get a complete picture of the race but I tried my best to get close to it and to be original at the same time.

    Edit: I just saw new Horatio avatars have been added! Any resemblance to them is purely coincidental lol smiley: smile
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    12 years ago
    Apr 13, 2012, 4:02:47 PM
    Ok let's try :

    Faction: Horatio

    Hero Name : Horatia Helios-CFD8-38FF40-1

    Hero Classes : Commander/Adventurer

    Biography : Horatia got poisoned by Dust from someone who despised her. Instead of dying, she lost her appeal for the Horatio but earned a limited ability in shapeshifting. Through slight changes in her appearance she always try to appear at her best in any circumstances, with whoever she's speaking with, proving that she still is an Horatio. People under her orders always trying their best to appeal to her, she found herself being a somewhat good commander.

    Hero Stats :

    7 Labor - bonus for agriculture (Food) and Industry

    5 Wit - bonus for Science and Dust

    3 Melee - bonus in ground warfare offense/defense

    1 Offense - bonus in offense

    1 Defense - bonus in defense

    Some comments : 400 letters, spaces included is a very hard limit. My first littel bio was 750 letters. Without spaces. I couldn't explain everything I wanted to (for instance her Science stat). It woudl be cool to be able to create 2 bios : one with 400 letters max, and another where we can expand the bio.
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    12 years ago
    Apr 13, 2012, 4:02:07 PM
    Faction: Horatio

    Name: Horus Zeta-Z5-86X0K-01

    Biography: Horus was the shame of his lineage. Indeed he was produced misshapen due to a malfunction of the cloning facility.

    Because his mind was stronger than the average, Horatio gave him the Dust in order to kill him or at least to spare the world from his sight. He survived and now he lies hidden underground, part of the administrative machinery.

    Class – Corporate/Administrator

    Labor - 7

    Wit - 5

    Melee - 0

    Off. - 0

    Def. - 3

    Idea : i don't know what happens to those who are not good enough for Horatio, so here is my version.

    Image :

    As he is awful, he hides himself behind a hood.

    Edit : The attached image is too big but i don't know how to delete it...
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    12 years ago
    Apr 13, 2012, 1:55:51 PM
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

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    12 years ago
    Apr 13, 2012, 1:50:55 PM
    skamaks wrote:
    All heroes will be dual-classed in the game. We might be adding a class to those that have only one in the profiles you have created. We'll certainly make a balancing pass on those to make sure all factions have different possibilities for varity's sake. smiley: biggrin

    Thanks for the information.

    My hero proposition has been updated smiley: smile
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    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Apr 13, 2012, 1:33:05 PM
    All heroes will be dual-classed in the game. We might be adding a class to those that have only one in the profiles you have created. We'll certainly make a balancing pass on those to make sure all factions have different possibilities for varity's sake. smiley: biggrin
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