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[Suggestion] Space Stations/Battle Stations and so on

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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 12:42:25 AM
DkTempest wrote:
If they ever visualize Invasions, I could see those being planet Improvement. You could have like say, Long range phase, ships intercepting orbital defenses like Stations, mines, Fighters kind of deal. Then, Medium phase would be, Planet defense like Missiles, planetary shields, ect.. and then lastly you get Melee, which is the actual troop landing, and fighting off enemy troops to try and take over the planet.


That would be sick!
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 10:46:34 PM
What would be cool is if you wanted to say, take over a system (Or at least destroy whats there) you would need to: Attack the enemys fleets with the attack mission, next turn Assualt the enemys orbital infastructure (Like space stations, orbital defences and even moon bases), and finally on the third turn you would invade/bombard/infect with plague/terra-destroy (Un-terraform)/Implant spys(Causing a number of problems here and across the empire).

as an alternitive to just killing the fleet and then simply invading. smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 9:38:55 PM
I haven't any idea how this could be included into the current gameplay, but spacestations are definitly a must-have. Or any kind of orbital defense. Maybe not to strong - only supportiv.

Also some visuals where you can see how a bombardement or an invasion is going would be great. Could be just a smal video in a notification with a casualty report.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 8:54:57 PM
Master of Orion 2 was like that, you needed to destroy the station, and planet defenses before going into the invasion screen. Then you could invade, bombard, or Mind control for the invasion hehe. Using Station would work well as ship kind that don't move, in my opinion. For invasion, wouldn't really need a planet view, could just show the ship over the planet and depending on the module you have. Say, you have invasion modules, then it might show pods going toward the planet.. if not, then I figure Missile bombardment toward the planet, if you have missiles. I'm not sure if you only have kinetic or beam, if you can use the invasion option so far.

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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 10:31:51 AM
Gargomaxthalus wrote:
I actually remember playing a game like that not sure of name. Actually SotS works similarly with it's defense satellites needing to be destroyed before you focus on the actual planet. Having actual unique phases to battles would be interesting.

The Imperium Galactica series had full invasion ground battles. Then again that game also required you to place buildings yourself on every planet.
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 8:55:10 PM
chaz420 wrote:
That would be sick!


But I'm afraid it's pretty hard to implement.

Compared to the current "ships in space" sequence, where you only need the respective 3D models of ships and planets in front of a static background, invasions would require a zoom from outer space towards a fully modeled (and diverse, based on planet type and race) landscape, again with models of cities, ground defenses, troops etc etc. That's a ton of work. But if it were to happen, it would be one of the greatest things ever done in a 4x game
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 5:44:50 PM
I think these are great ideas, but maybe there has to be a whole battle overhaul. The whole design and screenview is great during the battles, but I have the feeling that I'm not in control of my ships some kind of. Direct control like in Star Wars: Empire at War or the solution used in Gratuitos Space Battles would make the battles last longer and would give a nice variety between the turns, similar to the turn-based game Imperial Glory. I think upgradeable space stations would be a nice addition to the game. In the later game they could be really impressive and massive, not some little space stations with some more firepower. smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 5:41:27 PM
Proposed "Orbital Fort":

Can't use space lanes, wormholes, or warp drives (AKA stuck in the system in which it was built/deployed)

-20% defensive systems cost/weight

-20% weapon systems cost/weight

-20% repair systems cost/weight

200 base tonnage capacity

During a battle, the fort can be behind the defenders fleet. It should have engines, albeit small ones as a fort would need to be able to adjust orbits and possibly move between planets to meet the attackers.
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 3:18:25 PM
chaz420 wrote:
Sounds cool but the drydock/orbital defenses should be able to be destroyed in battle, would make things more interesting

I agree, it should able to be destroyed in battle.
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 1:50:51 PM

I was hoping much like on MoO2 that there space stations should be able to be build and upgraded into Battle Stations etc?

Also Mine fields in space to guard a star system?

Random events like MoO2 as in Space organisms like the Crystal Entity and such things?

Ancient tech guarded by an advanced Ship/Tech?

Boarding parties so you can capture tech... also there are no spy options that I can see of yet!

Just ideas but icing on the cake non the less!
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 12:41:42 AM
Crazy_Charlie112 wrote:
Why not also something like a drydock to build ships instead of building all the ships on a planet or for building the bigger ships like cruisers and so on. And of course the dock should have some defenses.

Sounds cool but the drydock/orbital defenses should be able to be destroyed in battle, would make things more interesting
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 7:26:55 PM
DkTempest wrote:
If they ever visualize Invasions, I could see those being planet Improvement. You could have like say, Long range phase, ships intercepting orbital defenses like Stations, mines, Fighters kind of deal. Then, Medium phase would be, Planet defense like Missiles, planetary shields, ect.. and then lastly you get Melee, which is the actual troop landing, and fighting off enemy troops to try and take over the planet.


That would be so legit!
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 7:24:45 PM
Crazy_Charlie112 wrote:
Why not also something like a drydock to build ships instead of building all the ships on a planet or for building the bigger ships like cruisers and so on. And of course the dock should have some defenses.

Lol. The only time I ever saw a battleship "land" on a planet was in Star Trek: Generations, and we all know how THAT went. ROFL
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 7:22:31 PM
DkTempest wrote:
If they ever visualize Invasions, I could see those being planet Improvement. You could have like say, Long range phase, ships intercepting orbital defenses like Stations, mines, Fighters kind of deal. Then, Medium phase would be, Planet defense like Missiles, planetary shields, ect.. and then lastly you get Melee, which is the actual troop landing, and fighting off enemy troops to try and take over the planet.


I actually remember playing a game like that not sure of name. Actually SotS works similarly with it's defense satellites needing to be destroyed before you focus on the actual planet. Having actual unique phases to battles would be interesting.
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 5:13:10 PM
Why not also something like a drydock to build ships instead of building all the ships on a planet or for building the bigger ships like cruisers and so on. And of course the dock should have some defenses.
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 4:46:49 PM
I think it would be very cool to integrate orbital defense platforms to be used in the defense of a star system.
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 4:08:17 PM
If they ever visualize Invasions, I could see those being planet Improvement. You could have like say, Long range phase, ships intercepting orbital defenses like Stations, mines, Fighters kind of deal. Then, Medium phase would be, Planet defense like Missiles, planetary shields, ect.. and then lastly you get Melee, which is the actual troop landing, and fighting off enemy troops to try and take over the planet.

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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 2:27:53 PM
I definitely think that things like space stations and other such 'in system combat modifiers' could be a very interesting path down which to tread. There would of course need to be some major balancing so to allow invading fleets some way to combat these defences, but I would still love to see some space station/orbital cannon/ground-to-space-missile stuff in the combat to make things just a tiny bit more tactical and varied.

These would hopefully be system improvements that require large upkeep and (just a suggestion) negative approval ratings in the system, but that actually make appearances in the battle cinematic and play a role in the defence of the system in question.
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