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Which Planets are actually the Best?

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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 12:11:25 AM
No, those values are PER pop, so tiny Lava is 17 * 1 = 17 vs Tiny Jungle: 14 * 2 (at least - tiny desert is 2 and we already established Jungle > Desert) = 28 -- already winning, it's actually as they get BIGGER that this may not hold. Also, I'll have to see how the +MaxPop tecs take effect with respect to Type, but assuming they add flat values to the Size/Type base, then those tecs would also dilute the Jungle's extra pop advantage. But using the magic of algebra I can tell you at what point even just +1 MaxPop for jungle vs lava gives lava the lead...

x*17 > (x+1)*14

solves to x > 4.66

So if jungle gives one more pop point than lava at a given size, then the Population of the Lava must be at least 5 to beat the jungle -- but let's not forget that the Jungle is giving you a TON more total FIDS - so yeah, still the Jungle's win unless you REALLY need to milk every ounce of production you can get regardless of the costs to Dust, Food and Science. Oh, and then there's the approval bonus to account for, so Jungle is probably better.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 12:51:38 AM
What I was trying to explain earlier is that you don't need to do any terraforming to get the full table of information:

Mousing over "Huge planet" gives a tooltip that gives the effects of "Huge planet" for *all* planet types, i.e.:

"+8 Pop on Terran

"+8 Pop on Jungle

"+8 Pop on Ocean


all the way to lava/asteroid/etc.

^ All of that information is in a single instance of a tooltip on one planet, regardless of what "type" it is.

All we need is one Tiny, one Small, one Medium, one Large, and one Huge, and an enterprising individual to write down the contents of that tooltip for each size.

Ignoring planets that can't be terraformed, we get:

Ocean is best for science

Terran is best for food or dust

Jungle is best for production
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 1:19:26 AM
PyroVortex wrote:
Mousing over "Huge planet" gives a tooltip that gives the effects of "Huge planet" for *all* planet types, i.e.:

Oh! haha. I missed that
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 3:27:38 AM
Size Tables and final analysis included in 3rd post now.

To Kuros, feel free to use my data on your wiki. And you can get the Production per Size/Type now simply by multiplying the FIDS per person by any given planet's Max Pop.

Special Thanks to PyroVortex for the Tooltip tip (not stuttering)
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 8:24:52 AM
@Messej Ty very very very much

I did that for all the space based 4X games I played so far (I'm sure I still have the table for MoO II around somewhere) and I'm very thankful that someone else did it for me this time.. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:26:34 AM
Great info, thanks for taking the time.

I've still never found a huge Terran planet, I live in hope smiley: smile.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:55:57 AM
If you want to check out gas giants make an old universe game with larger planets their everywhere.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 10:05:49 AM
messej wrote:
Size Tables and final analysis included in 3rd post now.

To Kuros, feel free to use my data on your wiki. And you can get the Production per Size/Type now simply by multiplying the FIDS per person by any given planet's Max Pop.

Special Thanks to PyroVortex for the Tooltip tip (not stuttering)

Thank you messej!

EDIT: After some investigation in the tech tree, I found one population tech which seems missing in your study : Living Habitats, +1 on asteroid and gazs.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 3:05:40 PM
Kruos wrote:
Thank you messej!

EDIT: After some investigation in the tech tree, I found one population tech which seems missing in your study : Living Habitats, +1 on asteroid and gazs.

Yep, I just noticed that as well this morning, correcting the numbers now. Thank you!
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 3:41:51 PM
I have played a little with your datas and done some math with it.

Here is a first sheet on the return on investment of transformation for a forge system :


> Considering RoI of jungle transformation can be veryyyy long, lava is still very sexy for some planet type/size. smiley: wink

EDIT: Explanation of the numbers

For a given planet type size, you have the number of turn taken to compensate the whole cost of the transformation. For example, an Arid > Lava transformation will take theoricaly 83 turns (whole cost of the transformation/industry gain) to be compensated (=profitable).
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