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'Teams' in Multiplayer?

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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 4:08:17 PM
Thanks for your reply.

"Technical director: it's not planned, but why not." You are our Hero!

Can someone say us, where we can follow the decisions around this feature?

Because as already mentioned, we would only be too pleased to acquire the game.

But for us is that a must-have key feature.

Greetings Gerrit
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12 years ago
Jun 28, 2012, 12:53:26 AM
Would require a team shared research tree, or disallow trading tech between allies (I like this option better, allowing different empires to specialize). All technical resources should be shared automatically. Luxury shouldn't share probably (gotta plan to give Jadonix planets to your military focused ally).
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12 years ago
Jun 28, 2012, 5:15:15 PM
The annoying no team victory end game is the first issue. The second and more pressing reason you NEED preset teams instead of ad-hoc teams is because the AI needs to know to work together against you. If I play with 2 other friends against 3 AI, it instantly is 3v1v1v1. That's not challenging. The team setup is essential for the AI to know to cooperate against us. I've made this point in the player suggestion area too, but it's getting little notice there.

DEVS: There will ALWAYS be player energy around this because we are used to it (and love it) in other games. Sins of a Solar Empire, for example. Which is what I play with friends instead of this game ONLY for this reason. It is also why I tell my friends to get that game for LAN parties instead.... I'd rather be telling them to get this game....
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12 years ago
Jul 2, 2012, 2:42:44 PM
This is a massive massive mistake not to have this feature. You should be able to assign teams and have an allied victory. This is simple stuff to add and there are definetly people who won;t buy the game for this reason alone. There is no point playing cooperative multiplayer with friends if there is pretty much 0 competition from the ai and tech sharing, cooperation on voice chat, vision sharing with one amoeba, etc makes cooperative mutliplayer virtually pointless. Some groups just don't want to compete against each other every single game or ever for that matter. Just add teams to the game setup, let allied ai work for ai teams, and add scores from players into team totals. Not that hard to implement.

Just too often nowadays I see too many designers visions of games clash directly with the people who play them, the people should be winning not the designers. We want to get together with a few friends on voice, drink a few beers and have a fun co-op game experience, don;t arbitraily take that away because some deisgner has some vision for how the game is "supposed" to be played. The GWJ group we just put together who played last night is already about to shelve the multiplayer because of the lack of this feature.
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12 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 6:37:56 PM
jam3 wrote:


Please just listen to the guys in this thread. I don't need the Allied Start option this much, but I am totally for the Allied Victory option. It can't be this hard to implement this both options and I am sure it can be a really great improvement for the game. I mean no one would suffer from it cuz nobody is forced to you it, or?

And wouldn't the Allied Victory even fit the story of your universe? It's about empires which try to consolidate themselves for the future. Why shouldn't they be able to find another empire with similar goals and work with them to archive their goals united?

Just think about it again, please! smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 4, 2012, 5:56:05 PM
I totally agree with all previous posters who suggests to add this feature (-s)

1) Start as a team

2) Win as a team

Both will be great, but second alone will also be good.

Personally, I don't see why this can't be implemented from designer's point of view, you can always make this feature TURN ON/TURN OFF so no one will be offended, right?

Please consider adding it in the future.
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