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Goes out of Sync or gets stuck far too often.

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12 years ago
Sep 1, 2012, 2:23:36 PM
Guys, as much as I love this game, a fix for the sync issues and game getting stuck is way overdue. This is preventing me from enjoying at least every game, as the game gets into later stages, its basically guaranteed to get stuck and we loose players smiley: frown

Please patch this, as its another reason MP in this game is so quiet

Update: smiley: fids

Guys I dont think a refund is necessary, Amplitude will fix this!

Legends of Pegasus deserved refunds, not Endless Space. Apples & Oranges

Update # 2:smiley: approval

Please talk about the difficulties in developing the multiplayer net code for Endless Space.

Overall we’re happy with the results, even though it was far more difficult than we’d expected. It’s not perfect yet, and we still have out of sync issues. We know we have a very dedicated community of online players, though, so we are working every day to improve it. In fact, we hired a new team member who was recruited specifically to answer those issues.

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12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012, 6:04:02 PM
I second that. Game looks so nice, but is impossible to play MP. Desync, %updating error, gets stuck after 100 turns. Really a pity.
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12 years ago
Sep 27, 2012, 8:31:48 PM
This is the reason I'm not playing right now. I've had one MP game not completely fail and fall apart before the end, it was amazing.
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12 years ago
Oct 1, 2012, 8:35:21 AM
How do you know you are getting sync errors? I have had a couple of games now that we eventually discovered were OOS, but didn't realise until it was way too late to go back. I've never seen a message indicating that the game is OOS, which would be helpful as I could do something about it before it got too late.

Hopefully the upcoming patch does something to help this out. The patch notes don't have anything specific about desyncing, except for one point about galaxy events making games go OOS being fixed, so hopefully that's solves it once and for all.
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12 years ago
Oct 1, 2012, 2:30:00 PM
Now one thing I have noticed is that new hero arrivals sometimes differ from gamestate to gamestate.

For example on turn 41 a new hero appears in playerA's academy. It seems that every player independently rolls a random hero from playerA's pool, instead of it being synchronized. This becomes apparent when you load the game from different player's savegames.

This might just be a result of the global event desync, but it's surely worth looking into.
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12 years ago
Oct 1, 2012, 7:22:29 PM
I really hope the sync issues are resolved in the next update. Otherwise the game is going to keep loosing multi players through ruined games that were going well. Frustrated fans = less fans.

I notice, when a lot of syn issues happen, there is one person all people are waiting for turn to end. Yet this person sees everything as normal but with a stuck turn timer. When only this person rejoins the game, the game can continue. Usually, the game is failbot unless this person leaves permanently.

Other times, there is ships with 0/0 fleet CP around the place.

PLEASE for such an amazing game, the sync / mp stuck issues are so bad.

Fingers crossed that the update tomorrow resolves, so I can play with my favorite experienced players again.
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12 years ago
Oct 2, 2012, 7:34:51 PM
DMT wrote:
I notice, when a lot of syn issues happen, there is one person all people are waiting for turn to end. Yet this person sees everything as normal but with a stuck turn timer. When only this person rejoins the game, the game can continue. Usually, the game is failbot unless this person leaves permanently.


And as for now, it seems the patch did not solve the errors. The %updating error (wich might be related to desyncs) still persists.
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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 10:12:55 AM
Today we have been getting stuck and End Turn Screen even in early game, this is my first weekend to play since patch.... hope this issue is limited to one player with connection issues. Though game should not stick or crash on end turn NO MATTER the connection issues of any player. One play should not be able to ruin a game, whether it is their fault or not, its really the games fault.
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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 11:44:40 AM
I think right now the most common bug for stuck on end turn is when fighting pirates. Sometimes, when a player tries to attack a pirate, combat does not occur, but it thinks there is combat going on and this prevents end turn.
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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 12:55:29 PM
We also don't have pirates in our games (and nearly no fighting at all) and our games get stuck every time. Diplomacy seems to trigger it because negotiation with one player suddenly is impossible and then the game (and the savegame) are buggy...

Hot-fix now!
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12 years ago
Oct 7, 2012, 1:33:42 PM
Had the worst desync I have ever seen the other day. It was a Ryousei game, I was fighting with Shivan, it was the early 20s in turns i think. He was in my constellation, then pushed back to his side, i moved in with some ships, we had a big fight, i reinforced after the fight and threw my hero in for a 7/7 fleet with hero. I move a colony ship in to colonize that system and move a lvl 4 admin hero there, then i see he has a 0mp fleet on the way. Next turn his tiny ship arrives, I fight it, it shows one ship vs my 7, i auto it obviously, thinkin yay dead colony ship... I think he manualed, battle resolves, i see I LOST!!! I check report it shows he had 5 combat ship vs my 2 colony and 1 scout. WTF??!?! I dont have that there or anywhere at all. I try to fight with my hero fleet, but it wont allow it. So we save and reload game start of next turn. Upon reload...

My hero fleet is displaced to my side of the wormhole, my hero is unassigned with 3 turns to wait for assignment. HE CONTROLS the system on his side, even tho to me I colonized it before. The colony ship I had colonized it with is nowhere to be found (probably the battle he fought of 5v3 actually happened) and here is the oddest part. My admin hero is STILL ON THAT SYSTEM!!! HIS SYSTEM!!!!! Cant be reassigned for 3 more turns either! We continued the game and all that, but thats some jacked up sync issues right there. I have also been noticing more frequent sync issues as of late. Patch related? I don't know.
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12 years ago
Oct 7, 2012, 2:13:42 PM
I have had some improvements and there certainly needs to be a lot more work done to fix all this. I still have games where people must leave rejoin etc....

I seen a new one yesterday. I was host. It says then in chat, DMT (ME) has left the game. Yet I am still in the game and can communicate with the others.

All of a sudden I notice weird stuff happening and I lost ocntrol of ships etc. I was in VIEW ONLY mode watching the AI play for me lol... we tried reloading but save was then corrupt. New game time... Oo ... finding new ways to crash all the time, lol smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Oct 8, 2012, 1:41:32 AM
Yep, I had taken system from one of the AI players (I wasn't the host), but every turn, and construction I did in that system would be cancelled and reset to changing exploitation and ind->dust. Couldn't figure out why until we reloaded the game. Turns out that I didn't actually take that system on the host and the AI was still in control of it. Every time I put something in the build queue, the AI changed it back.

It really does make me not want to continue playing until these issues are resolved. At the least it needs something to detect that the game has gone out of sync, so that the game can be reloaded before it gets to a point that is not worth coming back to.
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