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Goes out of Sync or gets stuck far too often.

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12 years ago
Oct 16, 2012, 3:27:46 AM
skamaks wrote:
More seriously we're aware of the sync issues. We've been looking into this, unfortunately there's no easy fix. It's easy to see that it's not working but it's difficult to identitfy the cause of it. To be a little more precise we're looking into the command orders and their transfers, etc... We've been working on a patch that will be released soon that will fix some of the issues, and we'll continue to work on it. Meanwhile, one thing players should try, to put the odds in their favour, is to make sure that they have the latest version running and no mods activated.

We'll keep you posted on this.

Good news! Would it be possible to detect periodically if the game has gotten out of sync? At least that way we can reload from an autosave before things get too far out?
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12 years ago
Oct 16, 2012, 4:22:15 PM
Just a note for you devs. Had an OOS issue tonight that might have had a trigger.

As background information, another user has stated elsewhere that two invasions cannot finish on the same turn. If both show 1 turn remaining to complete the invasion, the next turn only 1 will actually complete, and the other will occur the following turn.

We were playing tonight and this situation happened to my brother (we play 2 human, 6 AI). On my brothers game, he successfully completed the invasion of both worlds, one turn after another. On my system (which is the one we started the game on) only the first system was successfully invaded, and the second system remained in the hands of the AI player. Saving and reloading the game at that point gave us both a galaxy where that second invaded system was still in the hands of the AI, and required 4 more turns for the invasion to complete.

I'm sorry, but it was 2am here and I didn't think to move the auto saves for the turns directly before we noted the problem. It could have been out for a while and we only noticed at that time (in fact the only reason we noticed at all was it was the last two systems for that race, and he got the notification that a race had been eliminated and I didn't). Hopefully though, this might provide at least a clue to something that is repeatable on your systems.
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12 years ago
Oct 16, 2012, 5:38:53 PM
skamaks wrote:
Humm that's what happens when Steph'nie decides to take a week off... smiley: rollsweat

More seriously we're aware of the sync issues. We've been looking into this, unfortunately there's no easy fix. It's easy to see that it's not working but it's difficult to identitfy the cause of it. To be a little more precise we're looking into the command orders and their transfers, etc... We've been working on a patch that will be released soon that will fix some of the issues, and we'll continue to work on it. Meanwhile, one thing players should try, to put the odds in their favour, is to make sure that they have the latest version running and no mods activated.

We'll keep you posted on this.

I think you should put this information on the homepage oder the dev blog so that all people can see that you are working on the problem. Otherwise people may tend to keep wondering if anything is done at all...
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 2:07:26 AM
As an addition to my report above, I (as the host system) just had 2 invasions listed as finishing on the next turn. Both completed in the same turn on both my (host) system, and my brothers game. Can't imagine it will be helpful in this case, but I have taken a copy of the auto saves for the last few turns if you want them.
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 4:11:54 AM
Strudo76 wrote:
As background information, another user has stated elsewhere that two invasions cannot finish on the same turn.

I doubt that claim very much.

In any case I think you proved it false.
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 8:43:24 AM
Xenolith wrote:
I doubt that claim very much.

In any case I think you proved it false.

You doubt someone else stated it elsewhere? Good for you!

I added that it didn't occur on the host system, and it might not happen in single player. The point was to provide a point where an MP game might go out of sync. In this case, that scenario occurred in my brothers game in MP (not the host), and it was after that we noticed that the game was out of sync. Your belief is not required in this matter.
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 6:48:12 PM
skamaks wrote:
Humm that's what happens when Steph'nie decides to take a week off... smiley: rollsweat

More seriously we're aware of the sync issues. We've been looking into this, unfortunately there's no easy fix. It's easy to see that it's not working but it's difficult to identitfy the cause of it. To be a little more precise we're looking into the command orders and their transfers, etc... We've been working on a patch that will be released soon that will fix some of the issues, and we'll continue to work on it. Meanwhile, one thing players should try, to put the odds in their favour, is to make sure that they have the latest version running and no mods activated.

We'll keep you posted on this.

Skamaks please look at checking synchronisation between players at the click of End Turn. It's not a big ask as each player is saving game state to hash check the saves to see if a desynch has occurred and inform the players. This would go a long way to making the game playable in multiplayer.

Also please also look in to why sometimes in our games we will do an invasion and 1 of the players will not see the invasion on his screen, on his screen the system isn't being invaded, the fleet is just sitting at the system. This has shown us a desynch and we unclick the invasion and do it again until the player sees the invasion to stop synch issues.
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12 years ago
Oct 18, 2012, 1:50:26 AM
Strudo76 wrote:
You doubt someone else stated it elsewhere? Good for you!

I added that it didn't occur on the host system, and it might not happen in single player. The point was to provide a point where an MP game might go out of sync. In this case, that scenario occurred in my brothers game in MP (not the host), and it was after that we noticed that the game was out of sync. Your belief is not required in this matter.

You are a special flower. <3
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12 years ago
Nov 3, 2012, 11:49:33 PM
Also stating that I've experienced the de-sync issue, and its honestly trashed the entire multiplayer aspect of ES for me. Please hurry with the fix!
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12 years ago
Nov 29, 2012, 7:43:04 PM
Oh cmon... We just had our hopes up and started a new game. But I expected something like this.
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 1:07:10 AM
Came in here to post we've been having sync issues in multiplayer games as well. It becomes obvious that the game is out of sync after a while when you compare scores to your friends. I might be at the top of a list, but because for them I don't have half my planets colonized, I'm at the bottom of the list when they view it.

I'll colonize a system, but for my friend I just have a colonizer ship in orbit still.

There was a time for my friend where they had a 0 ship fleet invading them, but for me it was a 2 ship fleet. It was stupid weird how they could have a 0 ship fleet invading them to begin with.
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 1:20:37 AM
In a game now myself with 0 ship fleets all over the place... 2/4 games desync for me today.
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 2:02:39 AM
Guys, the syn issues have gone from terrible to both terrible and absolutely atrocious!!!!!!!

See screen shot..... What happened here is game went out of sync. We reloaded. One of the players found that they lost 3 of their top system to me... I had like pop 5 pop 9 and pop 10 they had like pop 4 pop 7 and pop 9 ON THE SAME DAMN SYSTEMS.... Its like we are in the same match but playing completely different versions of it. A total waste of time. This is now 3/5 matches RUINED by shoddy multiplayer code TODAY.

I could not continue playing when pressing the button here, it just kept coming back with same issue. I have also attached save file. This is pi$$ing me off royally.


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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 2:19:33 AM
So far Endless Space is up there with Civ4&5 and galaxtic civilisations 2 as one of my all time fav 4x games, but its the multiplayer that makes it so good, and the sync issues are making it far less fun to play than it otherwise would be.

Once the bugs are fixed ES may become my all time fav 4x smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 2:21:03 AM
Sephiroth wrote:
So far Endless Space is up there with Civ4&5 and galaxtic civilisations 2 as one of my all time fav 4x games, but its the multiplayer that makes it so good, and the sync issues are making it far less fun to play than it otherwise would be.

Once the bugs are fixed ES may become my all time fav 4x smiley: biggrin

+ 1 .......... smiley: smile I have a love / hate relationship with ES lately...... smiley: fids
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 5:13:44 AM
Happens to me frequently as well. Also managed to somehow freeze the game sometimes when someone who quits rejoins, and re-syncs when they close the game and quit again.
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 9:11:49 AM
If saving/reloading the game would do the job it would be a workaround until the issues are really fixed. But the games seem to get so super-desync that even reloading does not help. So, as DMT stated above, it's a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME for now...

I just don't recommend doing this "free endless space on steam" thing at this time, Amplitude, because many people take a look, see how buggy it is and quit smiley: frown
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