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Goes out of Sync or gets stuck far too often.

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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 9:38:53 PM
Just had a 200+ turn private multi player game work without issues but every Public game fails.

Reading the Dev's posts about syn issues it makes senses that some 'orders' are not getting received and others are playing out on the server differently to the local machine.

It will good to see when the next patch comes out that changes the way the server deals with multi player games (and how it will detect cheaters and kick them as 'illegal orders' will be dropped)

But I guess I will have to wait and see how it plays out. In the mean time, private multi players only for me as they work.
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 2:48:01 AM
DMT wrote:
Just had my first game with new patch. Des

ync @ turn 30.... Kyu was in it also....

Just had a sync free game, yey smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 4:30:42 AM
Some Sync issues are solved, like seeing starsystems from the host as beeing unsettled (with ship there). (So host answers calls from the client better)

But still at some point i saw a star system as belonging to pirates, but could not attack the pirate ship in orbit. After exit restart form host i realized 2 complete conquered star systems didn't belong to me and the pirate system was back to owner.

So it never happend at all, at least for the host. Some enemy Fleets sieging my system and others vanished as well.

Conclusion communication client -> host broken.

I played the game for several turns in my personal reality, completely cut off from what the host was doing.

The notification from the client to the host never happenend.

MP async status: not fixed.
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 9:49:43 AM
DMT wrote:
Just had a sync free game, yey smiley: smile

Glad to hear. smiley: smile It's not entirely fixed yet, but at least, it is getting better and better.
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 1:24:44 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
Glad to hear. smiley: smile It's not entirely fixed yet, but at least, it is getting better and better.

With this latest patch things are WAY better, I'm going to see if I can get my online guild in on a game this weekend.
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 3:37:43 AM
Hmm..... 4/5 games have desync with the same old issues of people losings half their systems etc....
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 9:05:16 AM
DMT wrote:
Hmm..... 4/5 games have desync with the same old issues of people losings half their systems etc....

I confirm.
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 10:34:34 AM
Glad to hear. It's not entirely fixed yet, but at least, it is getting better and better.

I know I must sound like an ass as most of my posts are critical. Yet I have to say that while I can remember that fleets disappeared (which happened pretty rarely), I never had problems regarding entire star systems getting lost or switched owners. Mostly, we (me and my brother) had crashes and could not load saved games. Now, we updated to Polaris the day before yesterday and had some mp games yesterday. Game freezed once and after we reloaded the autosave, my brother lost two entire star systems (became uninhabited) and a fleet with 7 or 8 ships that became two colony ships straight in his enemies territory. Also, my brother suffered on heavy graphical glitches (missing art / replaced by black squares, missing / black letters in star names - was fine for me though). We didn't try it with the update that was released yesterday evening, but till this point I have to say that things got worse, sorry. Now that I think about it, we recognized the new update after the game freezed and we had to quit to the desktop. Not sure if the pending update could have broken the autosave, but I can hardly imagine that.

EDIT: Just had another mp game against my brother that freezed again. The autosave doesn't load at all. So no, one can hardly say that things got better...
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 4:50:23 PM
Played a game with DMT yesterday and it desynced.

The best way to at least recognize desync seems to be asking everyone to report their own score every ten turns or so, and have the host compare it with what they see. If you recognize it earlier less should seem to be lost.

Also, to keep players from getting frustrated and to keep the game fair, you can then reload the last autosave that you checked for desync on and found none.
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12 years ago
Dec 23, 2012, 10:23:54 AM
I can confirm desyncs , hangs , disconnections , and i and few other players experience "choppiness" in game. For example i order my fleet to move , and don't see them moving , fleet stagger a bit then just appears at destinations(and no it is not a wormhole)..When i discover star system , second or two pass and then it appears , same with button that resumes fleet movement..Same with menus ,very choppy. When i want to click more techs in tech tree i click them then then appear clicked after few seconds.

Sp is running without this problems.
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12 years ago
Dec 23, 2012, 1:00:23 PM
I just wont be playing the game half as much until these sync issues are fixed, tired of them now beyond belief.....
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12 years ago
Dec 25, 2012, 8:29:26 PM
OK guys, you really need to get your thinking caps on, this Endless sync issues are unforgivable right now.

This latest game went out of sync, then when green left it continued, but next turn I get endless error which will not let me continue game. Only option was exit to desktop. Is this game in pre alpha or what? smiley: frown

See attached image.
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12 years ago
Dec 26, 2012, 5:17:07 PM
Yea i think that latest patch/add-on created more problems than it solved..Please shift your focus toward MP , who needs steam achievements and whatnot ? Don't waste time on trivial things , fix MP..
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12 years ago
Dec 26, 2012, 5:30:52 PM
morernil wrote:
Yea i think that latest patch/add-on created more problems than it solved..Please shift your focus toward MP , who needs steam achievements and whatnot ? Don't waste time on trivial things , fix MP..

I must say I agree... All the Steam achievements have done is cover my frikkin end turn button & move fleets button temporarily loads of times during game! This does not fix sync issues smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 12:39:56 AM
DMT wrote:
Guys, as much as I love this game, a fix for the sync issues and game getting stuck is way overdue. This is preventing me from enjoying at least every game, as the game gets into later stages, its basically guaranteed to get stuck and we loose players smiley: frown

Please patch this, as its another reason MP in this game is so quiet

Update: smiley: fids

Guys I dont think a refund is necessary, Amplitude will fix this!

Legends of Pegasus deserved refunds, not Endless Space. Apples & Oranges

Update # 2:smiley: approval



After my game against you : it is sad that the host leaving means the game ends.

I was beating DMT, he was hosting, and of course it was not a very good position for him : leaving the game would stop it for all other players.

For others things, I keep thinking this is a very good game (and very chronophage) !
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 12:50:34 AM
Grogmar wrote:

After my game against you : it is sad that the host leaving means the game ends.

I was beating DMT, he was hosting, and of course it was not a very good position for him : leaving the game would stop it for all other players.

For others things, I keep thinking this is a very good game (and very chronophage) !

What? You were hosting and I was beating you severely and you needed to leave. Several friends will confirm this.
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 1:53:14 AM
Me and two friends recently purchased this from Steam, and we all love it - once we got use to it! However the De-syncing bug is highly annoying and none of us want to play it due to this error. Even petitioning Steam about a possible refund. I've read posts from early March about this issue, and the fact that its almost January dishearten's me, as it seems unlikely to get fixed.

Every game we have played, has resulted in a crash (19 hours worth of game play) Upon loading the save, One or two of us (not hosts) have lost entire systems, and ships. and For some reason gained massive sums of dust. I personally had lost 8 systems, and around 15 destroyer + class ships, been replaced by completely uncolonised systems, and basic scouts or Settler ships, while receiving a 4000+ Dust 'compensation'.

Please fix this issue, promptly!
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 2:06:58 AM
Happens to me too. All the time. Multiplayer of this game is far from even stable. It´s utterly broken.

I bought endless space to my friend from steam daily deals, without knowing it´s multiplayers current state.

Amplitude, before you add more playable factions or ingame features, you should really fix multiplayer first. Just focus on that, it´s pretty basic stuff, if you have multiplayer in your game, it at least should be stable, or not have it at all. I´ve seen that you´ve added more ingame stuff and polishes like wonders since I last time playe, but really, now focus 100% on multiplayer, my friend is losing his spark and interest to play this game because everytime we play it ends up crashing around 30-50th round.
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