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Multiplayer improvements - Beta Patch [WORK IN PROGRESS]

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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 7:27:10 PM
Thanks stephanie for letting people test this. I am so happy to see you guys working hard on this and taking seriously what the community feel is a problem.
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12 years ago
Feb 8, 2013, 5:55:14 PM
Oh sweet, I'll join you tomorrow, if I'll have the time (and/or the patience) smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Feb 10, 2013, 12:37:51 PM
The "%updating" issues are still unresolved, tested yesterday. Only I can host a game, my 2 companions can not. Hardware & router configs OUT OF THE QUESTION, all other games, Steam or non-Steam are working.
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12 years ago
Feb 11, 2013, 2:50:22 PM
AntonyLee wrote:
this is great ..... would the changes be universal to single player also ?

Well yes, it is still the same game - either in SP or MP.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 5:49:44 PM
smiley: warning We are using the Steam system of betas. To get access to the version, you will have to select in the Steam properties of the Endless Space (right click on the game in your Library), the 'Betas' tab, then the 'Beta - Beta branch' option of the droplist.

The password is: multiplayer


Hi everyone,

We are back with some news on the multiplayer. We thought we would share our improvements with you guys first, as we have not made any public announcement yet. Indeed, we would like to allow you to try out this new version of the multiplayer. We think you'll already have a better experience if you want to have a Multiplayer game in the upcoming days. Here are the details on the fixes:


  • Locust point are now progressing depending on the game speed:

    - Slow: x0.5

    - Normal: x1

    - Fast: x2
  • Added a speed factor for the hero arrival (25, 50, 75)


  • Fixed a bug when joining on the fly was able to cause a desync when an empire had a cloned hero
  • Fixed a bug when the parameters used to compute the population growth weren't properly initialized by remote players that joined on the fly (when playing in fast or slow)
  • Fixed a bug when sometimes, by joining on the fly, the star system influence was a source of desync
  • Fixed a bug in the construction queue (multiple unique planetary improvements of the same category)
  • Fixed a bug where the battle card retreat (when played by an AI) caused an assert and a desync
  • Updated the way fleets and ships are identified to guarantee each fleet has a unique identifier
  • Revamped game states to improve the synchronisation between players
  • Improve simulation calculations sorting to avoid desync when joining on the fly
  • Fixed a game state sync condition that caused the game to freeze under certain circumstances
  • Fixed a copy/paste mistake in fleet merging
  • Added a Hero ID sort in case of Hero Level equality in fleet merging
  • Fixed conversion issues
  • Fixed updating data simulation
  • Fixed initialisation of influence zones of home systems
  • Fixed latency issues
  • Fixed GUI that temporary duplicates/instantiates objects
  • Fixed game speed management with game events


  • Fixed an issue where the event that adds an anomaly on planets could add many different anomalies on the same planet
  • Fixed an issue with reinitialization of a random provoking either a spawn of pirate fleet each turn or none spawn for the whole game


Note that this is work in progress and we will keep on fixing the remaining issues on the MP.
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12 years ago
Feb 14, 2013, 3:51:26 PM
MP wihtout crashes...sounds to good to be true : )

But as i posted in the comments iam feared thats this is an overnerf for cravers in fast games in theory it is maybe not cause many things cost half the science/industrie on fast as in normal. But travling speed is still the same. In Practise an i know what iam talking about a malus of 25 FIDS starting at arround turn 30 is a (too) big malus even in fast games...and man we got enough sophon affinity players. A factor of 1.5x would also do the job.
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12 years ago
Feb 14, 2013, 4:49:30 PM
We're currently working on different game speed factors including: Bushido & Revenge, invasion progress and the Locust Point. Until now, we only could modify the locust progress, so using 1.5 as a multiplier will have not been proper feedback (because of the odd number). Now, I'll be able to modify the bounds' values. This should be available in our fourth free add-on (no date announced yet though!).

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12 years ago
Feb 17, 2013, 8:58:12 AM
After a few extended games, this patch seems to be working significantly better. There was still a desync around turn 90, and we had to reload a few times from it not ending the turn, but overall a much smoother experience smiley: smile

Also, the AI seems improved. Was it changed or am I just making that up?
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12 years ago
Feb 18, 2013, 6:33:26 PM
Started new game with 3 human players, no AI. Game stuck with "end of turn in progress" message for all players at turn 7. Sorry, MP worse than before smiley: mrgreen
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12 years ago
Feb 18, 2013, 9:07:44 PM
If you simply save and reload the game after it get stuck like that, the game should proceed as normal. This bug is still an issue, but I have always been able to fix it upon the reload.
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12 years ago
Feb 19, 2013, 5:10:51 PM
Just read in the changelog of the now released Beta Patch

-Change seed between battle phase

what does that actually and exactly means?
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