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Mod based on real Aliens that had been seen

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13 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 11:18:39 PM
Xenomorphs, they would invade your colonies and you have to dispatch 1 Sigourney Weaver to take care of that system
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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 12:48:05 PM
There's a documentary on people who make crop circles. They're just artists. It's a fun past time and I don't think the original inspiration came from an actual alien crop circle. I really do think you underestimate the power of human imagination. It is a wonderous thing. I do believe life is out there somewhere. But I don't believe we've been visited. And I'm kinda glad because we've got time as a species to sort ourselves out.
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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 12:51:49 PM
chaz420 wrote:
I think it would be cool to play as the Anunnaki, if someone makes this I'd download it smiley: biggrin

Doubt it'd be what you'd expect.
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13 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 6:47:02 PM
You can base your "real" aliens on :

- Star Trek

- Star Wars

- Mass Effect

I would LOVE to see Mass Effect come into place. The races in the game seem so fitting and already very developped with much to inspire modding. If I were any good at anything on computer that goes beyond consuming I would gladly take on the project but I'm not smiley: frown
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13 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 9:21:10 PM
InFlamesWeTrust wrote:
Real aliens?

Have we made contact while I was asleep?
I Lol'd hard. You sir are the best smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 4:34:04 AM
I mean it only makes since they're is alien life out there. I mean come on billions of galaxies with billions of stars with trillions of planets the odds are kinda in our favor. lol. Hell there is even evidence of possible life in our own solar system. Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, has an underground ocean. ANNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDD to boot it has oxygen levels in the water close to what we have in our oceans a recent discovery shows. Go ahead and google it. Also on Titan, one of Saturn's moons, has a rich methane atmosphere (the only moon with a dense atmosphere I might add) and a gas called acetylene is being consumed, suggesting methanogens (methane based life form where methane replaces water) is consuming it. Though some scientist suggest geological activities are involved. Anyway I find all this stuff compelling.
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13 years ago
Jun 12, 2012, 1:29:26 AM
Really guys? We should all be politically correct and call them 'Foriegn Species' before they start a flame war.... On a serious note that wouldn't be to bad of an idea.
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13 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 10:59:58 PM
Funny thing is being "visited by aliens" only really happened after Hollywood made movies about aliens. Before that it was demons, trolls and witches. If someone have a lucid dream either intentional or not, you can pretty much control anything that happens in your dream and it will feel completely real. So of course if you wanted to believe you've been abducted by aliens that you're special, and you have no knowledge of what lucid dreaming is, you would probably believe it was real.

No Earth hasn't been visited by aliens, if any relatively advanced civilization would be anywhere near us ~100 light years we would pick up radio or other forms of transmission. If they have any form of FTL, they're most likely at a point where they wouldn't really care much about lesser species, and if they somehow picked up our radio transmissions which so far only stretch about a 100 light years, they wouldn't know we were here. Then if by any chance they would be within this 100 Light year radius if they did decide to study us, AND they're at such an advanced point where we can't detect them, they wouldn't do such a sloppy job at it.

Think about it, if you were to study something and you don't want it or anyone else of their species to know about it, you wouldn't take people who were sleeping, and perform crude biological experiments on them, which more than likely is just a sexual fantasy these people made up in their dreams. They wouldn't strap a bunch of lights on their ships and fly around the atmosphere, so people with phone cameras could capture the footage.

These abduction stories are most likely people seeking attention, especially in the early Hollywood alien movie era, if you go to any of these "conventions" where supposedly people who've been abducted and have "proof" that aliens exist, most of them will try to sell you merchandise. Most of these abductions also happened in the states to a lot of people living in pretty poor conditions, trying to grab media attention and sell this kind of merchandise.

Also, yes there might be life on Europa one of Saturn's moons, there might also be on our own moon and on Mars as well, but this isn't intelligent life, this is microbes and bacteria. Though yes there most likely is life out there in the universe, and quite possibly intelligent life, advanced civilisations, but there is no evidence suggesting aliens have visited Earth, other than a bunch of nutters who say they've been abducted while asleep or have seen flashy lights in the sky. A lot of people believe the loch ness monster is real as well as big foot. Most of the time again, they're set up to sell merchandise.
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13 years ago
May 25, 2012, 12:08:08 AM
Sammyrocks555 wrote:
if aliens are made up, then how are crop circles made? they definitely aren't made by humans. it should be impossible to bend crops that much because they would break.

also, if there is life on earth, that means that it could happen on any planet right? chance of life on other planet = probably about 1 in 1,000,000,000,000. planets in universe = definitely over 1,000,000,000,000

although to be honest i only believe greys.

People make crop circles fairly often, actually, but I agree with one part: live evolved once, and it can do so again, and probably in far more varied environments than what is found on Earth. A good mod idea would be one that added, not "real" aliens, but realistic ones, that look like they evolved under completely different circumstances than humans. Humanoid shapes only makes sense if the species in question was once a primate, and even accepting panspermia it's unlikely we would find space chimps that had never seen Earth.
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13 years ago
Jun 16, 2012, 1:00:33 PM
I was never implying intelligent life when I said that, I know there cant be complex life in our solar system except maybe on Europa.
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13 years ago
Jun 19, 2012, 9:42:23 AM
I can't help but think of this when reading through this topic.

Paranoid Cat

I lolled hard at this topic. The "humans can't make crop circles" comment was the highlight of my day so far.
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 10:31:01 AM
"The only real proof that there is intelligent life in outer space, is that they have never tried to contact us." smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jun 27, 2012, 10:37:18 PM
About crop circles....

Scary movie 3


real aliens are found everywhere.

The original meaning of Alien is stranger.

Alien ( lat. ) = Stranger ( engl.)

A lifeform from an other planet is a stranger to us. Over time and many movies most people thing that alien means : from other planet.

But that is just wrong.

Some time ago biologists found new lifeforms in the deep sea, and there were messages that they found alien lifeforms.

It was true, they were strange ones. But the lifeforms have never been in space ( beside that earth is in space ^^ ).

So if you look out of your window, see a strange human walking in front of your house, it is an alien. smiley: smile

Best wishes

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13 years ago
Jun 28, 2012, 2:10:54 PM
NerdyPrince wrote:
Just thought about something, how about making a mod that is based on real aliens that had been reported around the world such as Sirians, Pleiades, Greys, Anunnaki, etc...

God this is priceless! lol!! Real aliens !! lol!!

"Look Buzz over there - it's a alien!"

"You're mocking me now aren't you?"

Ha ha ha ha. God I'm glad I found this thread. This thread should have a star rating all of its own!
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13 years ago
Jun 29, 2012, 9:02:51 AM
Maybe some of the alien spirits that are trapped in our volcanoes could get loose and make an appearance in the game? Those guys totally exist...
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13 years ago
Jun 29, 2012, 1:54:55 PM
seanw3 wrote:
Maybe some of the alien spirits that are trapped in our volcanoes could get loose and make an appearance in the game? Those guys totally exist...

I've got evidence that a bunch of nomadic space dragons are in orbit around the planet. They always send down their young ones to live a human life, as part of a deal that they made with the local dragon population.

(I am not making this up, I know someone who legitimately believes this)
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 9:27:20 AM
NerdyPrince wrote:
Hey Guyssmiley: biggrin

Just thought about something, how about making a mod that is based on real aliens

The ones at home depot?
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