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[RELEASED] Hupas compilation mod

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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 4:28:03 PM
Oh and sorry about that trait thingy, I really need to think what traits works with what race. (will get even more interesting once I make governments)

fleet mod is out of picture right now... just because I did need that skill to completly other use :P (oh btw, it's easy to have fleet size of 0, do not do that.. it prevers you to form new fleet (haven't tested))
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 5:59:15 PM
What about introducing governments in replacement of traits?

Direct rule (Monarchy? - some minor bonuses, no negative?)

Military dictatorship (Ship building bonus, experience bonus to ships, but social build/science negatives?)

Democracy (Science, Approval penalty - free speech, possibly small money bonus?)

Communism (Industry bonus, slight growth negative?)

Corporatocracy (Big money/trade boost, industry penalty due to coruption?)

Something like that

Something along those lines
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 7:00:28 PM
mmm, I start to like this after that change

Some really strong race affinity which basically tells how to play race aka cybernetic / lithovore, tolerant, creative? (sadly one can't study more than 1 tech at once smiley: frown ), one who sees everything, maybe hissho and crawer bonus

Then Alignment which basically gives bonuses based to how good race is

Last government (I like your ideas)

and then just maybe 1-10 small traits which can be some fillers, like +1 fids per person, some minor ship boosts and so on.

Aaah, now I start to like how this will look like smiley: biggrin

and best is that it's as close to MoO 2 as one just can get in this game.
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 7:10:00 PM
What about taking - [CODE]

MaxHealth="600" MaxWeight="200"

Speed="0" FreeSpeed="0" CommandPoint="2">








For the pirate ships - multiply command points by at least 2 and lower max weight for weaker ships so that pirates aren't quite the scourge they are?
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 7:21:42 PM
there is easier way to handle that but uhm, I'm rather busy right now (with making those governments).

I am really bad with releasing fixes just because I always notice something else what I want to change and suddenly ships looks like cows shooting icecream
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 7:34:15 PM
Not too worried about ships...just the pirates! See screenshot smiley: wink Its an easy fix tho. I dont mind fixing it and pm'ing the code
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 7:48:08 PM
in some cases I have absolutely no ideas:

Tundra, what kind of bonuses it can give? Reindeers? Lack of food?

Arid, got nooo ideas

in some cases I have faint idea:

Gas Giants, basically I want to turn these to terrans for race

Tundra - basically semi frozen ground that thaws just enough during summer months to permit vegatation growth characterized by low ground growth, no trees. Tradiationly functions as a carbon sink until global warming when it starts releasing carbon and methane. Desert like precipation, however the melting of permafrost creates seasonal marshes bogs and shallow lakes. Source of minerals / fossil fuel / ore ie: uranium and oil.

Question: can you create a modifier that effects food production? Basically create winter and not winter. Every 5 turns planet produces food at normal rate then five turns later planet produces produces food at lower rate.

Basically tundra is polar desert with potential for resources.
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 9:13:06 PM
Just bought this game on steam, first thing I though was this looks great!!!!!

I played for about 20 minutes and though a Battlefleet Gothic mod would work great in this game.

anyway down to the thread... I'm glad someone is modding ES, I would give it a shot but I simply don't have the time.

Hupailija, sounds like your quite an experienced programmer, what PL's have you got under your belt? (if any)
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 10:32:02 PM
Its just XML.

Confusing, badly commented XML that needs to remain the exact same byte count or the game crashes :P

Personally I'm a PHP/Rails developer (As a profession) and I still struggle with this. But I hate XML :P
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12 years ago
Jul 20, 2012, 12:55:53 AM
Sigh, I know what you mean, just took a look at the files... its a bit of a mess... then again maybe that's because I'm not used to working with XML

Just tried to edit research modifier, and the f***** crashed, so i'm guessing either the file has been encrypted, to stop any kind of major data entry or... I suck smiley: stickouttongue

Worst thing is even if I wanted to I couldn't, I'm used to working with C and pascal so basically unless its work related, my brain just isn't going to work

Edit: ha ha just read through the forum, looks like there is a little loop you can use with the hero's for research... I'm gonna keep trying to edit modifiers though...
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12 years ago
Jul 20, 2012, 5:01:57 AM
Not only it's poorly written in some parts (someone been in hurry!) but there are codes which absolutely doesn't make any sense.

I really hate ugly code but hey, since it's XML I can do minor "magic" with it smiley: biggrin

About me hmmm, well ... my first own game comes out hopefully at next years.
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12 years ago
Jul 20, 2012, 5:15:39 AM
How about:

Hyper Expansion:

+10 food per system

-2 food per population in planet

negate expansion approval
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12 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 5:53:57 AM
uhm, I was thinking about releasing new versin yesterday... but then I met Beyond Good and Evil and suddenly I lost a day smiley: biggrin

(absolutely marvelous game, boy I would have wanted to do that... then again they probably had god like persons to do animation and story)
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12 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 8:37:21 AM
New race traits and why: (will keep old affinity) aaand thanks to code limitation (I really tried to get it work) some changes


* Businessman 2 (need to figure out better names): 0% science, 100% of dust goes to science, +20% dust. They buy technology instead of studying it (makes sense really, think about Imperium from Warhammer for example)

* Evil: 30% cheaper ships

* Corporative: 30% more income from trade, 10% more income, -10% production. Do I have to explain? :P

* Marketing: +2 dust per planet

(to be implemented: High quality people: +15 approval and +1 to fids when living on terran, jungle or ocean)


* Scientist 1: 50% less production, 50% of science goes to production, +15% science: People are too busy to think improved ways to increase their production

* Good: +10% to fids

* Democracy: -10 approval, +1 science per population, +1 dust per population: Sophons being superioir intelligent specie tend to favor pragmatic and social ways to solve crisis.

* Scientific: +2 science per planet

(to be implemeted: High quality people: +15 approval and +1 to fids when living on terran, jungle or ocean)


* Born to fight: 15% to min and max damage, +5 dust and science per enemy fleet CP , -1 to fids on planets, -15 approval if not on war with somebody

* Eeeevil: 30% cheaper ships

* Military dictatorship: 20% cheaper ships, 20% increase to improvements, -20% science, +50 ship experience

* Avians: +2 to ship speed

(to be implemeted: High quality people: +15 approval and +1 to fids when living on terran, jungle or ocean)

Amoeba (I am bit rewriting them, first they don't see everything anymore and second they are way more Amoeba like):

* Tolerance 2: can colonize everything without penalty. well they are Amoeba aren't they?

* Good: +10% to fids

* Communism: +1 prod per population -5 food on system (actually for them they should go otherwise but lets pretend that they just have slower birthrate)

* Bigger Fleets: +50 to fleets CP

(to be implemented: disastrous origins: +4 food on gas giants / asteroids, +1 to fids on gas giants/asteroids)

Swarm! (game for some reason calls them Cravers, I like swarm more.. its sounds more Tyranoid like):

* Hyper Expansive: +15 fids on system, -3 fids per population, negate expansion approval. Expand or die smiley: biggrin

* Evil: 30% cheaper ships. Well not really, just living organism which strives to eat everything in entire world

* Military Dictatorship: 20% cheaper ships, 20% increase to improvements, -1 science per pop, +50 ship experience

* Colonizer: Tolerance with 90% penalty, 15% cheaper non military modules

(to be implemeted: High quality people: +15 approval and +1 to fids when living on terran, jungle or ocean) mostly because well... there is more edible on these worlds.

Horatio: (I have changed Horatio even more hero orientated race)

* Legendary commanders: +100 hero experience -100 fleet cp, Horatio was wonderful wasn't he? :P

* Neutral: +20 hero experience, what I just said

* Communism: +1 prod per population -5 food on system. What you mean that you don't eat people when you clone others?

* Bigger Fleets: 50 to empire CP. Ok, this doesn't make sense but if fleet size is 0 new fleets can't be created.

(to be implemeted: Low quality people: +15 approval and +1 to fids when living on Arid, Desert, Arctic, Tundra)


* Lithovore: 0% food, 100% production goes to food, +3 prod per people. This is basically what they should be.

* Good: 10% to fids

* Communism: +1 prod per population -5 food on system. Notice that there is no penalty for them. Anyway this is basically what they are: all works for common purpose.

* Colonizer: Tolerance with 90% penalty, 15% cheaper non military modules . And this comes from game.

(to be implemeted: Low quality people: +15 approval and +1 to fids when living on Arid, Desert, Arctic, Tundra)

Pilgrims: (I actually had fun with this race)

* Legendary Commanders: +100 to hero exp, -100 to fleet size

* Good: 10% to all fids

* Democracy: -10 approval, +1 science per population, +1 dust per population

* Bigger Fleets: +50 to fleet size

(to be implemented: disastrous origins: +4 food on gas giants / asteroids, +1 to fids on gas giants/asteroids)

to that to be implemented partition: I need to add research which lets terraform planets to asteroids and terraform to asteroid "card".
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12 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 10:28:43 AM










this explains population growth, need to study it. Managed to stumble to it when finding reason why + food per pop didn't work.
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12 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 3:51:12 PM
I think that I just did set new record for lenght of one object:



Scary part is that it works and does exactly what it should :P
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12 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 3:54:24 PM
I will admit to not knowing what that is. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 5:39:45 PM
In the Empire Management Screen under Empire Wide Bonus Factors

+20 Approval From %TraitOrgins03Title

also happens for Food/Industry/Science/Dust
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12 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 5:44:18 PM
iblise wrote:
In the Empire Management Screen under Empire Wide Bonus Factors

+20 Approval From %TraitOrgins03Title

also happens for Food/Industry/Science/Dust

I know why that happens I don't YET know how to fix it... once I figure it out I am really happy.

Basically I either have to use titles they have set or I have to find way to create my own
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