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Mass Effect Mod --- In process of planning

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12 years ago
Aug 9, 2012, 6:13:44 AM
Veneke wrote:
You're opposing the mod because you actually support it and you are worried that it might resemble the series but not really.

You know what? I have no reply to that.

My couple post has rised more points up than any of these: "it's fine".

It has hopefully made people to think some aspects of game and if there is any people like me doing this project they would have got image of atleast 4-5 races in their head with traits and so on.

I don't oppose mod, wonder where you got that idea.

The thing that I don't want to work with this project has nothing to do with me being against it. It's just that I don't work in any projects where there isn't space for my imagination. (and as you can see Endless Dream is perfect project for me, it gives me completly free hands).

Thing what people fails to understand is that it's easy to say: "your mod is fine" but it's harder to say: "how are you doing X?" and still give ideas of how to develop progress.

Actually there was wonderful post in Tiede-magazine couple months ago, most valuable person of any group is that person who is ready to disagrees with others and thus forces others to think project in different viewpoint.

Sadly it seems that this project doesn't need any person like that but more: "yes, it's perfect. wohoo you are great". Thus there isn't space for me.
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 2:40:44 AM

That's pretty clear evidence of kinetic weapons being used on Mass Effect space ships. A dreadnought to be precise. The only reason that the projectiles are blue in the videos is to make it easier to see the projectile as it moves across the black backdrop. A dark colored slug moving fast across a black backdrop would be nearly impossible to see. Most weapons in Mass Effect are kinetic, with the exception of the Asari, who use more energy based weaponry, and the Reapers, who use exclusively energy based beam weapons.
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