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Steam workshop?

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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 2:39:22 AM
I think this is a brilliant idea and a really hope it comes to be at some point!
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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 8:30:16 AM
rabid_lemming wrote:
And then we need unlockable hats for our heroes!

No get out lol
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 12:13:07 AM
rabid_lemming wrote:
And then we need unlockable hats for our heroes!

I like this idea - Endless Space meets Magicka! AWESOME!
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 12:25:07 PM
I think everyone agrees to this post far too much, need a developer to take a sneaky look :3
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 1:41:25 PM
The devs need to put there input on this, I don't see anything bad with the idea.

I tip my hat to them if they do it.
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 4:56:50 PM
An active modding community is a big asset. Look at what it did for minecraft! I'd love to see the Dev's take a crack at this, though there are many other priorities to get through first I'm sure.
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 6:27:17 PM
HelloLion wrote:
An active modding community is a big asset. Look at what it did for minecraft! I'd love to see the Dev's take a crack at this, though there are many other priorities to get through first I'm sure.

I agree, a game upon its release can be fantastic (and it sure looks like ES will be) but it is never perfect since there is an endless amount of stuff that could be added or changed etc, so having a modding community/option would be of real value.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 12:16:41 AM
Over the past few days I've been absolutely sucked into Skyrim, and also I've gotten to play with Steam Workshop for the first time... so now that I know how it works and how awesome it is, I must highly recommend Steam Workshop for Endless Space :-)
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 12:47:56 PM
The longest lasting games are usually driven by community content, having this be one of the few games part of the workshop would really do wonders for the popularity of the game
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 8:25:34 PM
ShockPuppet wrote:
ES will only allow one mod install at a time. how would workshop deal with this?

explain? would like to know more about what you mean
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 9:31:57 PM
ShockPuppet wrote:
ES will only allow one mod install at a time. how would workshop deal with this?

The Current ES only allows one mod. There are many ways to get more than one at a time. Remember we're only in alpha :P Getting multiple mods at a time would be only a few days work. Actually.. I wonder if.. hmm....
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 5:11:12 PM
+1 to this idea. I would really like to see a modding community that is Steam supported. It would really help generate more interest in the game, add gameplay elements that others may find enjoyable over the regular game, and help expand the general awareness of the people and groups working to make mods
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