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[Mod] Endless Dream

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13 years ago
Aug 21, 2012, 5:28:52 AM
Pilgrim weapons: (don't have any fancy images yet)

Pilgrim has learned to use beam like weapons from sophons and they also has access to standard form of missiles.

Their own weapons uses smaller form of their ship engines to reach to enemy ship in one turn, this drastically lowers missile damage compared to normal missiles.

Due to their friendly dealings with sophons (later) and their researcher base (earlier) they don't use any conventional explosive warheads in their missiles.

Pilgrim Missiles (12 different), they lack second race specific weapons.

1. Prototype Fusion Missile (I got no idea how one uses fusion as a weapon or how one stuffs it inside of missile),

2. Light Colors missile,

3. Prototype Asteroid generator,

4. Mass Sling,

5. Prototype particle exploder,

6. Particle exploder,

7. Prototype peacemaker class missile,

8. Peacemaker missile: the law of the nature breaker,

9. Prototype Antimatter missile: low evasion against defence, no crit chance, cost is high, deals higher than normal damage.

10. Antimatter missile: high damage, no crit chance, cost is high

11. Antimatter missile: judgement, high damage (enough for medium missile blow any large ship which lacks shields and large to destroy large ship with shields), no critical chance, cost is crazy (I mean one missile 5 times as much as rest of the ship bunched together)

12. Prototype blackhole missile, huge critical chance (45-60%) and critical damage (speaking something like 12x normal damage here), damage is less than average damage (approximately 400-600), cost is really high.

After Prorotype blackhole missile comes:

Blackhole missile: Finisher, capital ship weapon which has 90% chance to deal 15x damage, it deals loads of damage (1000-1500 base damage), costs twice as much as capital ship (When weapon average damage is 12 000 - 13000 and cost efficiency is 1.1 you can think about price smiley: smile and can evade defence.

If someone figures out how to do following things it causes some changes in this weapon:

1) AoE damage, lowers base damage to 50%, adds minor/average aoe damage

2) Multiple turn damage, lowers crit chance and damage by 30% increases damage to 40% per turn.

3) Graphics for explosion, completly changes how this weapon behaves.

Their defensive modules are "normal".

Battlecards (6 "different"):

1. Retreat: instantly ends combat. doesn't counter anything and can't be countered. (their bread and butter card)

2. Avoidance measures: gives block to own ships. Countered by defensive cards. Counters almost anything else. In case of counter: increases own defensive modules by little. (true power lies in it's ability to counter almost any card)

3. Escape: ends combat, heals own ships by 10%. Countered by offensive cards, counters defensive cards. In case of counter: Ends combat and gives one free shoot to own ships. (notice, no one should use defensive cards against pilgrim)


5. Flash grenade: ends combat, own ships can shoot once. Countered by engineer cards, counters defensive and offensive cards. In case of counter: ends combat, own ships can shoot once, heals own ships

6. Pilgrim Charge: rises missile crit chance and missile damage. Countered by tactics cards. If counters: Doubles! missile crit and damage. Tactic card
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13 years ago
Aug 21, 2012, 2:09:23 PM
I like the mod so far. Its a little confusing to me. but Its making me rethink quite a few new strategies of mine. Keep of the good work smiley: cool
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13 years ago
Aug 21, 2012, 3:00:07 PM
Ever2345 wrote:
I like the mod so far. Its a little confusing to me. but Its making me rethink quite a few new strategies of mine. Keep of the good work smiley: cool

It's mostly confusing because it's work in project. In the end I / we try to aim flexible and beautiful system.
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13 years ago
Aug 21, 2012, 9:30:16 PM
Sorry to say, but the last two mod seem to be crashing the game. And one of those nearly crashed my computer. What the heck are you all doing???

Needless to add, I'll wait until is done. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Aug 21, 2012, 10:34:30 PM
Jbox wrote:
Sorry to say, but the last two mod seem to be crashing the game. And one of those nearly crashed my computer. What the heck are you all doing???

Needless to add, I'll wait until is done. smiley: smile

Hahaha - welcome to my world! This mod isn't *released* - is more to share our work with other interested modders and show our progress than anything else. It's not all that playable yet.

Having said that - it should NOT crash the game, at least not in the way you described. So let's troubleshoot.

1) When did the game crash? While switching mods, at the main menu, when starting a new game, or at some other time?

Rationale - opening the Hero Academy has been reported to crash the game, but the mod should load fine. You can start a new game with at LEAST the Terrans, Sowers, and Sophon, although the other races should work just fine. I loaded up 0046 just now to check. Sometimes Endless Dream DOES crash while switching mods, but it's not necessarily the mod's fault - try launching Endless Space with "+mod Dream".

2) What version of the game do you have?

Rationale - Endless Dream works with 1.0.14 ONLY.

3) Where did you unzip the mod to? Have you modified the stock game?

/Dream goes in My Documents/Endless Space/Modding. God have mercy on your soul if you copy it into your install dir.

4) Did you try to load a saved game / do you have many late-game saves?

ES doesn't always respond well to a cluttered save folder. Not sure how ED would respond to loading a vanilla save. Not as well as ED would respond to, say, Mariah Carey.

5) Did you copy the Dream folder into an old Dream install?

That may cause problems. Delete your old /Dream mod folder and copy it fresh.

Jbox, I'll do what I can to help you run Dream; if the 5 clues above didn't help you out, run Dream again and attach your Steam\steamapps\common\Endless Space\EndlessSpace_Data\output_log.txt to a post so we can debug.
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13 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 6:06:40 AM
Sorry to say, but the last two mod seem to be crashing the game. And one of those nearly crashed my computer. What the heck are you all doing???

Last 2, What was latest working version?

I better start to work to find bugs and correct those.

opening the Hero Academy has been reported to crash the game, but the mod should load fine.

Confirmed here, I start to look through changes in academy and fix those.

I have policy of not releasing any versions with bugs.

I'm really really really sorry about this, I have been slacking and this is mostly my fault.

I hope that this doesn't cause anyone to stop playing / testing this mod.

In future if you find bug could you report here, I promise to fix anything as soon as possible.
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13 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 6:26:45 AM
Again I'm terrible sorry about that herobug,

Thashephard that bug happens when/if there isn't enough heroes to choose from.

There needs to be atleast 62 heroes in any given situation, game does accept more but game doesn't accept less.

Now if anyone finds any bug report it immediately, I will send fixed version as soon as possible.

Again, this is something I do not tolerate and I am terrible sorry if I/we ruined someones game experience due to faulty product.

I upload bugfixed 0.046
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13 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 7:17:08 AM
Hupailija wrote:
Again I'm terrible sorry about that herobug,

Thashephard that bug happens when/if there isn't enough heroes to choose from.

There needs to be atleast 62 heroes in any given situation, game does accept more but game doesn't accept less.

Now if anyone finds any bug report it immediately, I will send fixed version as soon as possible.

Again, this is something I do not tolerate and I am terrible sorry if I/we ruined someones game experience due to faulty product.

I upload bugfixed 0.046

That was my bad. I added a few heroes but didn't finish the process, and they snuck into the release.
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13 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 2:08:30 PM
So I went through our current version and in some parts I stopped to wonder why something looks ugly or why something hasn't been implemented yet.

I don't have time to think weaponsystems for any race... most of my time in close future goes to ships, modules and so on.

In priority of 15 most important things I have to add / change to this mod next:

1) Change race descriptions and race names in localization file

2) Create new ship tree for every race. In next version it will look similar for every race but it will change quickly

3) Remove starbase engines completly

4) Test how engines works

5) If engines works like I hope create new ship class: Starbase

6) No matter whether engines works: create freighters (can hold multiple invasion and civlization module, has little to no space for weapons), support ships (can use modules), battleships (can hold more weapons than any other ships) and skirmishers (way faster than other ships)

7) Create race specific technologies for ship tree for every race

8) Remove every other hero type than Pilot and Administrator and tie skills to these 2 hero types

9) Create administrator heros skills

10) Create Pilots skills

11) If no one has done this by the time I get this far, add rest race specific weapons

12) Star to create social skill tree.
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13 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 3:12:45 PM
Hupailija wrote:
So I went through our current version and in some parts I stopped to wonder why something looks ugly or why something hasn't been implemented yet.

I don't have time to think weaponsystems for any race... most of my time in close future goes to ships, modules and so on.

In priority of 15 most important things I have to add / change to this mod next:

1) Change race descriptions and race names in localization file

2) Create new ship tree for every race. In next version it will look similar for every race but it will change quickly

3) Remove starbase engines completly

4) Test how engines works

5) If engines works like I hope create new ship class: Starbase

6) No matter whether engines works: create freighters (can hold multiple invasion and civlization module, has little to no space for weapons), support ships (can use modules), battleships (can hold more weapons than any other ships) and skirmishers (way faster than other ships)

7) Create race specific technologies for ship tree for every race

8) Remove every other hero type than Pilot and Administrator and tie skills to these 2 hero types

9) Create administrator heros skills

10) Create Pilots skills

11) If no one has done this by the time I get this far, add rest race specific weapons

12) Star to create social skill tree.

I agree with your priorities. I'm going to switch from developing new races to finishing the Sowers, United Earth, Sophon, and IHTG I already have in. (Their race descriptions are already in)

Hupa, I toyed around with adding some new hero classes and heroes - but your plan may ultimately be the most "playable". It sounds like you want to eliminate 'hybrid heroes' - but we can still have different classes that are either 100% fleet or 100% system, but with different abilities. On the other hand, if we want to get a 'playable' Release 1 out quickly your plan to reduce heroes down to just pilots and administrators may be just what we need.

If you come up with any ship trees or ship-related technology progressions - let me know! I'll work it into the races I'm doing. Release 1 WILL have full tech trees for Sower, United Earth, IHTG, and Sophon. I'm making a commitment to that.

My #1 priority now is finishing the tech tree for Sow/UE/IHTG/Sop. Epi, Ign, Hupa, Harel - I welcome ANY ideas here! Haven't done much work on the diplomatic/economic/industrial/science concepts. Hupa, I DO want to use a trait-based system for technology (if it's not 100% custom for each race). The first step is probably to develop a 'generic' Dream technology tree as a placeholder before fully custom racial techs are developed.

Hupa, it sounds like you're going to handle the ship/module/balancing aspect - I'll leave it alone if you can let me name the ship classes & modules so that they're lore-consistent.

So let's get going here. First up are Sowers and the United Earth. Endless Dream fans - let me hear your technology/module/improvement suggestions!
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13 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 3:28:23 PM
If you come up with any ship trees or ship-related technology progressions - let me know! I'll work it into the races I'm doing. Release 1 WILL have full tech trees for Sower, United Earth, IHTG, and Sophon. I'm making a commitment to that.

Wait for my next release please, I'll send in a less than 30 minutes screenshot of what I'm doing right now and it will change exploration tree a lot for each race

I'll name this: Christmas tree

Advanced Christmas tree: (aka what happens if you don't bother to name your technologies intelligent way smiley: biggrin)

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13 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 3:31:43 PM
I am brain storming the applied sciences tree over on trello, so feel free to join me.
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13 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 3:49:16 PM
Hupailija wrote:
Wait for my next release please, I'll send in a less than 30 minutes screenshot of what I'm doing right now and it will change exploration tree a lot for each race

I'll name this: Christmas tree

Loving the structure, man. I'll wait for you to release that so we can use it (if all else fails, attach it to a ticket in Trello if it's not ready for public consumption).
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13 years ago
Aug 23, 2012, 2:13:50 AM
Interesting to see. Just need a scripting engine.. Or some source code. :P

I've only skimmed the pages (and not nearly all of them), but for your idea of the Swarm and their weapons (discussed on the first page), I would look towards the Yuuzhan Vong of Star Wars and their weapons.

I'd volunteer assistance but I'm busy with some programming work for Skyrim, and classes at uni. I'll keep an eye on it all, however, and if I do manage to get some time, I'll let you know. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Aug 23, 2012, 2:18:19 AM
Right now our Swarm is influenced by the 'buggers' from Ender's Game and Tyranids from WH40k, among other things. From what little I know about the Vong, they're probably closer to our Hissho.

Without revealing too much, the Hissho are going to be FUN. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Aug 23, 2012, 2:57:23 AM
thashepherd wrote:
Hahaha - welcome to my world! This mod isn't *released* - is more to share our work with other interested modders and show our progress than anything else. It's not all that playable yet.

Having said that - it should NOT crash the game, at least not in the way you described. So let's troubleshoot.

1) When did the game crash? While switching mods, at the main menu, when starting a new game, or at some other time?

Rationale - opening the Hero Academy has been reported to crash the game, but the mod should load fine. You can start a new game with at LEAST the Terrans, Sowers, and Sophon, although the other races should work just fine. I loaded up 0046 just now to check. Sometimes Endless Dream DOES crash while switching mods, but it's not necessarily the mod's fault - try launching Endless Space with "+mod Dream".

2) What version of the game do you have?

Rationale - Endless Dream works with 1.0.14 ONLY.

3) Where did you unzip the mod to? Have you modified the stock game?

/Dream goes in My Documents/Endless Space/Modding. God have mercy on your soul if you copy it into your install dir.

4) Did you try to load a saved game / do you have many late-game saves?

ES doesn't always respond well to a cluttered save folder. Not sure how ED would respond to loading a vanilla save. Not as well as ED would respond to, say, Mariah Carey.

5) Did you copy the Dream folder into an old Dream install?

That may cause problems. Delete your old /Dream mod folder and copy it fresh.

Jbox, I'll do what I can to help you run Dream; if the 5 clues above didn't help you out, run Dream again and attach your Steam\steamapps\common\Endless Space\EndlessSpace_Data\output_log.txt to a post so we can debug.

I've updated the game and the mod is properly installed. I run other mods just fine. The game became unresponsive immediately after the 5th end of turn or so. End Task on Task Manager would not end the task, I had to kill the process instead. Not sure if it is related, but at the end of any turn, the animation that shows all the new events seems to stutter, which does not happen on the normal game or my own mods.

No worries, I understand is work-in-progress. I've been modding some also, although the game mechanics is simplistic, tracking all the mod changes with a plain xml editor is tedious(says the ansi-c embedded guy). Would be nice to be able to link-jump to descriptors defined elsewhere.

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13 years ago
Aug 23, 2012, 8:35:38 AM
Jbox wrote:
I've updated the game and the mod is properly installed. I run other mods just fine. The game became unresponsive immediately after the 5th end of turn or so. End Task on Task Manager would not end the task, I had to kill the process instead. Not sure if it is related, but at the end of any turn, the animation that shows all the new events seems to stutter, which does not happen on the normal game or my own mods.

No worries, I understand is work-in-progress. I've been modding some also, although the game mechanics is simplistic, tracking all the mod changes with a plain xml editor is tedious(says the ansi-c embedded guy). Would be nice to be able to link-jump to descriptors defined elsewhere.


Cheers! I haven't had time to play to 5th turn lately, though if we manage to pull this version we are doing right now to finish (not yet talking about 1.0 version.. for that we need to figure rest of the races, frames for rest of the stuff exists) ... though I did find severe bug in version we are right now doing and it might have something to do with bugging versions. (for other modders, don't let your moons disappear, game doesn't like it)

I will release later (hopefully) today 0.5 version (or if not me then thashephard) which should be hopefully bug free.
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