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[Mod] Endless Dream

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13 years ago
Aug 19, 2012, 11:23:12 PM
Harel55 wrote:
Well that sounds pretty close to what i had in mind.

That sounds INCREDIBLE. Sowers are getting Dyson spheres btw smiley: smile.

So...can we do that?
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13 years ago
Aug 19, 2012, 11:33:02 PM
thashepherd wrote:
That sounds INCREDIBLE. Sowers are getting Dyson spheres btw smiley: smile.

So...can we do that?

A Dyson sphere is usually built around a star....you could make it a wounder victory because of the sheer magnitude of the construction.

Because around a planet would just kill everything on it, unless you intend to urbanize the entire surface, with is also possible.

You can also take a note from mass effect and have an improvement that builds a solar array around a star to maximize energy production.
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13 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 12:02:59 AM
I was thinking wonder, yeah. Right now I'm thinking about the Sowers and Sophon and their relationship - think I have a story sketched out.

Mass Effect tech is AWESOME, it all *sounds* really feasible. If you have the tech to put something "around a star", better believe it's gonna be something more advanced than a solar panel though!
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13 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 12:29:07 AM
thashepherd wrote:
I was thinking wonder, yeah. Right now I'm thinking about the Sowers and Sophon and their relationship - think I have a story sketched out.

Mass Effect tech is AWESOME, it all *sounds* really feasible. If you have the tech to put something "around a star", better believe it's gonna be something more advanced than a solar panel though!

Like something that siphons the pure fusion energy? Just start drinking that star!
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13 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 3:39:42 AM
Who needs Dyson Spheres when you have gravitational manipulators suck up a small, steady stream of stellar plasma, suck up the thermal and residual light energy, then throw it back into the star to be re-energized in a continuous cycle that would take millions or billions of years to suck the star dry. Yes, I made that up as I was typing it in and no, I don't know if that would really work.
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13 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 4:05:32 AM
I wish that one could create variable invasion modules and add different stats to those.

Right now if you make invasion module to target to planet it targets to your planets.

Although you can make invasion module to beam money and science it can't beam food or production.

And what I really want is that invasion module would outright kill everybody in planet.
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13 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 4:07:27 AM
Assuming you're serious and not lashing out in frustration, you want a module that allows a ship to lower the population of a planet, possibly until it reaches zero and the planet becomes unowned? Sounds good if you can figure out a way to do it.
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13 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 4:10:09 AM
Hupailija wrote:
Added this to mainpage,

uhm, just in case someone didn't know: better looking way to share link is to paint text in black and then create link to that text.

For example in this case: Endless Dream 0.046
That's not black....
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13 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 7:56:15 AM
thashepherd wrote:
The Hissho probably have the technology - I've always envisioned them as a powerful warrior race. They may have to choose between making small improvements to their powerful traditional weapons, or breaking with tradition and developing new types of weapons with an approval malus from the reactionary party. If they stick with traditional weapons, they kick ass up to tier 2, other species catch up in tier 3, and they're horribly backwards by tier 4. The only way they can be competitive late-game is to break with tradition, but they'll fall behind early on. Choices, choices.

I just can't see the Hissho or Cravers forcing a surrender, though. They don't seem like the type to conquer a people and absorb them into an empire - they take over planets and replace whoever lived there with more Cravers and Hissho.

I am not sure I agree with you on the first part : it just seems too japanese (and too Total War). They have bushido okay, but why would they be a traditionalist race ? (I'll have to think about it). I think their culture can be based on honour (like Japanese), need blood sacrifices (like Aztecs - and that religious stuff is interesting), without having traditionnal warfare : they could have some issues about that before they start building ships but at the time the game is, I think this is no longer their problem.

For your second part, I'm not sure we can speak of Hisshos and Cravers at the same time : Cravers are half-machines insectoids. They don't need the population of the planet (even as slaves).

But Hisshos ? Blood sacrifices, even slavery can be their way of thinking (and that would not make them evil /!\). So I think they have ground combat units and weapons. I'll think of that further.
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13 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 10:37:05 AM
I would propose that even the cravers could use slaves even if they don't need them.

Because even a hive mind could use the extra labor and possible the extra manpower during an invasion to use as cannon fodder.
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13 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 11:19:21 AM
Harel55 wrote:
Assuming you're serious and not lashing out in frustration, you want a module that allows a ship to lower the population of a planet, possibly until it reaches zero and the planet becomes unowned? Sounds good if you can figure out a way to do it.

Actually right now I would be happy to even way to implement system where if race ownership of system becomes 0 system loses all it's population.

That's not black....

blue then -.-

I would propose that even the cravers could use slaves even if they don't need them.

2 legged ones are too jummy smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 11:27:08 AM
I have funny problem relating to this project... I doubt that anyone else could have similar project.

I tried seriously think how pilgrims weapons would work and what names would be.

Process went something like this:

Phase 1: "Hmmm, weapons, weapons, weapons... oh right, they rely lots of running"

Phase 2: "Oh right, I have to add those battlecards for pilgrims relating to running away"

Phase 3: "I don't like they way battlecards are given, could one create race specific and hero specific ones"

Phase 4: "Oh right, hero system was awful in normal game... I need to change it"

Phase 5: "So if I divide heroes to 2 different categories administrators and pilots and give pilots mostly battlecards I could make interesting system"

And this tells a lot about me.

I just can't stop to think how one particular race would do something when I could be changing how some system works smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 12:50:39 PM
Hupailija wrote:
I have funny problem relating to this project... I doubt that anyone else could have similar project.

I tried seriously think how pilgrims weapons would work and what names would be.

Process went something like this:

Phase 1: "Hmmm, weapons, weapons, weapons... oh right, they rely lots of running"

Phase 2: "Oh right, I have to add those battlecards for pilgrims relating to running away"

Phase 3: "I don't like they way battlecards are given, could one create race specific and hero specific ones"

Phase 4: "Oh right, hero system was awful in normal game... I need to change it"

Phase 5: "So if I divide heroes to 2 different categories administrators and pilots and give pilots mostly battlecards I could make interesting system"

And this tells a lot about me.

I just can't stop to think how one particular race would do something when I could be changing how some system works smiley: biggrin

I took a look at heroes - adding classes and guys is easy (there are a few in 0046) but I'm missing something on their "inspect" screen, maybe related to their ability progression. Haven't looked at it since last night but I think I can fix it - IIRC the way the abilities work it requires a ton of ctrl+c.

My process is nearly the same, Hupa! I've only learned how to control and focus my development on one aspect at a time through some experiences at college. I have a 'method' now for doing races + tech trees that I might write up later.

For people who haven't tried it yet, designing a playable tech tree, reasonable-sounding technologies, and arranging it and supplying all the right modules with their OWN reasonable-sounding tech is a BIG problem. Off the cuff, we're talking something like 200 'paragraphs' of XML and 84 paragraphs of localization techs per race per 'quadrant' of the tech tree, and you can add thinking/arranging/balancing/testing to that, so there's a lot of time involved. We can thank the devs for creating a huge game with lots of modding potential - but content creation takes time!
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13 years ago
Aug 21, 2012, 12:20:59 AM
I need someone who has a legally purchased game WITHOUT Sheradin unlocked (i.e. non-Emperor or Admiral or whatever edition) to perform around 10 minutes of testing for me. PM me if you're interested - I can slap your name on some in-game content as reward.
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13 years ago
Aug 21, 2012, 4:18:22 AM
Added the 'IHTG' race (replaces Sheredyn & probably requires DLC):

Their tech tree (missing their top-of-the-line warfare techs, which will be added later:

Sower tree:

Sowers and Terrans have custom titles & descriptions for their technologies and the modules they unlock:

Terran tree:

Sophon tree: (kind of looks like Optimus Prime if you squint)

An aside: playing around in these files, I've detected evidence of Hupa's......tampering. There is some CRAZY ambitious stuff in here. There are places where I can't tell if an entire XML file is vanilla or Hupa. So I'm guessing he's cooking up something awesome.
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13 years ago
Aug 21, 2012, 4:37:30 AM
An aside: playing around in these files, I've detected evidence of Hupa's......tampering. There is some CRAZY ambitious stuff in here. There are places where I can't tell if an entire XML file is vanilla or Hupa. So I'm guessing he's cooking up something awesome.

Funny part is that I don't know that either. One should ask from Hupailija but right now I don't dare. He has hit to that some depressed phase where anything but reading requires too much activity.

I have tried to encourage him to take this project further... he just keeps saying that he has writers block and that doing anything is stupid and pointless when it's impossible to manage project properly.
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13 years ago
Aug 21, 2012, 4:52:03 AM
No worries bro!

Here, read this - I sometimes stumble around on here when I'm blocked at work, whether I agree with it or not.

See if you can get on Trello so I can keep you up to date, though.
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