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[Mod] Endless Dream

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13 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 8:02:05 PM
Epimethee wrote:
After that, Hisshos will be really simple to do x)

Only curious thing on Hisshos is why we, western people, want to imagine halfbird-halfman creatures bloodthirsty and evil (makes it even better that Hissho looks exactly like priests of Quatzecoatl which was anything but violent god)...

but that would be good topic for cultural psychology book and bit worse for: "how to create race easily?" topic smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 8:17:01 PM
In fact, I imagine Hisshos more like XVIth century Japanese (the Bushido thing make me beleive that). But I'll try to be as more objective and non-europeocentred as possible.
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13 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 11:04:43 PM
That tech tree is amazing. You sir have earned a willing tester to test any alpha version for bugs, even if it means doing the same thing 100 times in a row to find a single bug.
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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 5:32:50 AM
Either mediafire is lying to me or no one is interested about this mod :/ 0 downloads so far.

Oh well, just have to push forward and hope that someday somewhere someone might actually look what I'm doing and notice that it has loads of problems.
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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 10:06:31 AM
I feel that things that even the author admits to have "loads of problems" are not very popular among any form of audience.

At least for me I'd rather download a Mod that doesn't do a whole lot but is considered "finished" than a super-project that scrambles everything over but is known to have problems.
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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 10:42:55 AM
Hey I downloaded!...I just haven't had the time to play it...smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 11:03:18 AM
Ail wrote:
I feel that things that even the author admits to have "loads of problems" are not very popular among any form of audience.

At least for me I'd rather download a Mod that doesn't do a whole lot but is considered "finished" than a super-project that scrambles everything over but is known to have problems.

I hope that I never make mod which is "finished"... that sounds quite final for something. I mean once you have "finished" something there is no hope to come back and start to change things.

I admit that in marketing point of view case where programmer admits faults and tells that he is going to fix those is worst form of doing anything.

But... which one you would want more:

Team which says: "Yes, our product is perfect, if you disagree you are wrong" OR

"Team" which says: "this product is not finished, it may contain bugs... please report those so I can fix those".

I would way more gladly choose later one no matter what product would be. It tells that person really cares of his products and is ready to do changes based to feedback.. and most likely will tell what and when he is going to do something.

In case of this mod:

I am ready to admit though that this is version 0.02 it lacks loads of features and rest may look bad (I will make it look better today).... but even now it's more reliable and has more features than ANY other mod what there is in these forums.

I have personally tested this mod dozens of times trying to find any bugs which may make playing annoying or awful... it's just that when projects scale is this it's nearly impossible to test alone even less when you need to correct past graphics and add new features... sometimes one just wishes that he could split to 3 person.

And thats another reason why I keep asking people to test it, it doesn't crash system, it doesn't crash game, it may unbalance game (please tell these), it may look ugly (please tell these) but without feedback it's painful to change it.

Notice too that any kind demand of: "customer rights or services" are stupid. I don't get anything for helping anybody or doing these mods.

All what I have done in this mod I have done to satisfy both me and other players...

There has been loads of persons who has asked race specific tech trees, telling to me: "we want to play your mod only when you have done it alone without any feedback and it's well balanced" doesn't really encourage me in this project.

Babylon 5 project has 8 modders, they have been nice and told that they want to see whats this all about so this may be rude, they haven't released any version of their game.

Mass Effect mod hasn't even gone to developing phase and it has countless persons discussing about it.

I almost alone (again thanks to Epimethee for thinking some things what I just couldn't) do mod which could change game way more than either of those mods could.

Mod which could be called almost expansion... and what I get is feedbacks like this or complete silence.

You know, I am living breathing person, I want to know that what I do would please somebody and even one person in this cursed world would like it...

reading things like: "I downloaded it but didn't test" (Mediafire still says 0 downloads -.- ) or "Nobody is going to download it because it's not finished" doesn't encourage me at all.
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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 12:00:26 PM
I think that I honestly start to hate moddb..

First it takes forever for them to check whether my mod is unique and good enough (still take that as a joke)


then it they need to check every version incase it has viruses -.- .

Oh well, quess I upload there just 1 version per week for those who want "finished" (as I said I do not do finished versions) version of that week progress.

In the meantime I am going to use MediaFire to update game versions daily.
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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 1:53:03 PM
Hilarious news:

I am going to completly remove possibilities to use wormholes for versions 0.05-0.07 smiley: biggrin

Basically I am trying to change it so that ship without engines don't move.

this can cause "minor" problems ^^
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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 2:22:26 PM
Well, I certainly understand your point of view.

You have put a lot of your Lifetime into it and feel that this should somehow be appreciated.

When it comes to modding many people have different views and goals on it.

Yours are very dedicated.

With finishing I did not necessarily mean to feel like there's nothing left to improve. Not even feel like you've done everything you want.

I mean splitting it into small goals that you can finish step by step. I figure that this is tough when everything interacts with everything else, though.

My personal modding goal is to basically change as little as possible affecting the player but concentrate on leveling the playing-field between player and AI. I do it mainly for myself to make the game more challenging.

Thing is this can be easily split into small tasks that I then can consider finished. For example fixing the hero-assignements to make sense.

Getting the AI to make usefull decisions when it distributes Skill-Points to their heros is also something that I feel needs to be done. But I can still see it as a seperate task.

Right now my priority is the decision-making behind Star-System-Improvements. When I (hopefully at some point in time) say that this part is finished, I still actually mean, that it is finished for intensified testing. Where the tests are very likely to produce results that were not intended. But I won't tell this to people who might want to test it. It makes them biased and unwilling as in: "If you know something's wrong, why don't fix that first?"

My Civ 3 Mod had countless revisions at the end and yet I still considered the first one as "finished". Compared to the latest stable version (the latest version in existing sadly is not stable because of a f*ing bug that Firaxis fixed in Vanilla but brought back in C3C) the first one did not do an aweful lot but had I said: This is Version 0.01 of what I plan to someday be a great mod, I doubt would have gotten the same feedback. So I just called it Verison 1.0 and at the End I was at 6.8 or soemthing like that. ^^
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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 2:40:46 PM
Ail wrote:

Thing is this can be easily split into small tasks that I then can consider finished. For example fixing the hero-assignements to make sense.

Getting the AI to make usefull decisions when it distributes Skill-Points to their heros is also something that I feel needs to be done. But I can still see it as a seperate task.

Right now my priority is the decision-making behind Star-System-Improvements. When I (hopefully at some point in time) say that this part is finished, I still actually mean, that it is finished for intensified testing. Where the tests are very likely to produce results that were not intended. But I won't tell this to people who might want to test it. It makes them biased and unwilling as in: "If you know something's wrong, why don't fix that first?"

This makes sense, it's just that I am really awful to give tasks to myself.

There was this one time when I decided to go to walk:

some other person would start with: "I walk nice and easy trip and stay in healthy condition"

for me it was: "I walk 22 kilometers with 8 km speed, if it goes over 2,5 hours I run rest" ... needless to say that when I did come home I was half dead.

I kinda lack that switch in the middle which would say: "do something sensible.. you can continue next day then if you want"

Instead I have: "I don't want to do it, I don't do it." or "Someone might think that it's stupid, I don't do it"

and: "I do this, no matter what, I do this" and "People may like this, I do it"

This affects to way I see my mods and how I release those: For me all mods are under 1.0 unless they fulfill my goals.

For some other this mod right now would be 1.3, for me it's 0.03 (coming today) just because I haven't started to do race techtrees yet.

Same for writing descriptions: I tend to say what annoys me in mod and forget things what I have changed better.

Well to be honest is all comes down to fact that I have really low self-esteem and therefore I kinda see everything what I do with highly critizing eyes.

It's hard to try to describe how mental "sickness" works really... point is that my anger / way I treat others like idiots boils down to fact that I keep myself really awful person.
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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 3:04:26 PM
Was almost hilarious:

"damn, why it always gives that image.. I don't want to see it, there are multiples to choose from"



I dare to say that anyone who could think even a bit would realize why game so happily shows EnvT53 image smiley: biggrin Took me quite a bit to figure out
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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 4:37:05 PM
About 0.04 "aka 2.00"

- I am going to do same to bottom (also called exploration) tech tree than I have done to left (also called diplomacy/trait tech tree)

Technologies from left to right will be:

- Fourth left: Race specific Large ship, 4 variants

- Third left: Race specific medium ship, 4 variants

- Second left: Race specific small ship, 4 variants

- First left: Race specific fighter/non combat ship, 4 variants

- Middle will be race specific thing, like as a Swarm regenerating ships

- First right: Engines

- Second Left: Invasion Modules (I am going to see whether it's possible to build invasion module which also lowers planets population / nulls fids production)

- Third left: Non combat modules (size increase, colonization module and so on)

- Fourth left: Shields (I'm going to divide health bonus to half but depending of race do something funny (in case of swarm it can be even better regeneration, for robots it could be higher cargo hold and so on))

Atleast I'm going to see how this works out smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 7:08:59 PM
Right, Exploration tree is disturbing..

I have to realize someway to add 60 techs to tree which supports maybe 20-30 -.-

Some positive news: Building a ship and modules is actually really easy... even when you have to build several of those.

Form is now finished, I just (last time when I did say this it took 6 hours smiley: biggrin) have to build rest modules, add titles and descriptions and give new stats to ships.

Oh and as I said, I got rid of anything related to speed (well trait exists) and I'm going to add those to ships. Gives player spacestations smiley: biggrin

Just to show whats problem:

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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 9:38:40 PM
I'm loving your mod.

IMO, this is what Endless Space should have been.

It would be awesome to see a new race, not sure if the mod engine allows it.

I agree... you are a beast....

AND BY FAR THIS IS THE BEST MOD HERE. And I don't care if it is "released" or not, this mod alone has doubled the value of the game.

THANKS. Keep it up please, and hope you find help.
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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 10:00:23 PM
It would be awesome to see a new race, not sure if the mod engine allows it.

Oh that would be actually quite easy smiley: smile

Hard part is to do that race. I have been wondering whether people who didn't win that race competitions would be interested to give me right to put their races to this mod...

but quess I do everything with these 8 first smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 10:14:16 PM
haha.. awesome.

I'm just trying out your latest, and I can't seem to to get to the third tier tech. I'm doing something wrong? Is there something I need to adjust?

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13 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 11:05:17 PM
So I sat down and played my first proper game today!

I was the Horatio, however on turn 1 I lost one of the three population points you start with to starvation, and even with a admin hero, a food exploitation and one of the first food upgrades, I would be able to restore my lost pop point in 73 turns...lol smiley: stickouttongue. And with the cravers breathing down my neck, I guess i'll have to try another faction!

As towards your new technology's, i don't seem to be able to access them smiley: confused.

Maybe I'll have better luck with the UE smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 12:33:09 AM
This mod is moving so fast I can barely keep track of it. Kudos to you Hupailija on making so much progress in so little time. On to business, as your unofficial complainer, it irks me that your expansion tree is so wide, even at the top. You already said how you feel it's to large, but it annoys me to no end that the technology bubbles actually cross over to divider line onto the left and right trees.
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