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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 4:48:21 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
So I sat down and played my first proper game today!

I was the Horatio, however on turn 1 I lost one of the three population points you start with to starvation, and even with a admin hero, a food exploitation and one of the first food upgrades, I would be able to restore my lost pop point in 73 turns...lol smiley: stickouttongue. And with the cravers breathing down my neck, I guess i'll have to try another faction!

Maybe I'll have better luck with the UE

Cheers about this,

I will check horatios and balance their trait accordingly. I'm not actually even sure what would be good trait.

Idea was that building which balances their really awful food rate is cloning lab which "turns" production to food with superhigh efficiency.

Then again since right now there isn't yet buildings nor well anything else racespecific, traits can be too powerful right now.

As towards your new technology's, i don't seem to be able to access them smiley: confused.

Due to how AI is build (and due to how I have been lazy with giving AI values for different techs.. it should be easy but meh) right now you really have to play custom race and take Alignment.

Without it all you see is old tree which gives access to every single technology in game.

I will today (maybe) add correct values for all 71 technologies to AI so that players can just press start.

On to business, as your unofficial complainer, it irks me that your expansion tree is so wide, even at the top.

You can't imagine how much I hate it.

One solution would be to make alter how ships are put there (instead of having 4 different lines for ships there would be 1-2) this would free space, make tech tree look longer and prevent bubbles to be on top of each other.

It's just that I want to (in every possible way) avoid: "you have to research fighter 4 before you can study small ship 1" situation.

Basically player should be able to choose whether he wants slow and tedious start which gets him way better ships or fast start which gives him ships which doesn't really do anything against better ships

I'm just trying out your latest, and I can't seem to to get to the third tier tech. I'm doing something wrong? Is there something I need to adjust?

uhm, I really would like to know more about this. Is 3rd tier tech those trait bonuses? If yes then I know what is problem (actually it says in game whats problem, I have tried something which should work but doesn't and forget those codes in game) and it's easy to fix. If problem is in techs after that I'm bit confused.

To everybody, I really welcome this feedback, it both helps me spot errors and bugs (some of these are quite fatal) and tells that someone has played game.
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 10:46:02 AM
Okay, I also tried your mod. So far, I've tried to play with Amoebas, Cravers and an Amoeba custom faction.

So I've some thoughts/comments :

- Faction traits have uncomprehensive names (but I guess that's normal)

- There is no exploitation on planets at the beginning. Is that normal ?

- As well, there are neither colonize or exploration ships. Same here : normal ?

- Amoebas have a x0 ind in the empire view, where does it comes from ?

- I could colonize methane and asteroids at the beginning of the game.

- I saw (with the custom amoeba faction) that your tech %SCIENCESYSTEM1TITLE gives dust while others techs of the same branch give science

- Amoebas cannot see the entire galaxy anymore.

Last question :

- could you make the heroes bound to a faction : play Cravers and have an Amoeba as an admiral is quite weird.
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 12:13:09 PM
smiley: biggrin I knew that someone would eventually find out all these "features".

I shall explain a bit why some things works so "confusing ways":

Faction traits have uncomprehensive names (but I guess that's normal)

When it comes to names and such... failure is completly on my side. I am really bad at living languages. I speak swedish really poorly, I keep typoing in english and keep forgetting words even in finnish (thats almost hilarious). I haven't even dare to study France or Germanese and sadly those 2 languages are what really need things added.

This is actually mostly because of my mild autism. I can see mathematical patterns and formulas (notice though that I am at average worse than normal person to calculate numbers in head) easily and solve logical puzzles too. My IQ from last test was 146... bad side for it is my completly blindness to almost everything what requires memory and languages are fine example of it.

If you have read posts what I write to forums almost all are quite long, filled with explanations and stuff like that. Thats another side effect for it.

So yeah, languages are major scale bug but sadly I just can't do anything to it. :/ (well I quess I could use some internet dictionary and use it to replace every word but outcome would be something really horrible)

There is no exploitation on planets at the beginning. Is that normal ?

Yes, lack of exploitation is normal. I honestly don't like exploitations that much smiley: smile . I am going to implement race specific planetary improvement system later (read exploitation) but right now traits and system bonuses covers exploitations quite nicely.

As well, there are neither colonize or exploration ships. Same here : normal ?

Actually there is both, you just have to build those smiley: smile . Basically I have always in 4x games liked situations where I have 1 population, none ships, none techs and I try to reach to situation where I have everything.

Amoebas have a x0 ind in the empire view, where does it comes from ?

Confusing, their industry should be equal to their science. I am going to change this as soon as I see your ideas. Right now 100% of science to production is just some unique filler trait for them. (oooh, I know whats up, it's all about wrong priority order.. thanks for telling this)

I could colonize methane and asteroids at the beginning of the game.

Yes, this is intended. Environment trait gives possibility to live in different kind of planets.

One could argue that this leaves Terran, Ocean and Jungle people weaker than rest.

I saw (with the custom amoeba faction) that your tech %SCIENCESYSTEM1TITLE gives dust while others techs of the same branch give science

- Again sorry about this, I have had 100+ techs to do so minor mistakes like this will happen, I will fix it for a next version.

Amoebas cannot see the entire galaxy anymore.

- Oh, I happily removed all affinities from every race smiley: biggrin

I will bring it back if you want, it's just that it's one of those: "this is not fun, I don't like it" traits for me... and for others it's bit: "this is too powerful"

could you make the heroes bound to a faction : play Cravers and have an Amoeba as an admiral is quite weird.

- I really am wondering same. I want swarm to have queens and sowers to have military and nonmilitary AIs.
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 1:09:12 PM
Amoebas have a x0 ind in the empire view, where does it comes from ?

Can anyone copy this bug? For me it seems to work well... I really need screenshot or anything relating to this problem.

And I fixed another annoying bug, I managed to prevent access to Tier 1 planet tech tree earlier -.-

0.03 final version will come after I have added alignment "buildings"
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 1:46:33 PM
Harel55 wrote:
This mod is moving so fast I can barely keep track of it. Kudos to you Hupailija on making so much progress in so little time. On to business, as your unofficial complainer, it irks me that your expansion tree is so wide, even at the top. You already said how you feel it's to large, but it annoys me to no end that the technology bubbles actually cross over to divider line onto the left and right trees.

not sure whether I can get it any better than this
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 3:22:23 PM
You just have to ask if you want translations from english to french ^^

(for German I can't do anything).
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 3:59:49 PM
Epimethee wrote:
You just have to ask if you want translations from english to french ^^

(for German I can't do anything).

Right, this .xml version contains english part of things I have named so far (atleast I hope that it has everything).

Feel free to use your own imagination when translating these... also if you want to change english descriptions/names I am happy to welcome any changes

To test whether everything is translated and works (or you can just send to me):

1) Go to \Documents\Endless Space\Modding\Dream\Localization\*language*\Localization_Locales.xml

2) Open it with notepad++ or any other tool which can open .xml files

3) add your modified lines under:

NOTICE: do not translate these only thing inside of those. In this case: GOOD BUILDING

Description can be as long as one just wants, it's just that when adding several lines one starts to get lazy smiley: biggrin
english version.zip
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 6:03:05 PM
You are so going to like this, another 20 translatable lines coming soon.

I did grow quite annoyed to see similar bonuses on all alignment traits and finally decided to completly change those.

next version of 0.03 isn't going to be last... I still need to add Temple of Goodiness, Temple of Wisdom, Temple of Anger Management.

also some alignment bonuses may not make any sense.
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 8:06:38 PM






















Unlocks Alignment: Good Building


Unlocks Alignment: Neutral Building


Unlocks Alignment: Evil building


Unlocks Alignment: Good planet bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Neutral planet Bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Evil planet Bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Good system bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Neutral system bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Evil system bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Good empire bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Neutral empire bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Evil empire bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Good ship bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Neutral ship Bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Evil ship Bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Good fleet bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Neutral fleet bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Evil fleet bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Good hero bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Neutral hero bonus


Unlocks Alignment: Evil hero bonus

and these are new lines for localization file.
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 8:53:12 PM
Good god man, when do you sleep!
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 9:13:39 PM
I think it would be better if you send me the new lines by MP smiley: wink

Last question that came in my mind :

What will do "good", "neutral" and "evil" alignements ?
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 9:18:35 PM
Epimethee wrote:
I think it would be better if you send me the new lines by MP smiley: wink

or I can upload my added changes as a .zip or .7z file here everytime I release new version... after all it's not that much harder smiley: smile

Problem with MP is that limit is 1000 characters and thats quite a low for this purpose smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 9:19:59 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
Good god man, when do you sleep!

GMT +2 , I sleep when everyone else is awake and comments my mod and are awake when everyone else sleeps... thats what you get when you live almost (well ok, it's 60 km to border but still) in Russia
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 9:22:17 PM
Hupailija wrote:
or I can upload my added changes as a .zip or .7z file here everytime I release new version... after all it's not that much harder smiley: smile

Problem with MP is that limit is 1000 characters and thats quite a low for this purpose smiley: biggrin

Yes, but tell me each time you upload a thing I need to translate ^^
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 9:23:50 PM
Hupailija wrote:
GMT +2 , I sleep when everyone else is awake and comments my mod and are awake when everyone else sleeps... thats what you get when you live almost (well ok, it's 60 km to border but still) in Russia

Like a sir!
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 9:46:18 PM
Hey Hupailija,

If i will have the Time.. (Of Course B5 Mod comes first) and there is Model Suport for Creating Ships, i could help you out with making 3D Models of Ships. smiley: biggrin

Of Course i would need Artwork to create them..

and remember.. it would be only 2 priority.
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 9:55:51 PM
Oh, just a question :


For which race is it ? Do I have to find special names or just let it as it is ?
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 11:49:00 PM
Just as Pleasure said, you can have my (priority two) expertise for concept designs. Also, I can do some coding so you could assign the more tiresome, repetitive work to me so I get coding experience and you can focus on the harder bits.
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12 years ago
Aug 16, 2012, 12:01:17 AM
Hupailija wrote:
This is actually mostly because of my mild autism.

aha! I knew you had special powers. My nephew has a mild autism as well, and I swear I can feel that he is about 100 miles ahead of everyone else, he does not talk much or can't describe things well, he is only 7 by the way, but his response time is amazing.

I'm just trying out your latest, and I can't seem to to get to the third tier tech. I'm doing something wrong? Is there something I need to adjust?

uhm, I really would like to know more about this. Is 3rd tier tech those trait bonuses? If yes then I know what is problem (actually it says in game whats problem, I have tried something which should work but doesn't and forget those codes in game) and it's easy to fix. If problem is in techs after that I'm bit confused.

What I was trying to say is that I was able to research only the first two levels in the technology tree, but when I clicked on the next level up I could not research it. This was despite the fact that I had researched all prerequisites. I did create a custom race and selected the alignment, just as you adviced. And I could see the technology tree just fine, just could not click on any technology beyond the second circle from the center of the new technology branch.

I'm about to download your latest and try it out. Just had read the forum first, I'm almost enjoying the topics. smiley: smile

EDIT: By the way I'm talking about the Sowers. I now have the latest version, and all technology branches are fine, except the industry branch, I still can't select past the fist skill(Temple of Anger Management).
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