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[Mod] Endless Dream

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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 7:28:23 AM
Hupailija wrote:
I wonder how that no CP cost works... if it works like I want I really really love idea.

I mean they cost almost nothing, they don't use CP, requires nearly none research to get... but weapons and shields are really weak and (I have to see whether this is still true) one just can't put modules to fighters.

I think that it's closest to fighter one can get in this game.

I remember from my game putting up to 6 modules on them, they may possibly be a little large smiley: smile

[code] And I love how they play, even starting without weapons and corvettes is good in my books, as a combat transport ship is still a good vessel and I feel like the transports are under used. [/code]

Funny that,

*this is secret don't tell to anyone*

I am trying to build system where only "colony ships" can use Invasion modules and one needs invasion modules to take control of planets.

I will reduce any limits from how long it takes to take control of system offensively BUT to take control one needs to send there loads of weakly armored, no defensive stat ships with invasion modules.

Only exception will be Pilgrims who just... well I need to figure out something really strange for them.

Can't say I have ever been a fan of the whole need for a specific invasion transport, never been my cup of java.

As for the pilgrims, could you modify influence to passively conquer systems? Then have ship modules produce a influence bubble for fleets to carry to enemy worlds.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 7:53:40 AM
Epimethee wrote:
So I'm thinking about the traits of the Amoebas.

What about :

- No happiness problem from taxes but overpopulation would be stronger.

- More FIDS than other races (due to extreme simpleness of the race), what about 30 %

- Slower ships (20 %) - that can change with techs after (as huge cells, moving through space would be difficult)

- -1 pop on planets cause they are afraid of overpopulating ecosystems.

This is still all about 0.2 and 0.1 is quite far away...

still to show how I want race buildings and traits to work I use Swarms as an example now:

Planetary improvement: Queen, 8 different ranks... this is Swarms only exploitation but it's good, it's really good.

Buildings: I think that I have said these earlier, but mostly Swarm buildings will rely to idea of: "multiply, fill the galaxy with swarm"

Empire Buildings: (this is basically same than those passive bonuses in trait technology) Swarm empire buildings rely idea of specializying to different tasks. Swarm can become good in everything but they can become really great Ship Builders, Builders, Hunter/Gatherers and so on... they have branch for superior military which ends to their Capital Ship and Weapon, this branch causes them to be in war with everyone else.

I am basically again going to change our thought about how races work.

There won't anymore be race specific traits at all... instead there is going to be something greater, something broaden, something so deep that even I dare not to look to bottom.

Sadly it's me doing that so it's going to at start be quite bland and boring... and this is what I will need people to think when dream changes from warlike nightmare to serene and peaceful slumber.

For example:

What planetary improvements (read exploitation) will different races have?

What system building will different races have?

What empire buildings (read passive bonuses) will different races have?

How are those technologies connected?
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 8:00:08 AM
I remember from my game putting up to 6 modules on them, they may possibly be a little large smiley: smile

Cheers! I will have to adjust size of modules a lot then. Modules are not meant to be put to fighters.

Thankfully this is easy task and requires only changing something like 40-60 values smiley: smile

Can't say I have ever been a fan of the whole need for a specific invasion transport, never been my cup of java.

As for the pilgrims, could you modify influence to passively conquer systems? Then have ship modules produce a influence bubble for fleets to carry to enemy worlds.

I really would like to have ground combat system.

This stay in solarsystem and look scary and opponent will eventually give you all their belongings, feels bit strange.

But until that time I have to simulate it somehow and best is to make invasion modules really efficient and needed.

To your later, I honestly don't know. If I have understood influence correctly (by reading code), it was made to game to reveal stuff but that idea was scratched and changed to work like it works now.

I'm quite alarmed that all influence specific stuff is hardcoded and boy would I like to change it all.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 8:02:24 AM
thashepherd wrote:
I went ahead and added the Warfare tech tree to Sowers, United Empire, and Sophon. Laying the ground work is the fun part smiley: smile The stats suck right now, and I haven't written flavor text for the techs yet.

davea - thanks for the tip, that saved me a LOT of time!

What's in:

Terran, Sower, & Sophon special weapons w/ localizations.

Terran, Sower, & Sopon tech trees (similar to the Swarm tech tree Hupa made).

Custom tech trees for the Terran/Sower/Sopon weapons I had localizations for.

The stats won't make any sense, except maybe for the Terran weapons. I'm going to take a look at race-specific defenses or generic weapons next, but I'm probably done for tonight.

Cheers, will save me sometime and if I really want to have finished upper and lower branch of technology tree in 33 hours any help is welcomed.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 8:10:31 AM
Hupailija wrote:
Cheers! I will have to adjust size of modules a lot then. Modules are not meant to be put to fighters.

Thankfully this is easy task and requires only changing something like 40-60 values smiley: smile

I will ask, what do you intend to put on them? specialty small modules?

I really would like to have ground combat system.

This stay in solarsystem and look scary and opponent will eventually give you all their belongings, feels bit strange.

But until that time I have to simulate it somehow and best is to make invasion modules really efficient and needed.

I feel as if the invasion is just abstracted away, but to some how simulate it i would have no idea.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 8:28:28 AM
I will ask, what do you intend to put on them? specialty small modules?

I am not going to put anything to fighters.. Fighter is ship which has weapon and engine, maybe 2 weapons and 1 engine and in some cases 1 weapon, 1 shield and engine.

Small ships on the otherhand will have small modules. (think that size is going to be 30 for small, 70 for medium and 180 and 270 for large ones)

I feel as if the invasion is just abstracted away, but to some how simulate it i would have no idea.

I like abstract things, it gives more space to make illusions.

Imagine in player perspective (something what I can't do):

a) You move your power 3000+ fleet to system, none of your ships have invasion modules. Still in 3 turns you have conquered system.


b) You have had your power 100+ fleet on system, blocking all movement through it some turns.. and then you finally get your invasion ships there, they start to invade to system and in couple turns have invaded it.

I am not going to ask which one seems more realistic, since both sound equally good (notice my description of situation was biased). It's just that they give completly different image of situation to players.

Also I'm afraid that right now there is no need for colony ship type after middle game... by forcing players to think invasion modules I could make situation where even these ships would be usable in late game.

Problem is really that I see code and imagine how it affects to game but if i lately have played any game it has been either LoL or ME 3 (multiplayer).

Both mostly because after you have written code almost whole day you really need something which empties your mind :P
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 4:55:54 PM
Epimethee wrote:
And here come all the translations !


I shudder to think at how you're going to localize the Sophon techs smiley: smile

Hupa - how're we gonna do version management? Just throwing files up in this thread is going to get REAL hard to manage in the next few days.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 6:12:32 PM
I want project manager to this project :/

I really suck at that kind of stuff...

oh well, like finnish saying goes: "joka toiselle kuoppaa kaivaa se itse siihen vajoaa" meaning basically that if you try to be too cunning and do something it's going to be you who ends to problems. (in english translation it would be something like: "if you gid grave to someone else it's going to be you who ends to that grave").

I will try to find some easy way to distribute files between this project members... super positive would be if it would have also forums and even more if it would have web server.

Actually I have been thinking couple last days following thingy:

We have quite many modders but right now if you want to share mod you need to do it hard way and advertise it here and then upload to your own server.

I want some easier way for EACH endless space modder, likewise I want own forum section for each bigger project and several for smaller projects.

I don't mind if those forums would have other games too and those games would have equally same system.

Problem is that I haven't ever in freetime have to wonder about that kind of stuff. Easiest would be to set own server... but thats something what I can't do (or don't want to).

Therefore I need to find out some better system.

If anyone has any knowledge about system I am more than thrilled to hear.

Until that time, if you want to upload files to somewhere send me personal message here. I do have loads (unless you plan to upload there over 5 gigabyte files.. in which case there isn't space for more than couple of those smiley: smile of space to use... I just lack any easy way to share rights to use for it.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 6:45:20 PM
While testing your last version of the mod I found some problems :

- Swarm has planet exploitations since the beginning.

- Custom Swarm has a normal lower branch.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 7:55:34 PM
Swarm has planet exploitations since the beginning.

I really hope that everyone has now smiley: biggrin ... it did got bit annoying to see flashing text: "exploitations needed"... so I decided to add there

- Custom Swarm has a normal lower branch.

Did you took insectoid tech tree off? that lower branch is tied to that trait and not to affinity.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 8:54:28 PM
Hupailija wrote:
I want project manager to this project :/

I will try to find some easy way to distribute files between this project members... super positive would be if it would have also forums and even more if it would have web server.

Actually I have been thinking couple last days following thingy:

We have quite many modders but right now if you want to share mod you need to do it hard way and advertise it here and then upload to your own server.

I want some easier way for EACH endless space modder, likewise I want own forum section for each bigger project and several for smaller projects.

I don't mind if those forums would have other games too and those games would have equally same system.

I have attached a file I'm using to track my progress implementing the various races. I'll paste it below; Hupa, if you want to move it to the first post we can update it to show people the mod's progress.

In terms of "project management", I would recommend setting up a board at https://trello.com/. It's excellent for lightweight project management (I've used it before). If you like, I can do that in the next few days.

I'd suggest GitHub for filesharing since we can do diffs on the various versions, but I'm wondering if there's a service out there geared more towards XML/scripts.

Hupa, I'm planning to release full Terran/Sower/Sophon 'North' tech trees, modules, and localizations by tonight (just so we don't overlap each other - I'm really worried about that)
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 8:55:04 PM
Endless Dream Development Process

Bold = Complete

Italic = Partial



Warfare Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Weapon Modules

Weapon Module Titles

Weapon Module Descriptions

Weapon Module Stats

Other Modules

Other Module Titles

Other Module Descriptions

Other Module Stats

West Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

South Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

East Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Planet Improvement

Planet Improvement Titles

Planet Improvement Descriptions

Planet Improvement Stats

System Improvements

System Improvement Titles

System Improvement Descriptions

System Improvement Stats






Warfare Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Weapon Modules

Weapon Module Titles

Weapon Module Descriptions

Weapon Module Stats

Other Modules

Other Module Titles

Other Module Descriptions

Other Module Stats

West Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

South Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

East Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Planet Improvement

Planet Improvement Titles

Planet Improvement Descriptions

Planet Improvement Stats

System Improvements

System Improvement Titles

System Improvement Descriptions

System Improvement Stats






Warfare Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Weapon Modules

Weapon Module Titles

Weapon Module Descriptions

Weapon Module Stats

Other Modules

Other Module Titles

Other Module Descriptions

Other Module Stats

West Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

South Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

East Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Planet Improvement

Planet Improvement Titles

Planet Improvement Descriptions

Planet Improvement Stats

System Improvements

System Improvement Titles

System Improvement Descriptions

System Improvement Stats






Warfare Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Weapon Modules

Weapon Module Titles

Weapon Module Descriptions

Weapon Module Stats

Other Modules

Other Module Titles

Other Module Descriptions

Other Module Stats

West Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

South Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

East Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Planet Improvement

Planet Improvement Titles

Planet Improvement Descriptions

Planet Improvement Stats

System Improvements

System Improvement Titles

System Improvement Descriptions

System Improvement Stats






Warfare Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Weapon Modules

Weapon Module Titles

Weapon Module Descriptions

Weapon Module Stats

Other Modules

Other Module Titles

Other Module Descriptions

Other Module Stats

West Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

South Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

East Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Planet Improvement

Planet Improvement Titles

Planet Improvement Descriptions

Planet Improvement Stats

System Improvements

System Improvement Titles

System Improvement Descriptions

System Improvement Stats






Warfare Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Weapon Modules

Weapon Module Titles

Weapon Module Descriptions

Weapon Module Stats

Other Modules

Other Module Titles

Other Module Descriptions

Other Module Stats

West Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

South Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

East Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Planet Improvement

Planet Improvement Titles

Planet Improvement Descriptions

Planet Improvement Stats

System Improvements

System Improvement Titles

System Improvement Descriptions

System Improvement Stats






Warfare Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Weapon Modules

Weapon Module Titles

Weapon Module Descriptions

Weapon Module Stats

Other Modules

Other Module Titles

Other Module Descriptions

Other Module Stats

West Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

South Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

East Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Planet Improvement

Planet Improvement Titles

Planet Improvement Descriptions

Planet Improvement Stats

System Improvements

System Improvement Titles

System Improvement Descriptions

System Improvement Stats






Warfare Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Weapon Modules

Weapon Module Titles

Weapon Module Descriptions

Weapon Module Stats

Other Modules

Other Module Titles

Other Module Descriptions

Other Module Stats

West Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

South Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements

East Technology Tree


Technology Arrangement

Tech Titles

Tech Descriptions

Tech Unlocks

Tech Empire Improvements


Planet Improvement

Planet Improvement Titles

Planet Improvement Descriptions

Planet Improvement Stats

System Improvements

System Improvement Titles

System Improvement Descriptions

System Improvement Stats






Edit: Yeah, yeah. Sloppy, I know.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 9:17:38 PM
Created a public board on Trello. Community members can access it to view what we're working on and our progress.


Hupa, Igncom1, Harel55 - sign up and email me so I can add you to the board. LMK if you have any issues contacting me; I generally prefer email/gtalk/Skype/chat communications so we can do it closer to real-time than posting and responding on this board.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 9:41:02 PM
How would one email on Trello?
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 10:25:33 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
How would one email on Trello?

Either sign up and request access to the board I started, or PM me your email and I"ll send you an invite.

Edit: Common weapons are in for Terran/Sower/Sophon. At this point I'll develop on a race-by-race basis, starting with Sowers.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 11:44:32 PM
Without further ado, here are the Warfare tech trees I will be implementing tonight.

Sower: [Ingame] [WarfareTechtreelocalizationsdone]

In addition to common Laser and Missile weapon lines

Terran: [Ingame] [WarfareTechtreelocalizationsdone]

In addition to common Missile and Laser weapon lines

Sophon: [Ingame]

In addition to common Kinetic and Missile weapon lines
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12 years ago
Aug 19, 2012, 12:32:40 AM
I love its inter-connected structure.
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12 years ago
Aug 19, 2012, 3:59:51 AM
Before I go any further, I want to explain my reasoning. I also want your input on a problem I'm having (especially Hupa and davea!).

Each race has a main special weapon, a secondary special weapon, and one or two "generic" weapons (that cover the types they don't get special versions of). Races have a total of 16 weapons available, with 4 size versions of each.

Each race has 3 additional branches (or 12 techs) dedicated to defense and support modules, plus a long 'Special' branch that unlocks cards and empire improvements. It's called the "military" branch internally.

The Sowers are very straightforward. Their main weapons are cannons and Mag cannons. Cannons are liquid propelled, sort of like this. Mag Cannons use advanced Electro-Weak Theory knowledge and early Baryonic knowledge to throw a projectile, basically by rejecting and re-absorbing neutrons in a self-propagating reaction. The "Mag" comes from the powerful magnetic field generated inside the breech. Their secondary weapons are autocannons and mag autocannons.

Let me pause a moment to talk about the concept of 'knowledge'. Each race concentrates in a few core scientific areas. In the case of the Sowers, it's the study of Baryons and gravity, as well as computing. Most races will have a solid grasp of Electro-Weak Theory by mid-game. It's a theory that unifies Electromagnetism and the Weak Force. A true 'Unified Theory' ties Electromagnetism, the Strong force, and the Weak force together - but only the Sophons could ever figure that out (not in the Warfare tree). Baryons are large particles composed of quarks, and don't take a hell of a lot of effort to master (by late-game standards, anyway) since the Sowers aren't scientifically sophisticated. They can get up to some trouble with electronless nuclei and pentaquark structures, though.

The ability to break symmetry separates the men from the boys, technologically.

Sowers get kinetic defense, laser defense, and hull branches - the hull branch offers hit points and tonnage. Their 'military' branch has to do with the Sowers' processors learning how to be somewhat....hostile, from starting as terraformers.

Terrans are like 30th century Victorians, hell-bent on expansion and wealth. Ships are almost a point of pride, like ancient pre-dreadnoughts. Their main weapon is the accelerator or Gauss gun. Accelerators are simple railguns. Gauss guns are basically dozens of spiral-wound accelerators connected end-to-end, and are EXTREMELY powerful. Drivers and Gauss Drivers are rapid-firing variants on the same technology.

Terrans are practical generalists when it comes to science, and are well-versed in all the basic principles. They tend to stick to ever-more-sophisticated and clever uses of the well-tried Electro-Weak Theory, but bust out some crazy sh*t late game that will not be pleasant for non-Terrans.

Terrans get kinetic and laser defense branches, as well as an Invasion-oriented branch. Many technologies have multiple weak effects rather than one strong one. Their 'military' branch revolves around defense policy, tactics, and a growing imperialist mindset. The Terrans are excellent tacticians.

Speaking of tactics - the Terrans lack missile defense. The reasoning is that it is more efficient to charge through enemy missile range to a point where existing weapons and defenses will be effective, rather than to develop entirely new defenses just for long range (even though their guns ARE quite accurate). Again like Victorians - nobody really 'got' that battle would take place at long range, and they were still putting ram bows on their battleships after the Battle of Tsushima). So in their 'military' tree, they're getting cards or whatever to help survive that long range phase.

So the Sophon are friggin' geniuses. They get missile, kinetic, and laser defenses, as well as extremely powerful freakin' laser beams. The problem is that they're a peaceful race of geeks, and they really have no idea what to do with themselves in a fight.

Their main weapon is the laser, and they get a bunch of cool types which will all look damn near the same in-game. Their secondary weapon is the pulse laser. Some weapons are 'beams' or 'pulse beams' instead, which are generally stronger.

The Sophons start in mid-game by creating toy Pulsars and controlled Bose-Einstein fields, follow with utterly masterful photonics and spontaneous unbalanced baryogenesis, and then tame the nature of matter itself for dessert. The Terrans would pause to salute them before slaughtering their fleets and installing a puppet government on Sophis.

Rather than a separate "Military" tree, the Sophons have a central military "trunk" which unlocks all of the other technologies as it is leveled up.

That brings me to my problem. allows you to list all of the technologies which can allow this one to be researched, but they're 'OR'd together. Is there any way to make them ALL required?


IsUnique="true" X="-2.5" Y="7.5" Category="GalacticWarfare">






I need it to require TechSophonMissileDefenseE02 AND TechSophonMilitaryE04 in order to be researched. Does anyone know how to do that?
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12 years ago
Aug 19, 2012, 5:09:08 AM
I need it to require TechSophonMissileDefenseE02 AND TechSophonMilitaryE04 in order to be researched. Does anyone know how to do that?

try and instead of ; not sure whether it works (it should) but if you see ; it basically means or

do remember that you have also lower branch to use... I myself have mostly used it for ships / non combat modules / empire improvements
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