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Basic Planet Modding Guide

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12 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 2:00:20 AM
I've only ever seen one moon per planet so I'm not surprised they aren't "handled" even if they are within game "parameters." Though I guess the question remains were they active just not visually represented? I'll putz around and try and figure out if they still add to the bonus of sweep and moon farming perks. I'll add it to the the post and give you credit of course smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Jun 5, 2012, 7:02:37 PM
@Leonux - Yes you can add a moon to existing colonized system, the process is add the:

Entry under GameInfo\Galaxy\GenerationOutput\Systems to the right System\Planet entry and add the :

Entry under Game\Empires\EmpireX\Agency\ DepartmentOfTheInterior entry to the right System\Planet entry

You must have both.

BTW does not appear to support more then one moon per planet - though you can add more then one without it bombing on file they don't show up.
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 10:13:53 PM
You know I forgot to ever try adding moons to an existing system, sure can be done, just a matter of tying together the right things I'll look into it later tonight to see what steps are needed.
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 9:46:12 PM
Thanks KnightHawk, did you ever figure out a way to add a planet or moon without creating a new system...or is the devil in the top 1/4 of the save? When I ran through I didn't notice anything about total moon count and adding the moon simulator seems to make the save invalid...which the game handles pretty well by just spitting you to the splash screen.

Because editing of saves in this game is relatively painless once you learn the steps I just wanted to create a very through guide on how to get the process down for those who may be experimenting with it for the first time. Learning the rules also was kind of a pain. I also happen to be quite new at that so it took a little bit of tinkering after reading someone' instructions which tended to assume you had some base knowledge from a previous experience.
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 8:37:27 PM
I've done a write up on a similar topic though there is some carry over to editing existing developed systems but it was not the primary focus.

The one I did was >> " Add One or More New Star Systems via Editing Your ES Game File". << I wanted to do a full blog post on it but the darn thing was way way to big (did not notice the 10k char limit) and I don't like splitting it up but I may still do that, in any case I provided the entire thing in an attachment on that blog entry if anyone is interested.
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 12:09:48 PM
I've Bookmarked this, but, is there any more threads like this? i'm thinking about putting a thread together that trys to cover most ground like this, and linking to things like this (because i wouldent want to steal credit)
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