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MOD Uplift 2.0 launched

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11 years ago
May 22, 2013, 6:08:17 AM
Fixed Synthians (now can build colony ships as only 10% space wasted on ships for cargo). Also added German translation. (I may have to go through and manually enter it line by line in vanilla to get it to work)

I am not sure I can run in german without deleting program and reloading.
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11 years ago
May 22, 2013, 12:48:50 AM
The Progenitors will probably be handled with planet anomalies and discovery events. One thought for the Pirates was the Institute of Migration upset over fallow worlds being settled by "sooners" if you read the second trilogy. I already did a fix on the Synthians by downgrading wasted space to 10% but want to maybe translate some before upload.
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11 years ago
May 21, 2013, 9:47:54 AM
Well, the Synthians are based on the Amoeba and they could see the whole map. Is it possible to give them a bunch of colonizers at the very first round, while knowing they could not build more till they researched a bigger ship hull? In my eyes, the Amoeba are overpowered with this trait, so catching this by preventing to build more colonizers will give them a limit. Can't imagine if it is possible to pre-build ships that can't be re-built, but it may be a challenging setup. They could pick out the best colonies, while knowing they aren't able to colonize more for a couple of research turns.

As for the Uplift background...is it possible to give them colonizers from...another race? You may build a 'hidden' race...call them 'founders', 'progenitors' or whatever. They shouldn't be a playable race, but they might hold better ship hulls then the others. As far i've noticed in the XML-code, the pirates are such a hidden race and there are 2 other hidden test-races. But i guess, one could hand over ships from hidden races without handing out the plan to rebuild them. Do you think this is practical?

Can't wait to see the next races included! smiley: wink
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11 years ago
May 21, 2013, 5:05:40 AM

After a few rounds i see the mod is very fun to play, the changes at the tech-tree are reasonable and fitting. I allways thought one will get big ship hulls too fast in common game. With Uplift it will be a better challenge in ship design for the first half. A promising mod in my eyes.

I am glad you noticed as the first thing I changed in the tech tree was to spread ship designs out to make it so you would have to fly the smaller ships for a while.

I will look into the Synthians. There was another race that due to strategic materials couldn't build their scout (upgraded engine) but I thought I would leave it as in the Uplift universe the second had half a million year old ships are commonplace but I will fix the Synthians. I am not sure I will make the colonizing module smaller/cheaper as I want it hard to get fast ships and think you are able to build them quicker than cruisers mid game which is unrealistic for the resources required and the politics of the Uplift Theme (Institute of Migration would frown upon it). Also with the bigger map due to Alternative Universe Generator you usually have some exploration time.

Only the first orbital enhancement of the Imperium Aeterna has been modified and I did not yet eliminate all other defences but modified. I have only really worked on 4 or 5 of the strategic materials (to make them strategic)

Eventually races will have techs related to their uplift patrons or client races (humans with dolphin navigators)

Soro, Humans and a craver like sower AI are the last 3 races planned.
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11 years ago
May 20, 2013, 12:49:50 PM
Nice idea, like the Uplift universe so i give it a try.

Well done mod, the factions seem to be re-worked with a good view on the original base.

At my first attempt to try the mod i got some points you may re-view...


The localization is easy to fit in without huge translation: just copy your 2 files from the Localization\English-folder into the others. Anyhow what language the players prefer, they get the brandings and mod characteristics in English for your Uplift part.


Choosing Synthians is the worst choice ever. Due to the 2x '--' in ship storage, they cannot build a colonizer. The colonizing module is way too large. They would need to research Destroyer hulls to get a working ship-hull. Suggest to rework the afinitys for that race, except you planned them this way.


The altered tech-tree seems promising. Will find out how practical it will be. Did you include the orbital enhancement from ImperiumAeterna? Nice!

Looking forward to see the rest of the Uplift universe get into the mod. smiley: smile


After a few rounds i see the mod is very fun to play, the changes at the tech-tree are reasonable and fitting. I allways thought one will get big ship hulls too fast in common game. With Uplift it will be a better challenge in ship design for the first half. A promising mod in my eyes. smiley: cool
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11 years ago
May 7, 2013, 9:33:30 PM
Uplift 4.0 Launched: Welcome Earthclan

The lowly wolflings are now a playable faction.

Includes the Kanten and now uses Alternative Galaxy Generator by Dagobert:

Known issues are crash if you spam the game setup too much (but worth having a lot more systems). 5 Arms spiral or disc recommended setup.
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