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Carrier Mod

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11 years ago
Aug 18, 2013, 5:58:33 AM
Antera wrote:

The problem here is that its possible, depending on some of these other elements, for fighter damage to be high enough to make it an effective anti-ship weapon. Which would reduce early bombers to invasion only role.

Why not reduce the health of bombers?
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9 years ago
Jul 21, 2016, 10:27:12 PM
Antera wrote:
This is my second mod and more of a side project. Depending on how well it works out I might include it into my next project.

Carrier Mod

Current version:

Goal: The carrier mod is intended to make fighter/bomber/PD/carrier aspect of the game more prominent than in the stock game.

What the mod does: The mod modifies many aspect of the gameplay relating to fighter/bomber action. The most prominent changes include:

  • Medium 2 chassis of each race has been changed into a specialized carrier chassis.
  • Progression of fighter/bomber/PD stats has been greatly altered to increase their viability.
  • Fighter/bomber/PD are also rebalanced scale more like regular weapon and defense modules do.
  • Fighter/bomber/PD modules are no longer limited by special slot count, they are still limited by tonnage.
  • Fighter/bomber can now make one attack on the first phase if the opponent does not flee.


Design Principles

The way I balanced fighter/bomber/PD is based on the following principles:

  • Anti-ship bomber should be strong enough to be a viable primary weapon in battle; the damage of bombers are set by gauging their effectiveness compared to other weapon types
  • At low level, the role of fighter is anti-bomber with a bit of anti-ship; they can make a difference in anti-ship combat but not nearly as much as bomber
  • At high level, fighter becomes hybrid fighter-bomber so that they can carry out anti-bomber and anti-ship duty; this is done by setting fighter damage, fighter anti-ship dmaage malus, and fighter anti-bomber accuracy bonus
  • At high level, fighter are fairly close in combat efficiency against small ship chassis but still inferior against large ship compared to bomber; this is done by setting fighters to have a higher accuracy and evade than bomber (small ships have high evade that is effective against bomber)
  • Fighter versus fighter battle can last 4-5 rounds if both side are similar in number, this allow the bombers to sneak through and do damage while the fighter duke it out; this is set by adjusting fighter HP
  • Point Defense should mimic simlar level defense module by shooting down enough fighter/bomber to provide ships better survivability; point defense provide superior defense against bomber than fighter on a per-ton basis
  • Anti-planet bomber are strictly for invasion only, though they do provide about 1/3 of the combat power as anti-ship bomber in a pinch


As a result of these design principles, a number of ship design strategies will naturally arise. I won't spill the beans yet and let you guys figure it out for yourself.

Changes to the Game

Here are the details of what the mod changes:

[1] Carrier

Medium 2 chassis of each race has been changed into a specialized carrier chassis. My original intention was to simply add a seventh chassis but the ship design window currently cannot accomodate more than 6 chassis. I'll change it if that changes.

Carrier chassis has the following general stats:

Cost: 400

HP: 2000

Tonnage: 300

SpecSlot: 3 (for troops)

CP: 3

Evade: 0.23

HullWeakness: 150

Bonus: -25% fighter/bomber tonnage

The bonus varies slightly for some race. For instance, Hissho carrier has -33% fighter/bomber tonnage while Harmony carrier has -40% fighter/bomber tonnage. The original bonus of Medium 2 has either been merged into Medium 1 or removed depending on what it is and what made sense to me. For instance, Harmony small 2 chassis now has the bonus of Harmony medium 2 since medium 2 has taken over the role of the carrier.

[2] Fighter

  • Fighter modules no longer take up special slots
  • Fighter has only one variant: battle; this was done simplify the role of fighters
  • Fighter modules takes a fixed 50 ton for all tech level; stats scaled appropriately
  • Fighter stats re-balanced to give a more logical progression and scales in stats with tech level roughly the same way weapons do
  • Fighter modules have military power that reflects that space combat capabilities
  • Low-level fighters have large damage malus when attacking ships, this is overcome as you go to higher level fighters
  • Fighter now reach the enemy in two rounds and can make one strike against the opponent on the first phase if they did not flee
  • Fighter now have improved accuracy when hunting bombers, allowing them to make a difference in anti-bomber action


[3] Bomber

  • Bomber modules no longer take up special slots
  • Bomber has two variant: anti-ship and anti-planet
  • Bomber modules takes a fixed 50 ton for all tech level; stats scaled appropriately
  • Bomber modules now provide 2 bombers each, this was done in part to balance fighter vs bomber action
  • Bomber stats re-balanced to give a more logical progression and scales in stats with tech level roughly the same way weapons do
  • Lv 3 bomber still has higher evade and lower HP than otherwise for its tech level; this was done on purpose
  • Bomber modules have military power that reflects that space combat capabilities
  • Bomber now reach the enemy in two rounds and can make one strike against the opponent on the first phase if they did not flee


[4] Point Defense (PD)

  • PD modules no longer take up special slots
  • PD modules cost reduced to a level in line with other defenses
  • PD modules now does fixed damage and is much more effective than before in order to counter the rise of fighter/bomber as threats
  • PD modules have military power similar to comparable tech level defense modules


[5] Technology

  • Two new technologies have been added to Science branch that adds passive module regeneration: Strikecraft Repair Droid under Neural Robotices (TL2) and Auto-Mending Strikecraft Hull under Tectonic Engineering (TL5)


[6] Known Issues as of v1.1.17.0

  • This mod can be graphically intensive. My comp can handle about 100 strikecrafts without stutter, and about 200 with only lag during weapon fire, so I've set the stats in such a way that you will get 200 ish fighters at the very end of the game while equipping minimal defenses. With a more typical ship design, the end-game number will be closer to 150. Nevertheless, your computer may not like it. Well, I would dial the numbers down more, but then it wouldn't be as epic.
  • AI does not currently take advantage of the rule change. I'll probably work on this later. Ideas are much appreciated.


[7] Things I am considering

  • Soliciting feedback on fighter/bomber/PD balance
  • Soliciting feedback on how the chassis effect of medium 2 has been moved
  • Rename faction-specific fighter/bomber to match their respective faction naming scheme
  • Adding a second tier PD to counter Lv 3 and 4 fighter/bombers
  • Fighter/bomber battle cards?
  • Fighter/bomber hero abilities?


Installation Instructions

Mod files are attached to this post.


1) If not already existing, create a new folder called "Modding" in "My Documents\Endless Space\Disharmony\"

1a) If you don't know where "My Documents" is, navigate to "[DriveLetter]:\Users[AccountName]\My Documents\"

2) Unzip the zip file’s content to "My Documents\Endless Space\Disharmony\Modding", this should create a folder called "CarrierMod"

Running the mod:

1) Start the game, go to Mods on the title screen.

2) Select mod and load.

Starting the game with the mod loaded:

1) [Steamusers] Go to the "Game Library" in Steam

2) Right click Endless Space and select "Properties"

3) Click "Set Launch Options"

4) Type "+mod CarrierMod" without the quotation marks into the blank

5) Start the game


1) Clear the "Set Launch Options" if you had them set

2) Navigate to the "Modding" folder

3) Delete the "CarrierMod" folder

Maybe I'm just stupid... but I don't see a hyperlink anywhere in the post. How do I download this mod?

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11 years ago
Sep 13, 2013, 1:34:25 AM
Did you put it into "..\Documents\Endless Space\Disharmony\Modding\" ?

Or did you put it into "..\Documents\Endless Space\Modding\"?
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11 years ago
Sep 12, 2013, 12:15:39 PM
I am attempting to use your mod, however I can only activate it from the vanilla menu, and when I do it takes me to the generic expansion content. Is there any way to move it from the vanilla mod tray into the expansion mod tray so it deploys properly?
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11 years ago
Sep 11, 2013, 4:00:20 AM
For anyone still following this mod, I'm currently at a cross-road. Since the last update, I have discovered ways to greatly increase the flexibility of modding the combat system. But doing so would fundamentally change how the system is carried out and would be incompatible with the existing weapon modules. I'm likely going to create a mod that complete rebalances the weapon/fighter/bomber system using this new modding flexibility. What I'm curious about is if anyone actually still wants a version of carrier mod that is compatible with the existing ES combat system. I personally don't want to maintain a combat rebalance mod for weapon/fighter/bomber and a carrier mode just for fighter/bomber.
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11 years ago
Aug 26, 2013, 9:52:01 PM
Here's what you go, and this applies to combining any mods that don't have any crosstalk.

1) Throw in files from both mod into a new mod folder following the same folder structure as each mod in their own sub-folder.

2) Make a copy of the index.xml file from mod A and put it into the new mod folder, open it up along with the index.xml file from mod B. Scroll to the bottom of the mod B index.xml and look for a bunch of tags. Copy those and put them into the equivalent location in mod A.

3) If both mod A and mod B refer to a particular repository, like "Gui" for example, copy all the tags from the under the two repository tags into under one repository tag. This is basically how you make the game look for all the mod files.

For more details look at the modding tutorial, /#/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/16353-tutorials-for-modding-es

The relevant section is fairly short and easy to read.
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11 years ago
Aug 26, 2013, 3:06:07 AM
Btw thanks for making the mod.

Do I just put the files together or do I have to do something to the index? I really don't know much about it or what to do. smiley: confused
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11 years ago
Aug 25, 2013, 11:43:54 PM
assafb wrote:
Just came across this Mod, looks extremely useful, to the extent that I hope that some of the decisions will be adopted to future patches, I'll surely try it the next time I come around to starting a new game. Thanks for your work.

I hope they adopt some of the changes too. The way fighter/bomber/PD are right now just isn't right.

Cypherseven wrote:
Would you be able to combine your mods?

Which mods? Carrier and AFTM?

I plan to make a third mod in the future that combines them and then some. Though that will be sometime later. With that said, the mods are not too hard to combine. They use no overlapping files (except index). In fact, I play with them combined on my comp.
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11 years ago
Aug 25, 2013, 11:51:50 AM
Just came across this Mod, looks extremely useful, to the extent that I hope that some of the decisions will be adopted to future patches, I'll surely try it the next time I come around to starting a new game. Thanks for your work.
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11 years ago
Aug 18, 2013, 2:39:03 PM
Too much reduction makes them too weak to PD (compared to fighters). If I reduce fighter HP together with bomber HP (and PD damage too) it makes the fighter vs fighter phase last too short. The only way around it is to play with accuracy/evade/damage malus. Its not that big of an issue in the current v1.1.17 balance so I reduced the anti-ship malus. But there is a lot of interaction between fighter/bomber/PD stats that require walking a fine line when tuning them.
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11 years ago
Aug 3, 2013, 12:56:17 AM
This is my second mod and more of a side project. Depending on how well it works out I might include it into my next project.

Carrier Mod

Current version:

Goal: The carrier mod is intended to make fighter/bomber/PD/carrier aspect of the game more prominent than in the stock game.

What the mod does: The mod modifies many aspect of the gameplay relating to fighter/bomber action. The most prominent changes include:

  • Medium 2 chassis of each race has been changed into a specialized carrier chassis.
  • Progression of fighter/bomber/PD stats has been greatly altered to increase their viability.
  • Fighter/bomber/PD are also rebalanced scale more like regular weapon and defense modules do.
  • Fighter/bomber/PD modules are no longer limited by special slot count, they are still limited by tonnage.
  • Fighter/bomber can now make one attack on the first phase if the opponent does not flee.

  • [/LIST]

    Design Principles

    The way I balanced fighter/bomber/PD is based on the following principles:

  • Anti-ship bomber should be strong enough to be a viable primary weapon in battle; the damage of bombers are set by gauging their effectiveness compared to other weapon types
  • At low level, the role of fighter is anti-bomber with a bit of anti-ship; they can make a difference in anti-ship combat but not nearly as much as bomber
  • At high level, fighter becomes hybrid fighter-bomber so that they can carry out anti-bomber and anti-ship duty; this is done by setting fighter damage, fighter anti-ship dmaage malus, and fighter anti-bomber accuracy bonus
  • At high level, fighter are fairly close in combat efficiency against small ship chassis but still inferior against large ship compared to bomber; this is done by setting fighters to have a higher accuracy and evade than bomber (small ships have high evade that is effective against bomber)
  • Fighter versus fighter battle can last 4-5 rounds if both side are similar in number, this allow the bombers to sneak through and do damage while the fighter duke it out; this is set by adjusting fighter HP
  • Point Defense should mimic simlar level defense module by shooting down enough fighter/bomber to provide ships better survivability; point defense provide superior defense against bomber than fighter on a per-ton basis
  • Anti-planet bomber are strictly for invasion only, though they do provide about 1/3 of the combat power as anti-ship bomber in a pinch

  • [/LIST]

    As a result of these design principles, a number of ship design strategies will naturally arise. I won't spill the beans yet and let you guys figure it out for yourself.

    Changes to the Game

    Here are the details of what the mod changes:

    [1] Carrier

    Medium 2 chassis of each race has been changed into a specialized carrier chassis. My original intention was to simply add a seventh chassis but the ship design window currently cannot accomodate more than 6 chassis. I'll change it if that changes.

    Carrier chassis has the following general stats:

    Cost: 400

    HP: 2000

    Tonnage: 300

    SpecSlot: 3 (for troops)

    CP: 3

    Evade: 0.23

    HullWeakness: 150

    Bonus: -25% fighter/bomber tonnage

    The bonus varies slightly for some race. For instance, Hissho carrier has -33% fighter/bomber tonnage while Harmony carrier has -40% fighter/bomber tonnage. The original bonus of Medium 2 has either been merged into Medium 1 or removed depending on what it is and what made sense to me. For instance, Harmony small 2 chassis now has the bonus of Harmony medium 2 since medium 2 has taken over the role of the carrier.

    [2] Fighter

  • Fighter modules no longer take up special slots
  • Fighter has only one variant: battle; this was done simplify the role of fighters
  • Fighter modules takes a fixed 50 ton for all tech level; stats scaled appropriately
  • Fighter stats re-balanced to give a more logical progression and scales in stats with tech level roughly the same way weapons do
  • Fighter modules have military power that reflects that space combat capabilities
  • Low-level fighters have large damage malus when attacking ships, this is overcome as you go to higher level fighters
  • Fighter now reach the enemy in two rounds and can make one strike against the opponent on the first phase if they did not flee
  • Fighter now have improved accuracy when hunting bombers, allowing them to make a difference in anti-bomber action

  • [/LIST]

    [3] Bomber

  • Bomber modules no longer take up special slots
  • Bomber has two variant: anti-ship and anti-planet
  • Bomber modules takes a fixed 50 ton for all tech level; stats scaled appropriately
  • Bomber modules now provide 2 bombers each, this was done in part to balance fighter vs bomber action
  • Bomber stats re-balanced to give a more logical progression and scales in stats with tech level roughly the same way weapons do
  • Lv 3 bomber still has higher evade and lower HP than otherwise for its tech level; this was done on purpose
  • Bomber modules have military power that reflects that space combat capabilities
  • Bomber now reach the enemy in two rounds and can make one strike against the opponent on the first phase if they did not flee

  • [/LIST]

    [4] Point Defense (PD)

  • PD modules no longer take up special slots
  • PD modules cost reduced to a level in line with other defenses
  • PD modules now does fixed damage and is much more effective than before in order to counter the rise of fighter/bomber as threats
  • PD modules have military power similar to comparable tech level defense modules

  • [/LIST]

    [5] Technology

  • Two new technologies have been added to Science branch that adds passive module regeneration: Strikecraft Repair Droid under Neural Robotices (TL2) and Auto-Mending Strikecraft Hull under Tectonic Engineering (TL5)

  • [/LIST]

    [6] Known Issues as of v1.1.17.0

  • This mod can be graphically intensive. My comp can handle about 100 strikecrafts without stutter, and about 200 with only lag during weapon fire, so I've set the stats in such a way that you will get 200 ish fighters at the very end of the game while equipping minimal defenses. With a more typical ship design, the end-game number will be closer to 150. Nevertheless, your computer may not like it. Well, I would dial the numbers down more, but then it wouldn't be as epic.
  • AI does not currently take advantage of the rule change. I'll probably work on this later. Ideas are much appreciated.

  • [/LIST]

    [7] Things I am considering

  • Soliciting feedback on fighter/bomber/PD balance
  • Soliciting feedback on how the chassis effect of medium 2 has been moved
  • Rename faction-specific fighter/bomber to match their respective faction naming scheme
  • Adding a second tier PD to counter Lv 3 and 4 fighter/bombers
  • Fighter/bomber battle cards?
  • Fighter/bomber hero abilities?

  • [/LIST]

    Installation Instructions

    Mod files are attached to this post.


    1) If not already existing, create a new folder called "Modding" in "My Documents\Endless Space\Disharmony\"

    1a) If you don't know where "My Documents" is, navigate to "[DriveLetter]:\Users[AccountName]\My Documents\"

    2) Unzip the zip file’s content to "My Documents\Endless Space\Disharmony\Modding", this should create a folder called "CarrierMod"

    Running the mod:

    1) Start the game, go to Mods on the title screen.

    2) Select mod and load.

    Starting the game with the mod loaded:

    1) [Steamusers] Go to the "Game Library" in Steam

    2) Right click Endless Space and select "Properties"

    3) Click "Set Launch Options"

    4) Type "+mod CarrierMod" without the quotation marks into the blank

    5) Start the game


    1) Clear the "Set Launch Options" if you had them set

    2) Navigate to the "Modding" folder

    3) Delete the "CarrierMod" folder
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    11 years ago
    Aug 17, 2013, 3:44:29 PM
    Ok guys, newly rebalanced carrier mod is done. I used stats from v1.1.17.3 of stock game to perform the balance and a ran a week's worth of test trials. I wouldn't say the balance is perfect but it is much better now. Or rather, there is any resemblance to balance at all, unlike in v1.1.14.3 beta where the weapons were so outrageously powerful that it was impossible balance fighter/bomber.

    I didn't realize just how badly out of balance the stock fighter/bomber/PD was until I took on this exercise. Did you know the way things were in the stock game fighter couldn't even shoot down a bomber with out greatly outnumbering them? Or that mid-game PD couldn't take out a strikecraft even if the ship's life depended on it?

    Anyways, enjoy..
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Aug 10, 2013, 10:08:31 PM
    Oh sorry, I've been playing 1.1.15 beta and see how the game flows. I'll work on this again in a bit. Probably put out a new version before or around the time 1.1.15 goes live.
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    11 years ago
    Aug 7, 2013, 10:24:02 PM
    So the way I'm setting damage for fighter/bomber is like this:

    I make a bomber carrier fleet and a few glass cannon fleet with conventional weapons and compare how effective they are at destroying a given opponent. Takes a little setting up but once I have a save with that I can run trials with different parameters. This has not been working out the best with beta's weapon vs defense issue, but it should be more effective once that's settled.

    Then I set fighter damage by comparing it to bomber HP. It should high enough that fighter and tear bombers of similar tech lv apart quickly. Eventually, I will tie bomber HP to PD effectiveness.

    The problem here is that its possible, depending on some of these other elements, for fighter damage to be high enough to make it an effective anti-ship weapon. Which would reduce early bombers to invasion only role.

    Well, maybe it won't turn out this way once I have the PD balance put in. I'll keep in mind to adjust fighter anti-ship malus appropriately if that's the case.
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    11 years ago
    Aug 7, 2013, 11:08:07 AM
    Instead of a malus for fighters, just up the damage of bombers.

    When I think about Bombers, I have this idea that they are much bigger than fighters, so you'd have the same tonnage, but less planes in the air.

    I thought it was awesome to have so many strikecraft, but my computer can't cope with it.

    IIRC there is a module specific regeneration rate. If this is true, then you just give the fighter/bomber module that bonus as a passive.
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    11 years ago
    Aug 7, 2013, 2:27:36 AM
    thuvian wrote:
    I had seen this a few days ago and was surprised that more people weren't embracing this. This is a great work (and parallels many of my own thoughts about bombers/fighters). I'd suggest you add in the rest of the fixes for the 1.1.14 beta as well (hullweakness and some way of dealing with the defense passives). While I'm biased in thinking my approach to the matter is the right way, any of the possible solutions would be reasonable.

    I would make the following suggestions

    • Fix your list syntax in the bomber section of your original post
    • Make bombers as fighter modules weigh the same.
    • Limit end game fleets to ~100 spacecrafts by increasing the weight of the modules to 100 or even 200.
    • Harmony bonus is -75% to spacecraft module size. That's a big fleet of fighters and bombers.
    • Scale damage to reflect their current size
    • Remove the malus to ship damage from the fighters, they already do less than bombers versus ships.
    • Increase the repair rate of spacecraft to 25-50% per turn or so? As it stands you can just refit them and have them instantly repaired. I'm not sure how siegecraft are balanced, so that may matter.

    For now I'm still hopeful that the devs will undo the unbalancing that hullweakness did to the game in beta. But yea, if nothing change I would certainly consider putting that in.

    I didn't put bomber the same weight as fighter because bombers are in squads of one so they take up a lot less graphic resource per weight. I was also trying to avoid what I would term the tetris block syndrome, where all the tetris blocks are the same size, which might make fitting things into the ship un-interesting. I don't know, if more people want them the same I can always just up the number of bombers per module and get about the same graphics intensity.

    I will keep the strikecraft count in mind. Maybe release a lower count version later. I kinda enjoy having more of the things flying around. (Just admit it, you thought 170 bombers was pretty epic even as it made your comp lag)

    I swapped out Harmony small 2's bonus for medium 2's bonus. Harmony carrier is currently set to -50%. Though that might be too much considering you're no longer special module limited.

    So, the reason I put in strong malus to fighter anti-ship at low tech level is because I didn't see a strong need to put in any bombers during my trial runs. When I ran the trials with fighter L1, they were able to overwhelm enemy ships of comparable tech levels pretty easily through sheer numbers once they reach the other side (this is compared to bomber L1). This presented a problem because I wanted fighters and bombers to have clear and separate roles. At least initially. Fighter/bomber hybrid (L4 fighters) would come along when your tech is advanced enough. I will consider dialing down the malus but I'm not convince that bomber would be used if fighters didn't have some malus.

    My thought on repair rate is to put in empire improvements that are activated by special techs. Maybe one at the same tech level as fighter L1 and another around fighter L3. They would add a fix repair percentage to modules. I have to investigate whether I can enforce the module repair on only fighter/bomber modules. Other ideas?
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    11 years ago
    Aug 7, 2013, 1:05:51 AM
    I had seen this a few days ago and was surprised that more people weren't embracing this. This is a great work (and parallels many of my own thoughts about bombers/fighters). I'd suggest you add in the rest of the fixes for the 1.1.14 beta as well (hullweakness and some way of dealing with the defense passives). While I'm biased in thinking my approach to the matter is the right way, any of the possible solutions would be reasonable.

    I would make the following suggestions

    • Fix your list syntax in the bomber section of your original post
    • Make bombers as fighter modules weigh the same.
    • Limit end game fleets to ~100 spacecrafts by increasing the weight of the modules to 100 or even 200.
    • Harmony bonus is -75% to spacecraft module size. That's a big fleet of fighters and bombers.
    • Scale damage to reflect their current size
    • Remove the malus to ship damage from the fighters, they already do less than bombers versus ships.
    • Increase the repair rate of spacecraft to 25-50% per turn or so? As it stands you can just refit them and have them instantly repaired. I'm not sure how siegecraft are balanced, so that may matter.

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    11 years ago
    Aug 4, 2013, 3:57:27 PM
    Hahaha, as long as it works out. Let me know what you think of the mod.
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    11 years ago
    Aug 4, 2013, 7:50:08 AM
    FIXED even tho I m still at a loss to the "why"

    I had another mod downloaded and got the same problem. My "old" mods are all running fine. Tried the launch option for both "new" mods and it didnt work....I was booting the basic game instead. Turned around and loaded EndlessGenetics (as an example) via the launch option to see if my problem lies deeper and it didnt work either. Manually loaded EndlessGenetics worked and also updated my mod folder showing CarrierMod and the other one.

    So.....some probs with my computer, apologies but I m busy checking out your mod now smiley: smile
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    11 years ago
    Aug 4, 2013, 7:37:56 AM
    yes, I got a few other mods in there, no problem so far. I m running the Disharmony expansion as well (going classic from time to time but I double-checked). The Set Launch Options doesnt work for me. It still boots the "basic" Disharmony game.
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    11 years ago
    Aug 4, 2013, 2:50:38 AM
    Have you installed other mods before? Are those showing up?

    Does it load if you use "Set Launch Options"?
    0Send private message
    11 years ago
    Aug 3, 2013, 6:10:16 AM
    Dude.......the mod sounds AWESOME

    Going to download and give it a try, review coming up soon smiley: smile

    Running into a problem right now. I m running the 1.1.9 Disharmony version, installing the mod, doublechecked the file location and its still not showing in the mod-list within the game.
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    11 years ago
    Aug 3, 2013, 12:57:58 AM


    *Completely re-balanced fighter/bomber/PD in to scale with the new weapon/defense stats in v1.1.17 of stock game, see description/forum for complete details

    *Reduced carrier bonus from 30% to 25% for common carrier

    *Reduced Hissho carrier bonus to 33%, Harmony carrier bonus to 40%

    *Reduced low-level fighter damage malus when attacking ships

    *Fighters now have an accuracy bonus when attacking bombers

    *Standardized bomber module to 50 ton

    *Bomber modules now come with 2 bomber per module

    *Change some text to better reflect the function of the new fighter/bomber/PD

    *Updated carrier stats to v1.1.17 standards

    *PD now cost 24, take up 10 ton, and add 20 military power

    *PD damage is now fixed and is much better than before


    *First created for Disharmony
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