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[RELEASE] Jessie's Mod

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11 years ago
Jul 20, 2013, 12:25:49 AM
Hey there, like the look of this mod. Big fan of the Imperium Aeterna mod back in original Endless...

Just wondering if there was a way to also get the bigger map sizes in as well as the other features you have? We get kinda sick of the piddly little maps sometimes and want something EPIC

Also, was wondering if there was a way to integrate the ship sizes and tonnages from IA?

Anyway cheers

Dreadlord out
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11 years ago
Jul 13, 2013, 2:38:39 AM
OK I need some help installing this mod, have never installed a mod before and can't get this one to work ?

I tried putting the "JessiesMod" folder in "endless space/Disharmony" folder then tried putting all folders in "JessiesMod" in "endless space/Disharmony" folder then tried "+mod Jessiesmod" in launch options and last thing i have tried is making a folder named "Mods" in "endless space/Disharmony" and put the "JessiesMod" folder in there none of this has worked
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11 years ago
Jul 13, 2013, 3:16:31 AM
Jazz0411 wrote:
OK I need some help installing this mod, have never installed a mod before and can't get this one to work ?

I tried putting the "JessiesMod" folder in "endless space/Disharmony" folder then tried putting all folders in "JessiesMod" in "endless space/Disharmony" folder then tried "+mod Jessiesmod" in launch options and last thing i have tried is making a folder named "Mods" in "endless space/Disharmony" and put the "JessiesMod" folder in there none of this has worked

The Jessies Mod folder goes in another folder calling "Modding". Games are fussy about the particulars, so it isn't going to work if you don't have it just right.

The correct path is Documents\Endless Space\Disharmony\Modding. Slap the Jessies Mod folder in there, add "+mod JessiesMod" to steam launch options and you should be good to go.
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11 years ago
Jul 13, 2013, 6:56:23 AM
Jazz0411 wrote:
Thank you I got the folder name wrong used "Mods" instead of "Modding" smiley: smile

My pleasure. Don't be afraid to post results of your games, how the AI performs, and suggestions on how to improve the mod.

And that goes for the rest of you guys out there too! I need field data if I'm going to improve, people!
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11 years ago
Jul 13, 2013, 10:22:32 PM
Hey Jessie (I'm guessing that you are Jessie, smiley: cool ),

Thanks for the great mod. I really like the tweaks you've made as well as the content you've included from other great mods. This is exactly what I am looking for and I hope you continue to develop your mod.

One issue I've come across is that the AI will spam battleships with NO weapons other than 1 bay of fighters and outrageously tank them with defenses, armor, and repair. At first my ships did no damage to them whatsoever, and the AI ships of course did not damage me at all, so the battles were a complete stalemate. The only thing I could do was build dreadnoughts with x160 kenetic weapons and no defense. A full fleet of those ships would pick off about 1 AI ship per round, resulting in some very long and tedious battles that I eventually gave up on. I've had this happen every game I've played with your mod. I've played it on impossible difficulty and both in Disharmony and Classic. EDIT: I just played another game in classic and everything was fine. Maybe the issue only occurs in Disharmony? I've spent so many hours in this game this past week it all blends together smiley: stickouttongue

I would also be a fan of a more aggressive AI, if possible. Though granted I haven't played Endless difficulty yet even though I probably should.

Thanks again for sharing your work!
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11 years ago
Jul 14, 2013, 2:06:25 AM
nonboxed wrote:
Hey Jessie (I'm guessing that you are Jessie, smiley: cool ),

Thanks for the great mod. I really like the tweaks you've made as well as the content you've included from other great mods. This is exactly what I am looking for and I hope you continue to develop your mod.

One issue I've come across is that the AI will spam battleships with NO weapons other than 1 bay of fighters and outrageously tank them with defenses, armor, and repair. At first my ships did no damage to them whatsoever, and the AI ships of course did not damage me at all, so the battles were a complete stalemate. The only thing I could do was build dreadnoughts with x160 kenetic weapons and no defense. A full fleet of those ships would pick off about 1 AI ship per round, resulting in some very long and tedious battles that I eventually gave up on. I've had this happen every game I've played with your mod. I've played it on impossible difficulty and both in Disharmony and Classic. EDIT: I just played another game in classic and everything was fine. Maybe the issue only occurs in Disharmony? I've spent so many hours in this game this past week it all blends together smiley: stickouttongue

I would also be a fan of a more aggressive AI, if possible. Though granted I haven't played Endless difficulty yet even though I probably should.

Thanks again for sharing your work!

It'd help a bit to know which race you were fighting against. See the shipdesigntemplate.xml give different instructions to each species.
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11 years ago
Jul 14, 2013, 5:32:03 PM
It was the Automatons.

Just some other thoughts -- in your work have you come across anything about how often/hard the AI tries to win the game in ways such as economic, scientiffic, or wonder? It seems to me the AI only goes for military victories which makes it easy to anticipate and counter.
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11 years ago
Jul 14, 2013, 10:17:24 PM
nonboxed wrote:
It was the Automatons.

Just some other thoughts -- in your work have you come across anything about how often/hard the AI tries to win the game in ways such as economic, scientiffic, or wonder? It seems to me the AI only goes for military victories which makes it easy to anticipate and counter.

I found the problem. Amplitude designed the Automatons to be extremely fighter/bomber centric without much emphasis on weapons. Since I changed the weights for fighter and bomber bays, this messed up the automaton decision making process. When I release the next version, this will be fixed.

Please let me know if any of the other races display this behavior.
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11 years ago
Jul 15, 2013, 10:53:32 PM
Been trying out the mod .. overall enjoy it a lot but (isn't there always a but), when did some of the techs added they do not seem to work like I was expecting. Specifically the planet mod'n ones Micro/MiniPlanet Expansion indicate a change in population will occur and it does not. The size of the planet goes from tiny => small => medium as a label and that is it, the +# for planet type never happens. Trying some of the other changes after these to see what happens with them (the rings and dyson sphere .. still building at this point in the game). The other thing is that the AI seems a lot less aggressive then in the straight game .. no one is attacking anyone at this point whereas in the normal 'Disharmony" by this point 2-3 AI would be ganging up on me.

Overall like the depth more then the normal game and will go a few more rounds before restart a new game
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11 years ago
Jul 16, 2013, 1:38:34 AM
Before trying your mod I was in the habit of terraforming all of my planets to Jungle and using the Food Exploitation as the food to industry conversion improvement made these the highest possible industry planets possible by math. That was when I had noticed two things: First was there a recent nerf or did you change the food to industry conversion ratio of said improvement? It had been 1-1 and in my most recent game it was 1-0.35.

The second thing I noticed is that The max population per planet seems to be 14 iirc. With the new improvements and planet size terraforming you go well past that cap when using class 1 planets. Is there anyway of increasing the pop cap?

I also ran into a similar situation as nonboxed. I've been at war with the Sophons and they recently started fielding battleships with no offensive capabilities.
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11 years ago
Jul 17, 2013, 2:26:07 AM
@jsnider193, did you remember to factor in the +2 population cap to tiny planets from endothermic structures? When you change a planet from tiny to small, that improvement doesn't have that effect anymore and you break even. And, about the AI, that is Amplitude's doing, not mine. There are several threads in the tech support forum about how passive the AI is. Amplitude keeps saying they've fixed it, but I haven't noticed a real change. I'll be holding off on the next release until they fix this considering that, when AIs don't attack each other, they just keep on building and building and eventually the excessive level of fleets causes a game crash. Nice work, Amp. I'll just add this game-breaking bug to the pile with the other ones.

@Advocate, I'm fairly certain Imperium Aeturna messed with the food-indus conversion ratio in order to make it so that Star Systems growth didn't slow to a halt the instant you built it, but I'm not 100% sure of the ratios they used. I'm not really sure about the population cap for planets, since I didn't directly mess with that, and I'm not really sure how to change it either. Lastly, about the Sophons, I'll take a look at their ship design template and see if Amplitude didn't make it so they'd produce "carrier ships" endlessly.

...I really need to just break down and write my own ship design templates. These attempts to patch Amplitude's broken system just aren't working....
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11 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 12:17:04 AM
Whenever I load JessiesMod, it switches my game to classic.


And I am unable to use the Harmony, their affinity, or appearance.

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11 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 3:30:28 AM
If I delete Shipdescriptor.xml to get rid of the no fleet upkeep am I deleting any of your other changes?
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11 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 3:04:30 PM
NewAgeOfPower wrote:
Whenever I load JessiesMod, it switches my game to classic.


And I am unable to use the Harmony, their affinity, or appearance.


It's just the system being a little finicky. No reason to fret. Here's what you do. Launch the game, and load up Disharmony. Once you've done that, quit out of the game. go to your steam library, right click on Endless Space, go to properties, set launch options and enter "+mod JessiesMod" without the quotes. This will load up my mod the next time the game starts up. smiley: smile

Raith wrote:
If I delete Shipdescriptor.xml to get rid of the no fleet upkeep am I deleting any of your other changes?

....*goes to check*

Yes, you are deleting a whole bunch of changes I made to ship hull tonnage bonuses and such. However, this can be fixed quickly, cheaply, and easily. Find this line inside of shipdescripter.xml

and replace it with this

That should reactivate ship maintainence. I know full well that's a massive cheat of the game, but dammit, I like having huge amounts of Dust AND a giant military.

....when my 150+ turn game isn't crashing on me, that is...
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11 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 3:30:17 PM
Good thing I checked, the lack of ship maintenance is literally the only thing I don't like the sound of in the mod.

Edit: As a side note in case I decide I don't like it, will deleting the GameDifficultyDescriptor.xml get rid of anything besides the change to Expansion Disapproval?
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11 years ago
Jul 12, 2013, 8:36:36 AM
I've uploaded the next version of my mod to the thread for anyone who wants to give it a try. I've also included the classic version, which adds a few new weapons to the classic game. Since my last post, I've made a few changes to my design

--Borrowed some code and inspiration from Heavy Nova. Basically, I just learned from what he did and tried to improve on it. AI is now much more inclined to spam Dreadnaughts at you. Have fun with that.

--All weapons, regardless of range, have a teensy bit of siege to them. They CAN do the job of invading a system, just....not very well. Kinetics and missiles burn up in atmospheres for planets and celestial bodies that have them, and beam weapons lose cohesion over longer distances. However, if I was living on the surface, I certainly wouldn't care for you shooting those things at me. All fleets can assist with the task of invading, but just be prepared to wait around 20+ turns if you don't have siege modules to do the heavy lifting.

--Fixed a bug that didn't give anyone who played as the Sowers or with Sower affinity access to the terraforming technology that expanded medium planets to large planets.

--Added per person income to all trade buildings. They're useful for my fellow warmongers (and Cravers) now.

--Reduced Sheredyn buyout bonus to 40% to fix a bug in the game. But Amplitude seems to have addressed this in their last patch, so it may not be necessary at this point.

I know I promised to restore defensive mods to their original formulas but, after doing some reading and learning here on the forum boards, it seems to me that the new system makes sense. It puts more emphasis on armor and repairs rather than out and out invulnerability and lets be honest, when someone fires a death ray the size of Nebraska at you, damage is an inevitable result. Also, this new formula is not listed anywhere on the defensive modules' xml files, being hard coded into the game. I could make deflectors bounce kinetics away, shields absorb laser blasts, and flak shoot down missiles, but that would make the modules far more effective than they ought to be. So, unless I have a bunch of people asking me to do this, I'm going to leave them alone and see how things work out.
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11 years ago
Jul 20, 2013, 11:03:40 AM
well if know how to play around with the xml can always mod GalaxySettings in the plugin area to change the number of stars generated for each basic type. if do this might also want to increase the resource number in each category (unless prefer scarce and I mean scarce number of resources, which sometimes leads to interesting results). on Huge I have mine set to 160 stars .. setup takes about 2 min, but save loads are about normal .. no idea how this will run on slower machines or if will get crashes, I haven't. can also change probability of what type of planets will appear in this xml plus some other nice odds and ends.

If want to change the base of a planet (FIDS) can fool around in the PlanetDiscriptor xml for the fun of it and to see if makes the game different.

e.g. how change the Huge line

haven't played with width yet but will eventually.
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11 years ago
Jul 20, 2013, 11:38:17 AM
Use the Alternative Map Generator, on this forum. Instructions are provided on the first page on how to include it into a mod of your choice.
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