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[RELEASE] Jessie's Mod

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11 years ago
Jul 21, 2013, 12:44:27 PM
I humbly make another request.

Don't mind the no expansion disapproval, especially when using the larger universe sizes, but is there a way to keep overpopulation in and keep expansion disapproval out?


Dreadlord out
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11 years ago
Jul 24, 2013, 10:31:49 PM
So far I have been enjoying the expansion changes this mod makes (I love a good land grab, and the colonization penalties in vanilla Disharmony frankly suck). The AI factions have joined me in aggressively trying to expand their holdings, which is good. In vanilla Disharmony they mostly stick within their little bubble, which makes the first 120ish turns of the game piss boring.

The downside to all this is none of the AI factions seem to know how to use ships anymore. They spam useless fleets and don't use them, even for defense. I can invade any AI planet at will and they do nothing, and they never come after me except to scout territory. In the last game I just quit out of, the Amoeba show a CP score identical to mine: 35 CP worth of fleets, and yet I took planets from them at will with no resistance.

Additionally in this last game, the Automatons did something weird to me. I moved my scout onto one of their fully owned worlds (probably their homeworld) and they trapped my scout in the system as if it were blockaded, but there was no blockading fleet visible and I had no option to engage with anything.
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11 years ago
Jul 25, 2013, 10:33:09 AM
jeep_guy wrote:
Additionally in this last game, the Automatons did something weird to me. I moved my scout onto one of their fully owned worlds (probably their homeworld) and they trapped my scout in the system as if it were blockaded, but there was no blockading fleet visible and I had no option to engage with anything.

I can confirm this on classic. It is a bug that appeared in vanilla and was recently fixed. But Jessie's mod seems to have reintroduced it. The mod is probably using an old file with the bug still in it.
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11 years ago
Jul 27, 2013, 4:38:28 AM
Is this still being worked on .. luv'd it so far but have not seen anything new ?? just asking at this point.
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11 years ago
Jul 27, 2013, 7:30:35 PM
I'm still working on it, but this mod has gone from a product of passion to an honest to god pain in the ass. Everytime the devs patch an issue, I have to figure out what they did in order to replicate it on my end in order to make it work. And with my college courses being the way that they are, the next mod update is a bit like that last load of laundry. I'll do it eventually, just not right now.
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11 years ago
Jul 28, 2013, 8:38:11 PM
thanx fo response.. yah got that way on few mods did in FNV and Skyrim .. gets harder and harder to keep the flame especially when have life and other games to indulge in.
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11 years ago
Jul 30, 2013, 7:31:39 AM
Pondera wrote:
I'm still working on it, but this mod has gone from a product of passion to an honest to god pain in the ass. Everytime the devs patch an issue, I have to figure out what they did in order to replicate it on my end in order to make it work. And with my college courses being the way that they are, the next mod update is a bit like that last load of laundry. I'll do it eventually, just not right now.

Come back in a month?
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11 years ago
Sep 16, 2013, 7:58:57 PM
Hope the mod is still undergoing development, would hate to see it die on me.
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11 years ago
Sep 28, 2013, 7:26:11 AM
shame to see this dead... lots of good ideas here, as the kind author bequeathed the mod in it's entirety to the general endless space public, i may try to get it working with the newest patches... maybe, no promises
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11 years ago
Oct 1, 2013, 9:01:33 AM
well, color me impressed, everyone. I thought for certain that this thread had disappeared into the depths of the forum boards, never to be heard from again, but it turns out people care. And are actually interested!

Unfortunately though, I'm not quite sure what else I can do with this mod. According to the most recent patch notes, Amplitude realized what a HORRIBLE idea hull % weights were and canned the whole idea, just like I did with my modding. And I never did manage to get the AI working like I wanted to either. There were always little quirks and annoyances and when it came to the crashing issues (which I have been told have been fixed) I just gave up for a time.

I mean, I can TRY to get the planetary enlargement thing that Imperium Aeturna did ported over, but I'm really just grasping at straws. OR I could actually read over my to-do list and try and pick up where I left off. Yeah, that might be a good idea.

Less Warhammer 40k and snexy times with boyfriend. More Endless Space for me.
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 8:00:36 PM
Nanao-kun wrote:
How do I remove this? I actually like the growth paralysis, reminds me of the Civilization games.

Also, are the hull tonnages and CP cost any different?

Delete Planetcolonization.xml.

And yes, with the Disharmony expansion, Amplitude reduced max hull tonnages and HP across the board. I returned them back to stock classic values. CP is the same though. If you don't care for this change, just delete hull.xml
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11 years ago
Jul 5, 2013, 3:39:55 PM
I'd like to include one of your changes into my own mod. And for the purpose of not having to do the same work again, is it possible to seperate it from the rest?

I'm talking about the module-weight-mod. If the files necessary for that change are not overlapping any others, it should be enough to point out the files' names.
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11 years ago
Jul 5, 2013, 4:08:11 PM
Well, considering that I used your work on AIs in the classic version of my mod, it is only fair. In fact, let me get this out of the way.

I, Pondera (aka Jessie), hereby turn this mod and the use of its contents over to the Endless Space community for the purposes of fun and enjoyment for all. The contents of Jessie's mod can be altered and shared as the users of this forum see fit. And regardless of how the end product turns out, I will not take such actions as complain, protest, whinge, drive myself to drinking, commit seppuku, or file charges.

When I get back to my main terminal, I'll go ahead and figure out which files made that change.
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11 years ago
Jul 5, 2013, 5:56:06 PM
Ail, I'm pretty sure the specialmodule.xml and supportmodule.xml contain the changes you're looking for.
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11 years ago
Jul 5, 2013, 9:40:01 PM
Sarnum wrote:
it seems that this mod works nice with disharmony, great job ! smiley: smile

Thank you for the feedback. Tell me, are the AIs of your game using ships to their full potential and using fighter/bomber modules? I was worried that they would look at the modified modules and not really know what to do with them.
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 1:13:59 AM
Hi there, been playing this game since it first came out and have been following it thru all the changes. Its great that you've done this mod and I was really looking forward to trying it out......

However this was not to workout. I downloaded the mod, installed it in my disharmony modding directory and started the game. Great so far, mod appeared in the list of mods like its supposed to, it loaded up fine and restarted the game like its supposed to.

WooT!! I was getting quite excited by this point thinking, finally after months and months of no really unique mods being available, so many of the best ones have been abandoned, here at last is a good one.

Created a new custom race using Sheridyn with Automaton appearance, created a new game, huge spiral 8, with 8 opponants. Launched the game and voila it went to work creating a new galaxy for me to dominate.

After what seemed an eternity the game started up and I was pleased to see the usually star with the box and 4 planets indicated but thats where it all came crashing down. First off, the ships orbiting the star were not Automaton, they were using the Sowers icon to represent them. Wait, whats this.... no little number in box indicating how many population units were on the planet, no little box indicating that the construction que was empty and sadly no name for the star system. Thinking maybe my zoom level was off rolled the mouse wheel all the way in, but nothing changed. Perplexed, I dutifully clicked on the star to zoom into the planets and thats when all hell broke loose. A box with a bunch of code errors appeared in the middle of the screen, asking me to continue or quit to windows. Continue I said, "damn it", the planets appeared but in place of all the usual text were empty white labels for me to wonder at. In place of the population ring was a big empty white circle. Zooming into the planet also produced the same results.

Well, other than this, the rest of the gui works completely fine, only on the galaxy level does things not work. Including clicking on my fleet and sending it somewhere. Again the error box.

Some details to help you , hopefully, diagnose this.

Windows Vista 32 Bit.

Completely wiped out preexisting game and installed both ES and Disharmony fresh, even deleted the My Documents/Endless Space folder before re-installing.

Play thru Steam, including the install and purchases.

Any suggestions or advice anyone may have would be appreciated. I'd almost given up on the game until Disharmony, but was, like many others, very disappointed in the expansion. Along comes this mod and I was thinking great, not done with this game yet.

I've gone thru the mod, yes I do have some basic modding skill, very basic. And I can only come up with a couple reason this may be happening to me. However I lack the understanding to correct this myself.

First, your mod may have issues with custom races using different appearances with affinities. I'm going to try basic races and setups myself but i'm not holding out hope on this being the cause.

Second, the colored coding of things and such maybe the issue since Disharmony has this feature included in the base game itself now. Also, a previous patch long ago, had this same effect on the imperium mod I was using until that time, and it was abandoned just prior to it being broken by a patch.

If you need any further info from me, ie, cut/paste of the error messages. Screenshots, please let me know and I'll get them to you asap.
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 2:20:18 AM
Well, I guess when every mod debuts, there are those who have certain problems with it. In my dabblings prior, I've sometimes seen .xml files that make the game freeze up completely. I thought I'd gotten rid of all the problematic files, especially seeing that I've been play-testing my work since Disharmony launched and not seen this problem. If you have any error messages, please send them to me over a PM. Also, a screenshot of the issue in question would be helpful at finding out where things went wrong.
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