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[RELEASE] Jessie's Mod

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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 3:32:07 AM
ok, this is odd.

the LShift is flashing and it wont let me take screenshots because of this, and I cannot turn off the LShift.

is this possibly a steam error?


I've tested it without using custom factions and same issues.

Going to try and complete wipe of the game and full re-install and see if that changes anything, maybe ive got some corruption or something.

I already did a full virus, malware and spyware scan, all came up fine.

Edit (2)

Complete whipe and reinstall of everything, still same issues.
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 5:20:13 AM
Zzherin wrote:
ok, this is odd.

the LShift is flashing and it wont let me take screenshots because of this, and I cannot turn off the LShift.

is this possibly a steam error?


I've tested it without using custom factions and same issues.

Going to try and complete wipe of the game and full re-install and see if that changes anything, maybe ive got some corruption or something.

I already did a full virus, malware and spyware scan, all came up fine.

Edit (2)

Complete whipe and reinstall of everything, still same issues.

I just tried to replicate the conditions of this bug. Created a custom race, sheredyn affinity, Automaton appearance, huge galaxy, spiral-8 with 8 random players, and everything looks to load up perfectly. Load time is about the same as ever, GUI is unchanged. I'm not sure what to tell you, friend.

Hey! Forum goers, anyone else having this issue and can maybe shine a little light on things?
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 5:29:19 AM
i downloaded the mod and put it in my endlessspace mod mangager and starting the game nothing new in tect tree or new anything for that matter i see no changes or mod in game please help trying to understand what did i do wrong here
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 5:52:14 AM
Commander_Reese5732 wrote:
i downloaded the mod and put it in my endlessspace mod mangager and starting the game nothing new in tect tree or new anything for that matter i see no changes or mod in game please help trying to understand what did i do wrong here

Just to cover the basics, did you install it in the correct location? The correct path is C:\Users\Username\Documents\Endless Space\Disharmony.

If that doesn't fix it, go into steam, library, right click on Endless Space, go to properties, launch options and type in "+mod Jessiesmod". That will load it up by default when the game starts.
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 6:30:14 AM
I think that they're baffled when it comes to modules. I've seen early game ships with tons of defensive modules and only a few offensive ones.
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 6:20:50 PM
AHA! I think I fixed something! Noticed earlier that asteroid fields were showing population when I never settled them, didn't have a presence in the system, and didn't even the technology to colonize them. I replaced the planetcolonization.xml, and everything seems good now. After some play-testing here, I'll upload the fixed version today
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 6:33:54 PM
-Removal of population growth paralysis.

How do I remove this? I actually like the growth paralysis, reminds me of the Civilization games.

Also, are the hull tonnages and CP cost any different?
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11 years ago
Jul 5, 2013, 8:50:26 AM
Good evening, fellow modders. I'd like to take this moment and thank you for supporting Amplitude and buying the expansion pack for Endless Space, a truly wonderful game. As good as it is, however, I've noticed some voices of discontent here on the forums. Not everyone is hunky-dorey with what was done, and I've taken it upon myself to make some changes.

Jessie's mod, as I like to call it(Like Gary's mod....but BETTER), is a collection of already assembled .xml code from those nice boys over at Imperium Aeturna (my ripoff level of them is shameless), and some alterations of my own to attempt to make the game a bit more fun.That being said, I'll give you a brief run-down of what I've made and then you can get to the downloading part.

-Hero level cap increased to 50. Has a human being in the real world ever "maxed out" their capabilities? Everything we do, everything we've seen contributes to our sum total of experience and shapes our thoughts and desires. Heroes should be the same way, especially after a Dust exposure, which is essentially badass in a can. Just like us, it's unlikely they'll actually accumulate enough experience to reach this new level cap, but it's there.

-Imperium Aeturna orbital structures and technologies, and new terraforming. I take NO credit for what is made here. I started my mod work adapting IA to new ES versions, and it's been fun to use, so I kept it in. Remember, I did not make this. THEY did. Pay your tribute of hookers, drugs, money, excess FIDS, and unicorns that vomit happy juice to the makers of THAT mod.

-Removal of population growth paralysis. Everything I've looked, people have HATED this. With my mod installed, colony ships do not slow growth, nor does expanding your empire to other planets in the same star system. However, the Harmony have had their growth paralysis during ship construction removed as well. They mean to wage a war on Dust and now they have the power to make your lives a living hell. Take care....

-Restoration of classic material. What's the point of having customization options if the design is now so limited that you can hardly put anything cool in there? I removed the weight percentages requirement and replaced them with flat weights comparable to the classic game. This includes engines, power modules, armor, invasion modules, fighter/bomber bays, point defenses, small dog launchers, youtube upload terminals, and liquor cabinets. Furthermore, I've went ahead and restored the hull bonuses for every race except the Harmony. This means destroyers get weight bonuses for weapons, cruisers have power, armor, and invasion discounts, battleships get their cheap defensive modules, and unless a Dreadnaught had a malus that really irritated me (Sophon Dreadnaught getting -20% science on system, for example) I didn't mess with it.

-Removal of fleet upkeep costs, and population/expansion disapproval. Yeah, I'll admit that this one is a cheat, but I like having huge amounts of Dust to buy Dreadnaughts late game, and why in the hell do people get upset if you expand too much or have too many population points on a planet? We haven't overpopulated THIS planet yet, and if you make a colony in the next system over, how would the citizens of another even know about it or be upset by it? If you don't much care for this one, just delete GameDifficultyDescriptor.xml and ShipDescriptor.xml.

I'm sure I put more things in there than this, but it's 4 am, and I can't remember anything else right now. I plan on making more technologies and adding more capital ship weapons to the game, seeing as how the original had 11 of each and the "Expansion" has 3 of each (I'd welcome some help on that if anyone has time). Amplitude, what are you doing!? I welcome feedback of all kinds, but I reserve the right to simply post "Your Mother" at flames.

Edit: version 1.1 includes a hotfix that fixes an error that involves the GUI of planets.

Edit: New version "Unity" has been uploaded
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 8:22:35 PM
Pondera wrote:
Delete Planetcolonization.xml.

And yes, with the Disharmony expansion, Amplitude reduced max hull tonnages and HP across the board. I returned them back to stock classic values. CP is the same though. If you don't care for this change, just delete hull.xml

I'm referring to Imperium Aeterna actually, where each hull had a different tonnage, and different CP costs, such as dreadnoughts taking up 5 CP.
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 11:09:19 PM
No, I didn't use the values of HP, tonnage, and CP that IA used. I just restored those values to vanilla ES. Dreadnaughts still take 4 CP.
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11 years ago
Jul 7, 2013, 1:59:03 PM
For some reason when I try to load the mod it sticks me back into classic. I do have it under the disharmony folder in modding. The thing is when I load the mod it reloads and puts me back into classic. If I go back to disharmony there is no mod loaded. Version 1.1 btw.
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11 years ago
Jul 7, 2013, 3:41:16 PM
Fixed my issue I was having using this mod.

Turned out that I still had old files in my endless space directory from when I downloaded the game off Pirate Bay to try it out back in version 1.0.09, I refuse to by a game sight unseen, also there were still registry entries from back then. I removed all of that and re-installed everything all over again, no more issues running this mod. That old version of the game didn't use the same directories and registry entries and was corrupting my attempts to use any mods at all.

BTW: If I like a game I try off Pirate Bay I do buy them, too many times before I have been burned by a crappy game. If they come up as demo on Steam I will try them that way instead. These days, getting a new game without trying it first, is sort of like walking into a car dealership and buying the first car that catches your eye with its pretty packaging. Until you actually drive it, you have no way of knowing if its the right one for you.
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11 years ago
Jul 7, 2013, 4:28:32 PM
Cfuz wrote:
For some reason when I try to load the mod it sticks me back into classic. I do have it under the disharmony folder in modding. The thing is when I load the mod it reloads and puts me back into classic. If I go back to disharmony there is no mod loaded. Version 1.1 btw.

Go into steam, then to your library, right click on ES, select properties, set launch options and enter "+mod Jessiesmod" without the quotes and no apostrophe after Jessie. Then, start ES as normal. If you're still in classic, make the switch over to the DLC, quit out of the game and restart it. My mod should be loaded automatically when the game starts. That should fix your issue.
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11 years ago
Jul 8, 2013, 2:18:48 PM
Change log for 1.1 (yes, I know its a bit late. My parents were in town for the Fourth of July, and my economics teacher for college doubled my school work load for the holiday. Nice guy)

-Fixed Planet colonization GUI problem.

-Altered Sower affinity. -50% to food. 100% of industry counts as food.

-Altered N-way Fusion plants, extreme infrastructure, and inorganic cultivation with the "save the sowers" mod pack data, as can be found here


My changes to the Sower affinity is a part of an ongoing project to make all the major power affinities overpowered as hell, but in a really fun way. Sophon affinity is already like this (50% bonus from no tax + 20% bonus from being ecstatic + 10% bonus from colonial rights while ecstatic + 30% from scientists trait= 110% science production) So is the Sheredyn (-50% buyout + -20% buyout cost from abundant luxuries + -30% from Revenue Zen = unless my math is wrong, stuff is free now)

To-do list for 1.2:

-Launch version for Classic as well as Disharmony. The Expansion really rubbed me the wrong way, and while I'll continue to dabble with the .xml files of Disharmony, the majority of my work will be for the classic game.... because it's simpler, and much less annoying. I mean, really.... modules taking a % of hull weight without having their power scale as well? *does slow clap for Amplitude*

-Make changes to Destroyers to make them less blessed with suck. Do you know any major power that would specifically construct barges filled with guns and nothing else that are meant to die in the first few minutes of combat? Bet a faction's news media would love that. Goal is to make them more survivable and useful from early game fighting small ships like themselves to late-game where they're meant to kill a Dreadnaught with bug bites. Feel free to offer comments and suggestions on how to do this.

-Incorporate the AI improvements from Heavy Nova as well as Ail's Aggressive AI. I expect this combination to make the AI a ruthless power monger that will be willing to whip out guns over the SLIGHTEST provocation. Have fun with that one.

-Restore original functionality to defensive mods. No one here knows for certain what exactly hull weakness is, and I don't care. All I know is that the original recipe of projectiles deflected/lasers absorbed/missiles shot down worked well and there wasn't an overwhelming need to screw with it. Amplitude screwed with it.

-Sheredyn functionality. Seeing as how Amplitude modified this affinity in combination with abundant luxuries and revenue zen so it doesn't work anymore, I have to find someway that the player doesn't screw themselves in late game from this bug.

-Edit: I did forget one last thing on the to-do list. I plan on making the 6 trade system improvements actually useful, even if you're at war with everyone and their Mother. The way I plan to do is that each one will add +1 Dust per person on a system, simulating internal trade smiley: smile. That way, during war, they still provide revenue, and during peace, you still get your lovely trade bonuses. I'm currently play testing this decision right now.
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11 years ago
Jul 8, 2013, 9:37:11 PM
Does the Sheredyn buyout trait work like that? If it does it would be amazing... in a sense.
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11 years ago
Jul 8, 2013, 10:07:30 PM
I gave this mod a go over the weekend, big fan of the hull weight revert. One odd thing I did notice is that I no longer had access to the repair/engineering battle card. Am I just blind or did it get removed?
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11 years ago
Jul 8, 2013, 11:50:18 PM
magnite wrote:
I gave this mod a go over the weekend, big fan of the hull weight revert. One odd thing I did notice is that I no longer had access to the repair/engineering battle card. Am I just blind or did it get removed?

I didn't touch the card system, friend. That particularly card is, and has been for a while, unlocked by a prerequisite technology on the applied sciences tree. Amplitude changed this card recently, making it impossible for it to repair your fleet to a state where they have more HP now than they warped in with.

Antera wrote:
Does the Sheredyn buyout trait work like that? If it does it would be amazing... in a sense.

Going over that again, I'm fairly certain now it doesn't work that way. It CAN'T work that way because the Sheredyn would be completely unbeatable if it was. How can you defeat an empire would can buy out an entire armada and hurl it at you instantly? Even if you destroy them all, their infinite industrial capacity would far exceed yours. With that in mind, I have a feeling its more multiplicative rather than additive.

-50% cost for example ship (costs 5000 industry by default. Now 2500)

-20% of 50% from abundant luxuries. 20% of 50 is 10, so reduce 60% from 5000= 2000.

-30% of 60% from revenue Zen. 30% of 60 is 18, so 60 is now 78%. Reduce 5000 by 78%= 1100 industry cost.

The buyout formula for ES states that the dust cost is (0.7 x the remaining industry cost of the item in question)x 1.25. (1100 x 0.7= 770)x 1.25= 962.5 dust for a 5000 industry item. Less than 1/5 of its original cost.

That is all assuming that's how the Sheredyn affinity works and my math was correct on every point. If it's additive rather than multiplicative, Amplitude has work to do, and TVtropes has another entry to the "Game breaking bug" page.
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11 years ago
Jul 9, 2013, 1:51:27 AM
Ok, I guess I'll have to keep an eye on this when I get to Sheredyn. I have a feeling the game does math in tiers, like for instant if there's -50% buyout trait bonus and a -50% buyout improvement bonus, they might get applied to two separate tier and you end up with (1-0.5)*(1-0.5). I've been noticing "Priority" tag in some of the calculations while going over game code, maybe "Priority" sets up the multiplication tiers.
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11 years ago
Jul 9, 2013, 4:18:20 AM
Whenever I build both Abundant Luxuries and Revenue Zen on Sheridyn affinity, it completely disables buyouts and I must scrap the improvement. Rebuilding it afterwards invalidates the buyout button. Even when it clearly says 5 or 11 turns remaining, and I have over 2 million dust in the bank, it will state "Cannot buyout, will be completed next turn"
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11 years ago
Jul 9, 2013, 5:26:57 AM
Pondera wrote:
I didn't touch the card system, friend. That particularly card is, and has been for a while, unlocked by a prerequisite technology on the applied sciences tree. Amplitude changed this card recently, making it impossible for it to repair your fleet to a state where they have more HP now than they warped in with.

Thanks, guess I just never noticed.
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