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[WIP] "Fair Fight" combat re-balance mod.

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11 years ago
May 23, 2013, 3:36:18 PM
Foraven wrote:
There will be some further delay i'm affraid. Endless Space has been removed from my steam account until i deal with an issue with Steam. That mean i can't mod until it is solved.

Oh? Well, that's annoying. :/

Edit: forgot to enter the rest of my sentence! But yeah, if you need my help, just let me know!
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11 years ago
May 23, 2013, 4:14:32 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
Oh? Well, that's annoying. :/

Edit: forgot to enter the rest of my sentence! But yeah, if you need my help, just let me know!

It's just a unwanted cashback initiated by the credit card company, but it should be solved soon.
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11 years ago
May 24, 2013, 5:31:20 AM
I changed TechnoCostBonus to 1.5 in GameSpeedDescriptor.xml but it had no effect. The initial techs were showing as 10 turns instead of 5 as in the vanilla game.

I loaded the mod several times, started a new game each time, even deleted the mod and reinstalled it but nothing worked.

Do I have to edit something else to get this to work?
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11 years ago
May 24, 2013, 1:49:07 PM
LetoSilvermane wrote:
I changed TechnoCostBonus to 1.5 in GameSpeedDescriptor.xml but it had no effect. The initial techs were showing as 10 turns instead of 5 as in the vanilla game.

I loaded the mod several times, started a new game each time, even deleted the mod and reinstalled it but nothing worked.

Do I have to edit something else to get this to work?

You have 3 entries in GameSpeedDescriptor; one for each game speed. Make sure you changed the one for the game speed you are using. It's the only file you have anything to change in.
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11 years ago
May 24, 2013, 5:04:42 PM
That fixed it. I just had to change the value in the other two entries.

I'm really enjoying the mod. Much better than vanilla. Keep up the good work!
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11 years ago
May 25, 2013, 12:07:03 AM
Started to use the mod today, and I love it a lot : awesome work by a Wizard who is harassed by "Damn Real Life (tm)" and by credit-card gremlins. smiley: twisted


A quick question. In the vanilla version, I like to select "Director 1" for a hero and then "Propaganda 1" which grants +30 Happiness to the toiling masses. I never select "Propaganda 2" because it only grants 10 happiness more, up to +40.

In your FF mod, this has been scaled down : "Propaganda 1" only gives +5 H and +0.5/wit-point. I don't like it, but I can live with it. My question is that since your "Propaganda 2" also gives +5 H and +0.5/wit-point, is it stacked with P1's bonus, for a new total of +10/+1.0 ? It has to, because if it does not stack, your P2 bonus grants nothing more than your P1.

My question derives from the fact that in the vanilla version, P1's bonus and P2's bonus are not stacked : the hero does not get (+30 H) + (+40 H) = +70 Happiness -- P2 only gives +10 more, for a total of +40 H. In your mod, P1 and P2 must be stacked, because if not, P2 is totally useless : it gives nothing more.

(I'm new to all this : maybe my information is somewhat incorrect.)
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11 years ago
May 25, 2013, 12:22:05 AM
Cryptomancer wrote:
Started to use the mod today, and I love it a lot : awesome work by a Wizard who is harassed by "Damn Real Life (tm)" and by credit-card gremlins. smiley: twisted

LOL, thanks smiley: smile.

A quick question. In the vanilla version, I like to select "Director 1" for a hero and then "Propaganda 1" which grants +30 Happiness to the toiling masses. I never select "Propaganda 2" because it only grants 10 happiness more, up to +40.

In your FF mod, this has been scaled down : "Propaganda 1" only gives +5 H and +0.5/wit-point. I don't like it, but I can live with it. My question is that since your "Propaganda 2" also gives +5 H and +0.5/wit-point, is it stacked with P1's bonus, for a new total of +10/+1.0 ? It has to, because if it does not stack, your P2 bonus grants nothing more than your P1.

My question derives from the fact that in the vanilla version, P1's bonus and P2's bonus are not stacked : the hero does not get (+30 H) + (+40 H) = +70 Happiness -- P2 only gives +10 more, for a total of +40 H. In your mod, P1 and P2 must be stacked, because if not, P2 is totally useless : it gives nothing more.

(I'm new to all this : maybe my information is somewhat incorrect.)[/QUOTE]

Good question there, i don't know if it stacks or not, i always assumed they did. Someone needs to try it and see.
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11 years ago
May 25, 2013, 2:25:24 AM
I'd like to suggest an improvement to the ship progression from Corvette to Dreadnaught.

Original CP Weight Health Cost Speed

Transport 1 100 400 45 0

Corvette 1 100 700 25 +2

Destroyer 1 120 900 40 +1

Cruiser 2 200 2400 100 0

Battleship 3 280 3600 180 0

Dreadnaught 4 400 6000 400 -1

Proposed CP Weight Health Cost Speed

Transport 1 80 400 40 0

Corvette 1 80 800 80 +2

Destroyer 2 160 1600 160 +1

Cruiser 3 240 2400 240 0

Battleship 4 320 3200 320 -1

Dreadnaught 5 400 4000 400 -2

This provides a nice smooth progression through the game and since the costs are proportional to the benefits, it's always a fair fight.

The only file that needs to be modified is Hull.xml. Since the values are in roughly the same range as the original, it shouldn't break anything.

Does that seem like a good idea to you?
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11 years ago
May 25, 2013, 11:57:36 PM
Foraven wrote:

[...] i don't know if it stacks or not, i always assumed they did. Someone needs to try it and see.

May I humbly suggest that your assumption was incorrect.

I always go for Propaganda 1 & 2 when I have a hero who can get them. I am 99.9% certain that P1 and P2 do not stack : if they did stack, it would mean that the situation would be {(+30 H) + (+40 H) = +70 H}. No way! Based on my experience, I am quite certain that P1 grants a +30 points of H, and that P2 only gives +10 H more, for a cumulative total of +40 -- as indicated in the ambiguous in-game description.

Consequently, since P1 and P2 do not stack, what you did is drastically reduce the values (a nerf with which I disagree), but by making them identical at {(+5 H) + (0.5/wit)}, you effectively made P2 totally useless -- because they do not stack.

Since you will soon release an update of your otherwise excellent mod, would you please change Propaganda 2 to {(+10 H) + (1.0/wit)} ?

If I am wrong, my request would produce < {(+5 H) + (0.5/wit)} + {(+10 H) + (1.0/wit)} = (+15 H) + (+1.5/wit) > : that still would be way below the vanilla + 70 points of Happiness (if one assumes that P1 & P2 are stacked -- which I seriously doubt).

Giving suit to my request is consequently a no-risk situation.
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11 years ago
May 26, 2013, 2:27:39 AM
I tested this in my current game and am certain of the results.

With Ministry of Propaganda 1 my colony had 74.3 approval with 6.5 from hero abilities.

With Ministry of Propaganda 2 my colony had 80.8 approval with 13 from hero abilities.

That seems good enough to be worth spending points on it to me.
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11 years ago
Jun 1, 2013, 3:16:47 AM
I haven't given up on ES or this mod, but the credit card company is taking it's sweet time to fix things up (wasn't my card, that complicate things even more). Anyway, if all go well i should have my ES back in a few days.

At least i still have access to the VIP ES, too bad i can't use it to finish my new FF version (not the same game version).
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11 years ago
Jun 1, 2013, 7:42:25 PM
First of all I've to say I really love your mod.

But I noticed 2 issues.

1. This is a bug. In my current game after reloading the file all home planets suddenly had the negative anomaly polar Tempests.

2. This is about the AI. If it only has kinetics equipped the AI always uses metal storm in long range Phase. This decreases the anyway low accuaracy by another 10% and is therefor contra-productive. You should either change the Cards effect or forbid the AI to us it in long range.

Keep up the good work. Hopefully your problems with accesing the game are soon solved.
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11 years ago
Jun 2, 2013, 4:18:04 PM
Lord_S wrote:
First of all I've to say I really love your mod.


1. This is a bug. In my current game after reloading the file all home planets suddenly had the negative anomaly polar Tempests.

No idea what could be causing this.

2. This is about the AI. If it only has kinetics equipped the AI always uses metal storm in long range Phase. This decreases the anyway low accuaracy by another 10% and is therefor contra-productive. You should either change the Cards effect or forbid the AI to us it in long range.

It does have a lower chance to use the card at long range, the problem might be it has nothing else to chose from so it pick that card. Remember though that cards not only add combat bonuses but can also be used to block opposing cards; that's why the AI is allowed to use cards even if they are ineffective. As for the 10%, it's applied before the range penalty so the kinetics are just marginally less accurate (at least, from what i understand of it).

Keep up the good work. Hopefully your problems with accesing the game are soon solved.

I hope it will solved soon before i start forgetting how to mod smiley: stickouttongue.
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11 years ago
Jun 9, 2013, 5:44:45 PM
Also find this mod quite good smiley: smile

Though apparently after a certain amount of game progression I am unable to load savegames after a certain point. I can load a previous autosave/savegames, but if I change something after that point and try to load that one, it returns to the main menu instead of loading the save.

Is there some way to fix a savegame or is this game lost to me?
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11 years ago
Jun 9, 2013, 6:27:40 PM
Foraven wrote:
As for the 10%, it's applied before the range penalty so the kinetics are just marginally less accurate (at least, from what i understand of it).

From what i've noticed it is applied after the range penalty. Whenever I used short circuit and they used metal storm, they did not hit anything. I could be wrong of course but it just seems like that.
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11 years ago
Jun 10, 2013, 8:38:17 PM
Michael11 wrote:
Also find this mod quite good smiley: smile

Though apparently after a certain amount of game progression I am unable to load savegames after a certain point. I can load a previous autosave/savegames, but if I change something after that point and try to load that one, it returns to the main menu instead of loading the save.

Is there some way to fix a savegame or is this game lost to me?

Never ran into that problem, and unfortunately i can't test it because my game is currently unavailable. I guess once a savegame is corrupted there isn't much you can do unless you can manually fix it (no idea if it can be done).
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11 years ago
Jun 12, 2013, 6:54:34 PM
Foraven wrote:
Never ran into that problem, and unfortunately i can't test it because my game is currently unavailable. I guess once a savegame is corrupted there isn't much you can do unless you can manually fix it (no idea if it can be done).

Oh well. Thanks anyway smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Jun 27, 2013, 2:12:33 AM
Just seen the expansion is out and that my mod will have to be redone for it. Still can't access my game on steam though, let alone buy the XP for it. Grrr, you can be sure i will never buy anything again using someone else credit card, it's just too much hassle when things go wrong...
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