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[WIP] "Fair Fight" combat re-balance mod.

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12 years ago
Feb 18, 2013, 3:36:55 PM
sorry i can't leave you any useful feedback, since i merged yours with the damage ship don't move mod, now all messed up! now there is no balance.
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12 years ago
Feb 19, 2013, 11:30:03 PM
OMG! It's so hard to change all of them again, I think I have changed more than the new patch!
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 2:08:48 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
OMG! It's so hard to change all of them again, I think I have changed more than the new patch!

I know, i also have the bad habit of going on massive changes in my mods and end up spending a lot of time updating when new game version comes out... Well, this time around i try not to do too much changes so i can get away from that chore...
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 8:48:02 AM
I test it yesterday and its something wrong... (i merged it with [REL] Battle Damage mod)

Missile - Any AI has 3 x better defence than my dmg of missile.

laser - its look balanced... Good DMG and Good defend

Kinetics - its OP now. I remove any missile ship from my flet and replace it on ship with kinectics dmg.

I win any battle (without HERO) when enemy has better strength of fleet and more chance on win.

My record: i attack with my ~4000 strength KINETICS LASER fleet (no glass ships with normal balanced defense) on ~6000 enemy missile fleet) and i win without any lost.

its dis-balanced.
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 1:17:14 PM
MacDante wrote:
I test it yesterday and its something wrong... (i merged it with [REL] Battle Damage mod)

Missile - Any AI has 3 x better defence than my dmg of missile.

I didn't change the military value of flaks, i guess i should lower it to reflect that flaks takes a lot less space than the missiles. But do missiles still get through despite that?

laser - its look balanced... Good DMG and Good defend

Good, i tried to make laser defense stronger than vanilla so we have a reason not to use them all the time.

Kinetics - its OP now. I remove any missile ship from my flet and replace it on ship with kinectics dmg.

Yeah, you are probably right there. My fix to the kinetics might have been too good, now it can murder enemy fleets at medium range. I have to rethink the balance there (thanks for the feedback there).

I win any battle (without HERO) when enemy has better strength of fleet and more chance on win.

My record: i attack with my ~4000 strength KINETICS LASER fleet (no glass ships with normal balanced defense) on ~6000 enemy missile fleet) and i win without any lost.

its dis-balanced.

Alright, i have to rebalance missiles and kinetics. I guess i should up the evasion in the case of missile and rethink the balance between deflectors and kinetic guns. Probably my formula is wrong, i probably gimped the defense too much...
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 7:45:36 PM
I'm working on it, but i'm not sure how to deal with the missile and kinetic balance. I guess missiles are the hardest to fix as i can easily make them unstopable if i buff them too much, but too little and they remain useless. In the case of kinetics, well i guess i have to buff the deflectors; i made them to impotent at stopping the projectiles. It's still difficult to keep all class of weapons relatively competitive with each others without making any of them better than the others...
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 5:27:28 AM
I made some progress with my new version, but i need some further testing to make sure i did not just turn useless missiles into unstopable ones. They seem to be harder to get right, especially when we factor in crew experience and Heroes. Oh well, another day tweaking things...
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 3:33:00 PM
New version up (1.06) and updated to latest game version (1.0.60). Fixed the ballance of Kinetics and Missiles. Missiles now have a fair chance to break through same tier flak defenses (and even 1 tier up), flaks are no longer a all or nothing defense. Deflectors gain more effectiveness with levels, but Kinetics are still stronger than in stock game. Also, added some Heroes and economic changes in this version; used AIL tweaks to heroes abilities and tweaked several system upgrades so they get more bonuses on "tall" system, thus making some systems much more valuable than others. This mod still require some balancing so feedback are welcome (and desired smiley: biggrin).
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12 years ago
Feb 23, 2013, 1:50:14 AM
After some extra testing, i found out my tweak to the Pirates didn't work; for some reason they are not loaded even if it's in the index file... Either i messed something or the file just don't load regardless of what i do. If anyone know the solution, i am all hears.
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12 years ago
Feb 23, 2013, 2:00:40 AM
Sometimes when a change is made that the game doesn't agree with it won't load it with the mod, even if it is in the same file as things that are working.
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12 years ago
Feb 23, 2013, 3:31:49 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
Sometimes when a change is made that the game doesn't agree with it won't load it with the mod, even if it is in the same file as things that are working.

Seem you are right, i see some errors in the logs regarding that file. I guess i should have checked there sooner...

Edit: Will make sure this time there isn't any bugs left before posting the next version. At least i want to see if my changes to the pirates makes them less OP than in the stock game...
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12 years ago
Feb 23, 2013, 3:37:32 AM
Happens to me all the time, as I often make little mods to the game whenever a cool idea crosses my mind.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not!
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12 years ago
Feb 23, 2013, 9:31:44 PM
My fix for the Pirates seem to work, they are more fun to fight as they don't always have huge fire power as they have in the stock game, and they spawn a lot less often. I will test this a bit more but i think this is worthy of an update to the mod. But before that, adding a new card or something would be nice, i'll try to make one work...
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12 years ago
Feb 26, 2013, 2:16:49 PM
Grrr. Been trying to make my new card work, but for some reason it refuse to show up in the list. I'm not sure if it's something missing of if i really need a new game to ensure it will show up in the list...

I guess i will have to drop the idea for now, i just can't figure out why it doesn't work.
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12 years ago
Mar 3, 2013, 9:39:37 AM
Loving the mod man. New update seems clean. Only things i've been changing are ship sizes and build times. Tweaked the heroes a bit; lowered the max level, boosted some starting stats etc.. All in all I like the work seems more balanced.
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12 years ago
Mar 3, 2013, 1:48:17 PM
0utlaw wrote:
Loving the mod man. New update seems clean. Only things i've been changing are ship sizes and build times. Tweaked the heroes a bit; lowered the max level, boosted some starting stats etc.. All in all I like the work seems more balanced.

Thanks for the reply. Well, currently i'm not sure what i want to do with this mod; besides a few tweaks here and there and the Pirates fix, i don't see further things i want to do with it. Probably it's the lack of feedback, i feel more motivated when i know people have taken notice of my work and tell me what's good or not. Doesn't help that my desire to play this game somewhat faded now that i know a lot about how it works and what i can expect from the AI (ie not that much). Well, i'm not uninstalling just yet, i'm sure i will get back to it soon enough.
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12 years ago
Mar 6, 2013, 5:08:09 PM
Foraven wrote:
Thanks for the reply. Well, currently i'm not sure what i want to do with this mod; besides a few tweaks here and there and the Pirates fix, i don't see further things i want to do with it. Probably it's the lack of feedback, i feel more motivated when i know people have taken notice of my work and tell me what's good or not. Doesn't help that my desire to play this game somewhat faded now that i know a lot about how it works and what i can expect from the AI (ie not that much). Well, i'm not uninstalling just yet, i'm sure i will get back to it soon enough.

I hear you man. Initially I was an early adopter of the game and went straight to modding but there wasn't any support and the community wasn't really there. It's odd that I've come back to it but for some reason I'm really loving the game again.

I personally like a saga, long low tech games that usually stretch into the 250+ turns. While I like the concept of Pirates, I typically turn them off as I personally view they should be nuisance but not a major player themselves, when I get locked into a stalemate between tough hard2 opponent then all of a sudden I crack their defense, only to realize it wasn't me it was a massive pirate fleet with top tier tech that just destroyed their main battle fleet and proceeded to take over their systems. Or conversely they do the same thing to me..

When I think of Pirates two options come to mind.

1. small scale unorganized antagonistic attacks against random targets. Keeping all parties off balance by blockading random systems and forcing you or the AI to react to smaller events on the other side of your controlled space. How the AI will deal with that I'm not entirely sure. Im rusty and haven't spent the time looking into it.


2. Like they are now and just a text name change to some new faction that is some huge monolithic roving nomadic fleet like Genghis Khan or the race from Mass effect Tali belongs to. Or some religious zealot Word of Blake Jihad faction from Battletech. Just something with more style and flavor than "Oh nos, it's Pirates..."

I slowed down ship production and beefed up the ships greatly. I didn't like the original game implementation of spamming ships a couple of turns to spit out your top "ship of the line" and I wanted to make it hurt if you lost that flagship.

But in any case hopefully you stay with it man. I know it's a thankless job but you have a great piece here, this project might be polished and nearly done but don't quit the community maybe look for new inspiration or something new and innovative.
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