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What kind of mods would you like to see in this game?

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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 2:59:43 PM
I agree with the others with the mods :star gate, Star trek ,warhammer 40k, star wars and so on.

i also would like to see mods like bigger fleet cap sice and faster production of ships for more intensive battles or new ship classes like carriers with hundrets of fighters.

My last idea is a mod for battles on planets to gain control of systems.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 5:37:40 PM
How about some Starcraft Mod ... ? I know there are only 3 races in Starcraft but in Starcraft 2 some other supspecies were introduced too, maybe those could take the places of the other 3 ...
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 6:18:33 PM
Steampunk Space? Anybody?
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 8:53:49 PM
im for honor harrington, screw starcraft and all thing blizzard they havent done an orginal game since World of warcraft 1 and diablo 1 and starcraft was nothing but c&c with three sides blizzard sucks people just look at how bad wow is now i mean really they stole there next expansion from a jack black cartoon and have eliminated anything hard form the game but i digress

as for some awesome mods

honor harrington

free space 2

star trek battle not the dam shows they dont have alot of the craft that exist

legend of the heroes that super long complicated ass ova anime of 1000 episodes or some crap

a great one would be that battle ship yamamoto anime

total annihalition

and one ive never seen but would love to

mage world saga by James D. Macdonald & DEBRA DOYLE an awesome space opera and a must read for the genre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_D._Macdonald#Novels
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 11:10:32 PM
I would say better looking combat. I like the current system but i would like to see ships flying all over like in star wars ep 3.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 2:06:14 AM
I've been cooking this for a while and will post this in game ideas also,

You could create a mod (or implement it in the vanilla) that give the user the ability to use skins.

As I have read that many want a specific theme type in the game, and why not give the ability to change as they go? Having a file with all of the textures and models to implement them on the game instead of a full mod for each one? having a special button on the settings or a new one with "Mods" in it and let the user upload or load a set of skin/models that he prefers. Giving the user the ability to change skins, models, and some other stuff to look more like starwars, star trek and any others one likes.

For Example:

A user wants Star Wars and he uploads the skin and models to the game at the main title, then when loading the game you have the types of races but you only have 4, The empire with clones, the Republic, the Empire with stormtroopers, and the rebellion, each with its own set of heroes and race abilities.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 2:27:10 AM
Be cool to see a couple based on some shows:

Star Trek (Voyager, etc)


Babylon 5
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 6:23:13 AM
I disagree with total conversion mods, but to each their own I suppose. I say build off of what the game already has, and just expand it. If the game is called Endless Space, space should be endless, not just one galaxy. My single biggest gripe is the inability to really go into a planetary level of detail (other than choosing exploitation). I love the base of the game, and I don't want to change what is already there, but simply to add onto it.
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 11:51:07 AM
>>insert popular sci-fi title here<< MOD!!

Though, in all seriousness, this type of mod would be great. Changing things such as ship skins, modding planet appearances (not just types, so we can have lore/story specific planets), overhauling races, etc etc to match something such as Warhammer 40k would be GREAT. To make it go from great to EPIC though - campaign creation with scripted events that can have a major change in the current game such as the below separate ideas.

I am aware that I am touching more on the types of mods and what we should be ABLE to mod into the game, which may be answering the question "what features should be customisable? and to what extent?", but I have seem some mods do great things without any official modding tools, so I say dream big.

1. Progressive objectives that create a story-line, possibly encouraging development to better match the particular race involved.

2. Events triggered randomly, by the player or even the computer that change the galaxy permanently and significantly - planet blows up, planet changes type based on attacks and such, races mutate and possibly splinter into different factions, tech that you are able to see and research slowly grows based on various decisions/events, blah blah blah...a vague one I know but being able to create and control scripted events to this level would make for some epic mods.

3. Different map sizes, similar to the mods seen with the 'Civilization' games - ranging from extra small, to ridiculousness huge to my preference of being based in a specific area of a galaxy rather than it's entirety. Closer to the centre would mean denser clusters of stars with higher chance of negative random events for example. Or based on a famous cluster of planets/stars from a sci-fi title. Could easily tie in with point 1 so that after a certain objective is met, you the 'leader' move to a different area, or the area increases, or maybe its one big story and you play out multiple parts (yeah..I'm thinking Warhammer story-lines again).

4. A.I. controlled ship movement: search & destroy modes (within owned space, anywhere, within enemy space), automatic scouting, 'find planet that matches X specs and colonise it', 'follow THIS ship' (allied, neutral or enemy), etc.

5. Wider variety of ship & weapon types, with both a decrease and increase in scale (e.g. initial 'scouts' are ALOT tinier, and battleship would be about mid-way to horribly expensive but massive mother-ships, with dreadnaughts being the 'average' ship late game).

6. Visibility & scale of ships & planets from different modes. For example: zooming in on a star shows planets in orbit and present ships, zooming in on a fleet shows the individual ships to scale, in battle you can see swarms of tiny ships next to a handful of gigantic ships and all the in-betweens, galaxy view reflects the differing size of stars, etc.

7. Custom tech for authentic warhammer/star-trek/eve/etc mods. This would probably need expanding so there are custom tactical resources and such also...or just the ability to rename the resources?

8. Ship tactics/roles and multiple battle-modes (maybe even the ability to select the battle type at the start of each fight rather than the start of the game). Some ideas include: RTS with full control over movement and attack types, setting up tactics for each sheep & the fleet before the battle and watching it play out real-time, a pause in-between phases to lay out the strategy for EACH ship rather than the whole fleet, or even splitting the phases up so there are 2 or 3 or more 'steps' and so cards/etc in each phase.

I could keep going on and on, and I probably will on another thread. But I just realised I should have been in bed a while ago. I hope this helps or encourages someone!

edit: I have since had time to properly browse through the forums and noticed an outline what can currently be modded and realised some of things I listed are either already possible and so making my suggestion pointless (red) or just an extension on existing planned mods (orange) .
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 11:53:33 AM
I would really like to see a mass effect mod. With mass relays and all these things..
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 3:13:07 PM
I posted a suggestion in the main forum to allow for the use of the Logitech G15 screen for displaying FIDS info and construction queues
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 3:15:21 PM
Randeng wrote:
A big star wars mod or stargate mod, transforming every ship and every hero!

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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 5:23:34 PM
Nabobalis wrote:
A Star Trek Mod.

agree. ES is perfect for Star Trek background
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 5:56:16 PM
You guys are mostly talking about total conversions and stuff. They're ain't mods imo.
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 12:25:44 PM
Fair 'nuff.

Well whenever I play a 4x style game long enough I begin thinking "wow these turns take FOREVER". It would be awesome if you could share control of specific parts or areas of your empire. Sharing specific ships/fleets with an ally could make turns go by much faster, or during times of war hand over certain stars for them to control for a while means you could focus entirely on the war effort again saving a lot of time per turn. This would mean you'd want to trust your team-mate, or maybe sharing would only allow progressive development and lock-out options such as scrapping/attacking/etc to prevent abuse of the share.

It'd make multiplayer much more appealing to me, and wouldn't require the need for tiny maps to avoid the seemingly endless games.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 7:24:15 AM
i'd like to see added races from eve, protoss(starcraft), ships models from them + ship models from movies/shows
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 4:13:13 PM
lyravega wrote:
You guys are mostly talking about total conversions and stuff. They're ain't mods imo.

Good sir i'm fairly certain that total conversions or overhauls made by the community are concidered mods, and are infact just a sub category as are maps and textures.
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