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What kind of mods would you like to see in this game?

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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 5:21:37 PM
More than a mod I would like to see in the release game more vehicles sizes such as :

- fighter : one seat, few light weapons and defenses, cheap, moves fast in a fight but can't move through systems itself (needs to be carried by a cargo)

- mine : not really a vehicle cause it can't move but can be dropped by a cargo

- space stations : can't move, much tonnage, expensive, heavy weapons and defenses

Also about the tech tree, I don't like much the idea of a tree. It's weird to know what we'll found and how many turns will it take. We could spend a percent of tech points in a direction (for instance beam weapon, engines, diplomacy, ...) without knowing what we will found and when. To me, it seems to be much more realistic and we could add a bit of random.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 8:48:20 PM
Yeah, I like the idea of fighters, atm I'm using corvettes as fighters and it doesn't usually work out too well smiley: stickouttongue

As for conversions, Star Trek and Star Wars are masssive mods that would be awesome. And if someone could make a Firefly mod with Reavers, Browncoats and the Alliance I'd love them forever! smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 9:30:31 PM
Daniel68 wrote:
a warhammer 4000 K modD

United Empire seems pretty on-par with Warhammer's Imperial Guard in terms of design, and Cravers are also a long lost twin in terms of inspiration :P

Mass-Effect modification for sure, perhaps an added game-mode with *nearly* all races fighting the Reapers, which are ofcours overpowered, not unlike AI-War's gameplay, but then just as a separate scenario part of a larger whole.
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 2:59:34 AM
What about sattelites of galaxy? I think small galaxies is pretty good to this game. Small galaxy can be rich of resources or have many pirates and etc. smiley: smile We can go to this galaxy through the warpgate (stargate) or after research the technology of hyperdrive.
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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 11:36:33 AM
I really like all of the suggestions by Zakor (see below quote). Reminds me a bit of the construction of turrets in Sins of a Solar Empire to be honest, but being an unmoving ship option/mod with bonuses to balance that would simple and get the job done.

As for the research idea, extending on that a tad - each race might have a specialisation in a specific tech tree, an affinity of sorts, with the option of the player (represnting the 'leader') handing the control of R&D back to the people. Resulting in a slight boost to research points but a loss of specific control.

Zakor wrote:
More than a mod I would like to see in the release game more vehicles sizes such as :

- fighter : one seat, few light weapons and defenses, cheap, moves fast in a fight but can't move through systems itself (needs to be carried by a cargo)

- mine : not really a vehicle cause it can't move but can be dropped by a cargo

- space stations : can't move, much tonnage, expensive, heavy weapons and defenses

Also about the tech tree, I don't like much the idea of a tree. It's weird to know what we'll found and how many turns will it take. We could spend a percent of tech points in a direction (for instance beam weapon, engines, diplomacy, ...) without knowing what we will found and when. To me, it seems to be much more realistic and we could add a bit of random.
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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 12:48:28 PM
The first thing for me would be more galaxy shapes, possibly more sizes and multiple galaxies as well. I already made some templates in the Games2Gether forum so maybe the galaxy creation is going to be further improved till release. If not I'll make sure to make a big mod for that myself, I already have dozens of ideas and even if I can't properly mod it yet I can already start a part of the work so either way I'll make sure it's going to be there some day.
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 8:46:37 AM
Sacru wrote:
Reminds me a bit of the construction of turrets in Sins of a Solar Empire to be honest

In fact I was thinking of Space Empire V smiley: wink

Sacru wrote:
As for the research idea, extending on that a tad - each race might have a specialisation in a specific tech tree, an affinity of sorts, with the option of the player (represnting the 'leader') handing the control of R&D back to the people. Resulting in a slight boost to research points but a loss of specific control.

Yeah that's the idea. A specialization for each race should be great as well.
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 11:32:19 PM
ethoril wrote:
A Battlefleet Gothic (WH40k) mod would make me abandon useless things like sleeping smiley: stickouttongue

ive waited for a battlefleet gothic mod for anything for so long homeworld 2 was my last attempt too get one smiley: frown
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 3:20:23 PM
A WH40k mod would be flipping fantastic smiley: biggrin. I think that I would like to see warp gates, or black holes. It'd be neat to have multiple galaxies to rule over and to expand to. More of an 'Endless Space' concept.

Zakor wrote:
More than a mod I would like to see in the release game more vehicles sizes such as :

- fighter : one seat, few light weapons and defenses, cheap, moves fast in a fight but can't move through systems itself (needs to be carried by a cargo)

- mine : not really a vehicle cause it can't move but can be dropped by a cargo

- space stations : can't move, much tonnage, expensive, heavy weapons and defenses

Also about the tech tree, I don't like much the idea of a tree. It's weird to know what we'll found and how many turns will it take. We could spend a percent of tech points in a direction (for instance beam weapon, engines, diplomacy, ...) without knowing what we will found and when. To me, it seems to be much more realistic and we could add a bit of random.

These ideas are really awesome. Kudos to Zakor for thinking of the space stations. That would be something I would love to see, and use as a defensive strategy for planets, Orbital Guns or something.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 4:40:01 PM
This game is perfect for a Legend of the Galactic Heroes mod.

Let me go rampaging around as Yang.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 8:43:03 AM
My 2 cents :

A real time mod. I like the turn mode but it looks.. slow ( ? ) expecially compared to the space fights wich are in real time.
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