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What kind of mods would you like to see in this game?

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12 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 10:19:29 AM
I'd like to echo an earlier suggestion that this game is perfect for a Babylon 5 setting.
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12 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 8:20:37 PM
Mods I'd love to see in order or most to least.

1. EVE Online

2. Warhammer 40k Battlefleet gothic

3. Mass Effect

4. Star Wars/Star Trek

Endless space feels like it would be very compatible with EVE Online, and Warhammer 40k, however I have do not feel Mass Effect, Star Wars, Star Trek, or even a BattleStar Galatica/StarGate mods would work quit as well due to lack of ship racial ships and or scaling(with a few exceptions or course)

I am very interested to see how moders work around these difficulties in great anticipation.
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 6:38:26 PM









Mass Relays would be located in randomized systems and whoever has control of a system with a mass relay gets a movement bonus of +5 for their empire.

Citadel The citadel would be a system that would be controlled by and protected by an Armada of NPC fleets and whatever faction captures the Citadel would receive +250 Science +250 Dust to their empire

I give my full support to the creation of such a mod. Mass Effect seems so fitting for this game. I would purchase it as an expansion if that ever came out :3
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 2:50:13 AM
MoO2. I need Meklars and Klackons.

Babylon 5. Would be hard to pick between keeping the Vorlons and Shadows canon, yet balanced. Might have to use the newer races only.

Known Space from Larry Niven. Pak versus Kzinti? Puppeteers versus Kdatlyno? Maybe as a random event, a stasis pod of Slavers is opened.
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 11:55:51 AM
Yeah. Moo!!! I second that. Evon and Raas for me though. With some hot Elerian babe thrown in for good measure.

Seriously. The one thing Moo3 (Master of omissions) got right was it's huge selection of very distinct and fun to play with races (I mean design-wise. actual gameplay s#cked #ss *sob* ).
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12 years ago
Jun 10, 2012, 7:42:28 PM
I see many people have been writing battlefleet gothic and for that I say YES PLeASE! I'm a big fan of WH40k and would love to play as orks if they get a trait named "Red unz goes fastah!" XD
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12 years ago
Jun 11, 2012, 3:40:58 PM
ContestedPanic wrote:
I give my full support to the creation of such a mod. Mass Effect seems so fitting for this game. I would purchase it as an expansion if that ever came out :3

I second that! A Mass Effect mod would be awesome!

Just think about the space travel. It could be perfectly realized with the existing features of Endless Space:

  • A Cluster of the Mass Effect universe (e.g. Hades Nexus) could correspond with the existing constellations
  • The systems of a cluster are connected with each other (simple space lanes)
  • Each cluster has one system with a (primary) mass relay
  • Systems containing a mass relay are furthermore connected with other systems containing a mass relay (the connections between the different clusters)
  • These mass relay connections would perfectly fit the existing wormholes (very fast)
  • Therefore the possibility to travel without lanes and wormholes should be deactivated or at least very very slow

Wouldn't this fit very well? And just think about the strategic importance of wormholes concerning this context!

Hopefully the final game will allow for modding of this scale. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jun 11, 2012, 4:34:09 PM
BrotherTycko wrote:
Mods I'd love to see in order or most to least.

1. EVE Online

2. Warhammer 40k Battlefleet gothic

3. Mass Effect

4. Star Wars/Star Trek

Endless space feels like it would be very compatible with EVE Online, and Warhammer 40k, however I have do not feel Mass Effect, Star Wars, Star Trek, or even a BattleStar Galatica/StarGate mods would work quit as well due to lack of ship racial ships and or scaling(with a few exceptions or course)

I am very interested to see how moders work around these difficulties in great anticipation.

Mass Effect could work. All of the races (with the exception of maybe Human and Turian) ships look pretty different. The difference between the Destiny Ascension and an Alliance Dreadnought is pretty big. Sure, we don't have a whole lot of info to go off of in terms of some other their ships (and how they look), from what I've seen, but there are definitely ways it could work. Salarians as a tech focused race, krogan being expansionist and aggressive, humans being average at everything, asari being peaceful/tech focused, turians being militaristic, etc.
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12 years ago
Jun 12, 2012, 12:42:03 PM
How about a Terran-Mod? I love to see the Sol-System and it's offspring venturing into new Galaxys and kicking some ass. I liked it that Sins of a Solar Empire had a Galaxy-Mod with the Sol-System Planets and Sun...

Mass Effect, Star Wars and ALIEN/Preditor would be interessting, too.
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12 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 4:48:10 AM
What mod? A mod containing every god damn (good) space (empire) game that every existed. That allowed for bigger and more types of maps, a unique style of music for every race. Having a loyalist and rebel version (for all that make sense) like Sins Rebellion is doing. Has more weapon types (go Star Trek Phasers?) and allows for different space battles, like Side to side (Star Wars Episode 3 movie introduction?)
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12 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 7:01:20 AM
Oh man, that's so frustrating! For every f****** game threre's a Star Wars mod, a Star Trek mod, a Stargate mod, a Halo mod and so on. Don't you have any new ideas but reproductions?
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12 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 8:25:56 AM
Also some mod that gives more planet types maybe?

EDIT: Have they released source codes yet btw and will they?
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12 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 2:23:56 PM
olgiwolgibolgi wrote:
Oh man, that's so frustrating! For every f****** game threre's a Star Wars mod, a Star Trek mod, a Stargate mod, a Halo mod and so on. Don't you have any new ideas but reproductions?

What's the problem with existing Genres as Mods? That's waht Mods are for. Sure it is more interessting to design totaly new Mods, but it istn't that easy, when you don't have as much resources as you have wit SW, ST and SG etc. And if you don't like them, just don't install them. ^^ This way everyone is happy.
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12 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 10:17:56 PM
Sure, in my opinion mods are made to improve and to enlarge the original game in the sense of the community. But today you con find nearly for every game the same mod. You can play Homeworld in the universe of SW, ST, SG; the same for SoSE or FS2, Freelancer, the list is endless. So where are the modders with the great creativity? For me it's not such a masterpiece to implement the SSD Executor in every Space Strategy Game or listening to this same old boring John Williams' score when playing NR or the Empire. How about improving the original game to its limits: more races, more planet types, new music, graphical overhaul, unique storyline, a large variety of space ship designs.... I cannot understand people paying money for Endless space but wishing to play Galaxy at War. You're insulting the devs with those earth-bound mods!
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 11:30:25 AM
Well sure it is not surprising that these mods are so often made. A working concept is always attractive.

But there is no insult for the DEV-Team, when you wish to use another backround with THEIR system. Empire at War (SW), or SINS of a Solar Empire have a diffrent system, working with other structures and other complexitivity. Also I can't imagine there are no Star-Wars-Fans in the Dev-Team, who would love to see their work with Stardestroyer. smiley: wink As long as you use their gamingsystem to play it's fine. What reason else would they have to make mods possible and give us the chance to help with the improvement of the game, when they would be insulted by the fact, that every fan has diffrent wishes and wants to have his own improvement? That makes no sense.

And last, but not least, as I said: A MOD needs textures and sounds. It is easier to take what is already there, than to make something complete new. You find enough grafics and sounds for SW or Homeworld etc.

But this doesn't mean that you are right at last. Yes, sure we need some new ideas, too. So don't waste time on complaining, but come up with new ideas. smiley: cool

For now, I don't have any but as soon as I come up with something new: I write it down right here! lol
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12 years ago
Jun 18, 2012, 9:47:30 AM
now for me the mod that is needed is the in game clock. did wonders for civ 5 getting me to work on time! and not being too abused by my wife rolling to bed early hours. other mods that would be nice is ship design editor coulours etc. maybe some terraforming animations or colonization animation within systems.
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12 years ago
Jun 18, 2012, 9:52:48 AM
also a resource gathering mod to be able to colonlize certian planet types first you must collect resources from other planets. just a few ideas rather than the general star trek etc smiley: wink. Also maybe some research is not possible untill plans or technonogy ideas are found on systems meaning you have to explore more than just finding good homes with food and production and dust etc.
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12 years ago
Jun 18, 2012, 7:11:22 PM
A mod which allows you to assimilate factions into yours and so joining 2 empires into one in multiplayer
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12 years ago
Jun 20, 2012, 1:38:39 PM
Exakter wrote:
Id like to see an Honor Harrington mod, Star Wars(with at least two different eras), BSG, Star Trek. Stargate would be tough, but id like to see it.

Honor Harrington mod would be really cool smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jun 20, 2012, 5:43:03 PM
honestly, an eve-online mod would almost be PERFECT for this game and be so easy to make a full size eve map also, shame there isnt enough planet slots for all the planets that can be in a single system in eve and i am just talking planets.
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