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What kind of mods would you like to see in this game?

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13 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 7:52:26 AM
I may attempt modding ES... but the some of the wishlists are a little weird :

Not in space

RTS combat


Eve-online/mass effect/star wars/babylon 5/stargate/whatever else

Seriously? Do people really want cliched repetitions of something they've already seen before?

What kinds of mods I want to see :

Civ 4 : Fall From Heaven Complete overhaul of Civ 4, good writing, universe, and good gameplay.

X3 : XRM rebalance and _loads_ of new stuff.

Half Life : Counter strike. Yeah, I reckon that's the best mod of all time...

Anyway, I like something new - not regurgitation of tired television programmes.
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13 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 3:30:44 AM
I wouldnt mind a mod in which there are at maximum 5 empires already formed but are at constant war, and you have to plan out with whats already given without going to new worlds until you conquer others. Its simillar but the difference is you dont have toform up at the start. you just have to begin building and editing exploitations.
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13 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 5:45:25 AM
Well I may be the only one who would like to see this BUT I'd love for someone to mod in some normal game cinematics for the ending and then for big events during the game (building of the first of each type of ship) for example..I don't ever escape through these things when they are good..and even in civ iv when they were arguably not..I didn't there either..(and I miss them in Civ V)
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13 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 11:00:00 AM
Would love to see a Honor Harrington mod and a Gothic mod for ships and mod for further star systems or larger galaxy
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13 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 5:42:19 PM
I would like to see a Twilight Imperium mod. Seriously, I love Twilight Imperium, and it's races and setting would be perfect for an Endless Space mod.
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13 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 6:12:52 PM
A few ideas.

Epic Scale Mod

Reduce mesh size + Turn ships into squadron formations. Probably groups of 6+ for frigates/destroyers and groups of 3+ for cruisers/battleships. (just have the groups share a common HP?)


Massive increase on the command cap + related research upgrades

Either way, the desired end effect would be gratuitously large SPACE OPERA engagements as opposed to the small skirmishes we currently have. (I think my suggested is still a bit small-scale)

Cinematic FX mod

-Beam/Energy weapons: Actual solid beam weapons (Laser/Collapser/DE/etc) should be more akin to phaser-like bursts along the gunports, or sweeping cutting beams, and classic multibeam broadsides (think Honor Harrington, Legend of Galactic Heroes, Homeworld Ions, Star Trek). Energy bolts should look beefier/have more particle effect. Energy weapons could possible use non-50's sci-fi sfx.

-Kinetics: Larger cannon muzzle effects + beefier sfx, more tracer-like appearance, and NOTICEABLE impact effects (explosions/warhead reactions).

-Missiles: Missile trails much longer, highly visible colored vapor/ion/energy trails.

-Combat Arena: slightly darker backdrop, planets/sun should be much bigger and much farther.

Pirate Faction

Nuff' said.
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13 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 9:26:11 PM
EisenKreutzer wrote:
I would like to see a Twilight Imperium mod. Seriously, I love Twilight Imperium, and it's races and setting would be perfect for an Endless Space mod.

Good that there is the word "Imperium", following the word "Twillight". oO

I hate Vampires sparkling in the sun! smiley: mad

VAMPIRES ARE NOT SPARKLING!!!! smiley: twisted
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13 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 10:36:35 PM
Codename_Veers wrote:
Good that there is the word "Imperium", following the word "Twillight". oO

I hate Vampires sparkling in the sun! smiley: mad

VAMPIRES ARE NOT SPARKLING!!!! smiley: twisted

Oh but they do sparkle in the sun. After they've been roasted by it (Anne Rice can go someplace else. I blame her for the Fluffy Vampires we've got nowadays :P).

Anways, something I'd love to see added with a mod would be more events. And not just random events, but events triggered by doing something. Let's say you colonize a planet. On it you find the wreck of an

ancient ship, that grants you a unique non researchable shipmod which you can put on exactly one ship. Or your fleet getting lost in a wormhole for a couple of turns and when they come back, they've got a lot of experience - but their ships are extremely damaged.

I've always loved these little events and feel like the current ones don't go far enough.
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13 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 11:28:58 PM

Though, in all seriousness, this type of mod would be great. Changing things such as ship skins, modding planet appearances (not just types, so we can have lore/story specific planets), overhauling races, etc etc to match something such as Warhammer 40k would be GREAT. To make it go from great to EPIC though - campaign creation with scripted events that can have a major change in the current game such as the below separate ideas.

I am aware that I am touching more on the types of mods and what we should be ABLE to mod into the game, which may be answering the question "what features should be customisable? and to what extent?", but I have seem some mods do great things without any official modding tools, so I say dream big.

1. Progressive objectives that create a story-line, possibly encouraging development to better match the particular race involved.

2. Events triggered randomly, by the player or even the computer that change the galaxy permanently and significantly - planet blows up, planet changes type based on attacks and such, races mutate and possibly splinter into different factions, tech that you are able to see and research slowly grows based on various decisions/events, blah blah blah...a vague one I know but being able to create and control scripted events to this level would make for some epic mods.

3. Different map sizes, similar to the mods seen with the 'Civilization' games - ranging from extra small, to ridiculousness huge to my preference of being based in a specific area of a galaxy rather than it's entirety. Closer to the centre would mean denser clusters of stars with higher chance of negative random events for example. Or based on a famous cluster of planets/stars from a sci-fi title. Could easily tie in with point 1 so that after a certain objective is met, you the 'leader' move to a different area, or the area increases, or maybe its one big story and you play out multiple parts (yeah..I'm thinking Warhammer story-lines again).

4. A.I. controlled ship movement: search & destroy modes (within owned space, anywhere, within enemy space), automatic scouting, 'find planet that matches X specs and colonise it', 'follow THIS ship' (allied, neutral or enemy), etc.

5. Wider variety of ship & weapon types, with both a decrease and increase in scale (e.g. initial 'scouts' are ALOT tinier, and battleship would be about mid-way to horribly expensive but massive mother-ships, with dreadnaughts being the 'average' ship late game).

6. Visibility & scale of ships & planets from different modes. For example: zooming in on a star shows planets in orbit and present ships, zooming in on a fleet shows the individual ships to scale, in battle you can see swarms of tiny ships next to a handful of gigantic ships and all the in-betweens, galaxy view reflects the differing size of stars, etc.

7. Custom tech for authentic warhammer/star-trek/eve/etc mods. This would probably need expanding so there are custom tactical resources and such also...or just the ability to rename the resources?

8. Ship tactics/roles and multiple battle-modes (maybe even the ability to select the battle type at the start of each fight rather than the start of the game). Some ideas include: RTS with full control over movement and attack types, setting up tactics for each sheep & the fleet before the battle and watching it play out real-time, a pause in-between phases to lay out the strategy for EACH ship rather than the whole fleet, or even splitting the phases up so there are 2 or 3 or more 'steps' and so cards/etc in each phase

this guy had the right ideas battle modes and planets blowing up sound like one heck of a awsome game. to add to this list

1. HERO MISSIONS kind of like the assasin creed idea where you send out heros to gain experience and do something

2. mods that keep track of battles that have gone on so that i can figure out how many of a type of ship i need.

3. goal selection screen to help keep you on track aka planetary control victory goals that recommend tech to research.

4. skins obviously a big thing for everybody but how about a mod that lets us make our own skins . . .. ... jee theres an idea.
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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 7:30:46 AM
I wonder how often it's been suggested, but man I'd love to see a playable pirate faction mod. I love the looks of their ships and I was kinda sad to find out that playable pirates was rejected as per the "dead horse submissions" topic.
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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 9:49:02 AM
dEnamed wrote:
Oh but they do sparkle in the sun. After they've been roasted by it (Anne Rice can go someplace else. I blame her for the Fluffy Vampires we've got nowadays :P).

Ashes don't sparkle as well! smiley: cool But I wouldn't blame Anne Rice, since she just added a "human nuance"making the mosnsters more complex. I would blame all the sissis, forgetting the "Vampire = MONSTER"-part.

But hm....how about Vampires, Werwolfes and Witches....IN SPACE! A new Space Opera!!! smiley: biggrin

The problem about Pirate-Factions is, that usually Pirates are no faction per se, usually containing many species and many ship-types. They just don't have the ressources to colonize Planets or build large fleets. IF they get that much ressources, they usually form a new faction, just more criminal than others. You could compare it to the Horatio or the Pilgrims. They descended from the United Empire.

Don't missunderstand me - I LOVE Pirates! But we had to build just a new faction, calling themselves something else, even though they contain many pirates. That would mean we need a mix of ships of every faction - perhaps building a cruiser would have the effect, that the ship has a random design. So you buld 2 cruisers and get one United Empire Cruiser, and one Sophon Cruiser.

Another idea would be that some systems belong to such a minor faction (like in Total War the Rebells or Minor Clans) which is not interessted in expanding, but you have to invade them to get the system, instead of using Colonialization-Ships. Especially for military factions that would help with colonialization!
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 10:54:03 AM
Codename_Veers wrote:
Ashes don't sparkle as well! smiley: cool But I wouldn't blame Anne Rice, since she just added a "human nuance"making the mosnsters more complex. I would blame all the sissis, forgetting the "Vampire = MONSTER"-part.

But hm....how about Vampires, Werwolfes and Witches....IN SPACE! A new Space Opera!!! smiley: biggrin

The problem about Pirate-Factions is, that usually Pirates are no faction per se, usually containing many species and many ship-types. They just don't have the ressources to colonize Planets or build large fleets. IF they get that much ressources, they usually form a new faction, just more criminal than others. You could compare it to the Horatio or the Pilgrims. They descended from the United Empire.

Don't missunderstand me - I LOVE Pirates! But we had to build just a new faction, calling themselves something else, even though they contain many pirates. That would mean we need a mix of ships of every faction - perhaps building a cruiser would have the effect, that the ship has a random design. So you buld 2 cruisers and get one United Empire Cruiser, and one Sophon Cruiser.

Another idea would be that some systems belong to such a minor faction (like in Total War the Rebells or Minor Clans) which is not interessted in expanding, but you have to invade them to get the system, instead of using Colonialization-Ships. Especially for military factions that would help with colonialization!

Really? I thought the pirates had a unique ship design. Plus they get to use black, which looks slick on the map.
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 2:01:26 PM
Yes, they have a unique ship-design, but usually they shouldn't. Except they have their own ressources/harbours/shipyards - but they haven't. It's a bit confusing but who cares? ^^
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 8:58:11 PM
Any mod that changes United Empire to something like Systems Alliance of Mass effect. And most important, mod that makes normal looking ships for Human faction, not these flying refrigerators which are so ugly that i cannot play the game only because of them.
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 9:13:35 PM
What kind of mod I'd like to see?

A community races mod, to add to the game races with abilities and gameplay rejected by the devs (Jovian races with an inverted colonisation order for instance etc...).
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 10:18:57 PM
Codename_Veers wrote:
Yes, they have a unique ship-design, but usually they shouldn't. Except they have their own ressources/harbours/shipyards - but they haven't. It's a bit confusing but who cares? ^^

Oh so you were just arbitrarily using your own definition of "space pirate" completely independent of what the game makes them. Cool. I'd rather, you know, play as the game's pirates.
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 10:20:09 PM
Sadi wrote:
What kind of mod I'd like to see?

A community races mod, to add to the game races with abilities and gameplay rejected by the devs (Jovian races with an inverted colonisation order for instance etc...).

The devs seemed to have rejected most (especially the good) ideas...kinda makes me wonder why bother asking for suggestions in the first place if you're not going to accept any of the ones the community wants most.
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