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What kind of mods would you like to see in this game?

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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 7:02:06 PM
*I am not a skilled modder and could not make these things, but if anyone out there that is skilled and could make these, please do!!!










Mass Relays would be located in randomized systems and whoever has control of a system with a mass relay gets a movement bonus of +5 for their empire.

Citadel The citadel would be a system that would be controlled by and protected by an Armada of NPC fleets and whatever faction captures the Citadel would receive +250 Science +250 Dust to their empire






Ring Worlds Would be a new planet type and would be and also controlled by an NPC at the start of the game but when captured you would receive strategic and luxury resources to your empire. (These would also be rare 2-3 per galaxy)





New Hull Types Basestars and Battlestars.

These are just some ideas that I wish someone would make and of course there are many things that could be added that I did not list, please comment and rate!
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 1:26:16 PM
ethoril wrote:
A Battlefleet Gothic (WH40k) mod would make me abandon useless things like sleeping smiley: stickouttongue

I would not sleep. If someone added all of the WH40k races I would just... AHHHH. ;_; SLEEP < ES.

In addition to this I think that a truly 'Endless' mod would be awesome. What I mean by this is a mod that generated the Galaxy (Or multiple Galaxies) as you went along, potentially adding tech (Warp gates? Hyper-super-awesome-sauceome-warp-drives-of-amazingocity?) to the research tree to do with inter-galaxy travel. From what I've seen/heard of the Galaxy generation (Here: /#/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/15599-galaxy-density-map-mod) though, it's done with an image map of the Galaxy, so I don't know how easy this particular idea would be to make into a functioning mod.

I also think that more ship classes or more building options for planets are in order. Sure there's a ton already, but you'd think there'd be orbital gun batteries or something considering the enormous threat of attack from say, the Cravers. In regards to orbital gun emplacements, I feel they should be ridiculously powerful (Ability to take down a ship in a single shot?) but costly and limited per planet, maybe two or three. Perhaps even the ability to designate classes for planets (I literally had this idea while I was writing this post :l), I.e an industrial, military planet or research planet. Each of these could give bonuses to Industry or ship construction times (Or gun batteries, even), or Research points.

Oh brain, why do you ramble so. Sorry about the hideous wall-of-textyness, I just started writing stuff and... yeah. :l

tl;dr: WH40k races, Truly Endless Space, Moar buildings/ship stuff, Planet types.
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 2:13:14 PM
Definitely love to see a Stargate mod. Would take some thought and a lot of new mechanics to simulate gate travel. Probably hard to do now I think about it. But something i'd love to see all the same!
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 6:24:26 PM
I want a mod where alt + F4 is disabled and whenever I go to quit my game it says "Quitting is for losers!" and spawns a damn lot of lethal pirates all over my home sector.
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 2:47:32 AM
I'd love for someone to change only the United Empire ships, transformed from block like apartment buildings to Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis ships, that would be awesome ! Like the F302 for a Corvette, a Puddle Jumper for a Destroyer, Prometheus for a Cruiser, Daedalus for a battleship and finally Aurora for a Dreadnought. What do you guys think ? I love the game but find the United Empire's ships to be a big let down visually. Even if the designs of the ships were changed to be closer to the ships I've mentioned I'd be happy
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 2:49:38 AM
Also space stations for defense of your planets would be a pretty cool add on, so your systems would have some defense without a fleet.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 9:38:07 PM
I'm one of the heads of the Halo: Sins of the Prophets mod for Sins of a Solar Empire. Just picked up Endless Space. If I like the game I'll probably go ahead and convert our mod over to this game.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 1:43:46 PM
Not sure if mentioned, but as in any game, the most important 'mod' for me is the ability to change faction/character portraits. Love doing that.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 10:14:18 PM
Here's an idea:

Make a mod that includes ships and factions from: BSG, Stargate, B5, and Star Trek, and whatever else you want to squeeze in.

This way someone will most definitely feature a vid from this game of a cross-universe battle. Without the need to vid edit, people will jump at the opportunity. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 8:32:34 PM
Could be awesome the Battlestar Galactica (2004) design with the races that appears in the classical series Hasaris, Borellians, Ovions, Orions...
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 12:15:16 PM
Most definitely the Space Battle System from Empire at War, which i totally love. Would be awesome if it's possible to switch between "Auto-Resolve", "Gradual Battle" (The current "Manual" one) and "Manual" where you can take control over your warships.

And, of course, a Star Wars Mod which includes the factions of the Old Republic, Separatist Confederacy, Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance, New Republic, Zann Consortium, Corporate Sector Authority. Also the possibility to equip your own Dreadnoughts, Imperial Star Destroyers, Mon Calamari Cruisers, Venators etc. with the stuff you researched within the means of the S/W techincal factbooks. Would be epically uberawesome if the creators of the Phoenix Rising Mod for EaW/FoC could be convinced to go on developing their Mod on Endless Space smiley: smile (especially since EaW can't handle the data load properly caused by the Mod and keeps on crashing)

Last but not least - Congrats for this fantastic game! Did buy the Emperor Edition to show my extra-support for you, so keep up the good work!
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 6:45:55 PM
ethoril wrote:
A Battlefleet Gothic (WH40k) mod would make me abandon useless things like sleeping smiley: stickouttongue

I agree!!! I've needed a Battlefleet Gothic mod since I was 12. O_O

That was 11 years ago, hurry up someone...
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