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[RELEASED] alternativ Galaxy Generator

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11 years ago
Sep 15, 2013, 1:00:49 AM

First I wish to thank you as I incorporated a version of your mod into mine and it has made the universe a playable size.

However I am getting homeworlds at times one jump away from each other and I am wondering if you know where in the files I can look to separate them more.

I think I know in original files where it is but when I use your mod it seems to ignore them.

Many thanks.
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11 years ago
Sep 15, 2013, 7:42:05 AM
homeworld placement is in the GalaxyShapes.xml

As long as there are more or equal arms than players they will not be in the same area.

Dont know if it gets limited by my mod but it should.
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11 years ago
Sep 17, 2013, 2:33:01 AM
I have Five arms and 8 races (has to do with Uplift series being civilization of the Five Galaxies)

In original generation there was a minimum distance b/t stars and another between home worlds.

I guess the colors in Galaxy shapes can be changed.

If I change the png files would that be enough? does the Galaxyshapes.xml read it as a template or is it vice versa that the pretty pictures in the png are generated by the galaxyshapes.xml
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11 years ago
Oct 1, 2013, 2:18:21 AM
Also I don't seem to see natural wonders or endless wonders being generated when your mod or mine is used. I seem to recall it was working before and wonder if a hard coded vanilla update doesn't jive with our mods and disabled wonders generation.
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11 years ago
Oct 9, 2013, 11:42:03 AM
the generator is in js.

There are no images for the generation involved.

There is also no min dist between homeworlds as it is designed to have 1 arm per empire/player.

Wonder generation is not in the galaxy generator so not my fault.

But i have seen them before.
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11 years ago
Oct 15, 2013, 8:10:07 PM
Hi Guys

Sorry for my english, its not perfect.

I tried that generator-mod, and it works pretty easy to generate a galaxy. So i generate one whit 250 stars. Now at round 100 i have to wait für 10 minutes per round end every round. Of course my computer is not the newst one, but i got a 4-core cpu, (even i know that ES ist not really multi threading) and no one of that 4 cores is used over 70 % and also the RAM is not completly used. So i am wondering, if anybody can play whit more than 1000 stars, what kind of cpu you got? And is there a solution for not endless waiting?

Thanks folks!
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11 years ago
Oct 18, 2013, 7:30:41 PM
Roger_Endless wrote:
Hi Guys

Sorry for my english, its not perfect.

I tried that generator-mod, and it works pretty easy to generate a galaxy. So i generate one whit 250 stars. Now at round 100 i have to wait für 10 minutes per round end every round. Of course my computer is not the newst one, but i got a 4-core cpu, (even i know that ES ist not really multi threading) and no one of that 4 cores is used over 70 % and also the RAM is not completly used. So i am wondering, if anybody can play whit more than 1000 stars, what kind of cpu you got? And is there a solution for not endless waiting?

Thanks folks!

Having a better CPU will only get you a tiny bit longer. There is really nothing we can do except yell at Amplitude to make it multi-threaded.
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11 years ago
Oct 19, 2013, 11:56:28 AM
Hmm,. yes i see,. its a shame. Whit this Mod it would be realy endless space, whitout ist just tiny space, so the shoud rename their game. Or we have to wait on s secont part of endless space? (no idear if something is comming up)
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11 years ago
Oct 20, 2013, 2:36:51 PM
Considering multicore cpu have been common place for years there is no excuse for games not using it.
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11 years ago
Oct 23, 2013, 11:32:57 AM
XSwiftX wrote:
Considering multicore cpu have been common place for years there is no excuse for games not using it.

My thoughts exactly.

BTW I just remembered I had this convo a while back:

AmpliMath wrote:
prassel wrote:
I write to you because the related thread is locked, and all posts about it has gone unseen and no info about this issue is to be found anywhere.

In this thread you said you disabled multi-threading.

Is it possible to manually enable it, or that you guys enable it again in the near future?

I ask because with big galaxies in the mid-late game it is causing severe performance issues due to CPU bottlenecking as talked about here.

There are also more reports of performance issues on the forum.

The cause of this 'lag' is the AI routines at the beginning of new turns, and enabling multi-threading would fix much of it in all stages of the game for anything with a dual core CPU and better.

Thanks for a great game, that hopefully grows even better!

Hi there,

Sorry for the late answer. Things have been crazy here smiley: smile

Getting back to you on the subject : activating multi threading is an option in Unity (our technology) when generating the build. So either a build is made multi-thread or not. There is no on/off switch afterwards. We removed this option because multi-threaded builds lead to stability issues. And since we do not know what is going on inside Unity, it was the safe bet.

Still, activating multi-thread in Unity would not solve the issue with AI computation. It would only possibly improve the rendering, which is not the issue here. If we wanted to have multithreaded AI, we would have to program it specifically. This is a vast a risky development. The AI has to access all of the simulation to make its decisions and possibly alter it, so this will require locking and thread-safe mechanisms. This is very complex, and obviously a long term development.


It's a shame really. It would enable so many possibilities for the community. smiley: frown
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11 years ago
Oct 26, 2013, 6:18:15 PM
Dagobert wrote:
first thing is i dont have Disharmony.

So i cant test things.

But i think i have a solution how you can get everything that is in Disharmony to your galaxy.

So here is where my mod gets its data from:

1. The endless space folder.

2. The folder alternativeGalaxyGenerator\Plugins\GalaxyGenerator\Mod\

3. alternativeGalaxyGenerator\Plugins\GalaxyGenerator\

i readed that there is a Folder called Disharmony in the endless space folder.

You could try to copy the data from Disharmony\GalaxyGenerator into alternativeGalaxyGenerator\Plugins\GalaxyGenerator\Mod\

That way my mod will use the right galaxysettings.xml so all the Planets, Anomalys and more.

But you have to do it everytime there is a patch.

This is also a thing you might need to do:


The folder alternativeGalaxyGenerator\Plugins\GalaxyGenerator\Mod\ was originally designed so that you could combine this mod with another mod.

For this see the Modding section in the first post.

Did i mentioned that i don´t own Disharmony and cant test it?

Im sure there are enough people that want to test if i was right or wrong.

I did this with disharmony and it seems to work great with one exception, the other 3 factions are not colonizing (single player). 2 factions have colonized to 1 extra system and one is still in the homeworld and has stayed that way for 100 turns. Other then that all the planets and anomalies etc. seem to be working perfect.
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11 years ago
Nov 3, 2013, 4:11:48 AM
I figured out how to make it work with disharmony. Follow the instructions in this post /#/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/16276-released-alternativ-galaxy-generator. In addition to that copy the files from the simulation folder for disharmony into the C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\Endless Space\Disharmony\Modding\alternativeGalaxyGenerator\Simulation folder. I found the disharmony files to be in the Public_xp1 folder in my install, but I have the steam install so not sure if it is different for others.
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11 years ago
Nov 19, 2013, 1:05:40 AM
I've noticed that this mod prevents me to create custom race, it adds 2 voices in the trait choosing menu "traits" and "negative traits" the first one rules the total number of traits which can be activated at once, the second one rules the total number of negative traits which can be activated at once.. both are set to 0, so i can have 0 negative traits and 0 total traits activated... i like creating new races as much as using an "eternal" galaxy.. if you can't modify what is needed to correct this issue could you at least tell me what do i have to edit to do it myself?
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11 years ago
Nov 22, 2013, 12:15:41 AM
Antera wrote:
replace the two values with -1, -1

For which parameters? o.o

and in which file?
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11 years ago
Nov 22, 2013, 4:21:44 AM
Just realized AGG is using an older version of the registry file. The proper thing to do would be to make a copy of the stock registry.xml (the one in simulation folder), then go through and transplant all the AGG modification in the registry file into the copy. Which can get really complicated. The simpler solution is to re-insert the only the lines that govern custom faction. However, this won't fix any potential bug that comes from using such an outdated registry.xml so its riskier.

Here's what you do for the simpler solution:

Go into alternativeGalaxyGenerator\Simulation\Registry.xml

Start a new line right after and insert this code:





That is unless similar code is already in this spot in which case simply override.
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11 years ago
Dec 4, 2013, 11:13:51 AM
Since the last hotfix my game crashes while using this in Disharmony after every battle. Anyone else getting this?

Week later, still no word on this? It only ever happens after switching from cinematic battle back to the system screen
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 11:36:56 AM
hey guys,

this is not working for me :/ i'm using latest patch of the game from steam, might that be the problem?

game crashes after hitting "start game" button :/

any suggestion?


okay i tried some other options and got it working with a smaller galaxy, but the camera ingame is kinda weired, it's to close and if you zoom out one stage it's to far away :/

also the end turn takes quite a while mhm

PS: my PC specs are: i7 @ 4,7GHz, 32GB Ram, 2x nvidia GTX680 SLI, Win 7 x64

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11 years ago
Feb 27, 2014, 7:47:36 AM
I keep getting a message that I need to enable Javascript. Javascript is enabled. I have checked everything I possibly can. I have turned off my firewall and anti virus and still no luck. I have reinstalled the IE and nothing. Any help would be great.
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