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Star Trek Universe - a Star Trek Mod

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12 years ago
Jun 5, 2013, 6:07:06 PM
Well, I don't know. The mod worked for both me and my brother and nobody else complained. Maybe you did not install it properly or have edited the core files with something else that makes your game incompatible with the mod? Otherwise I can just recommend the few tutorial provided here on the forum. I won't go into this. I've been very frustrated playing ES lately and didn't run for weeks now. For me, it's not worth to invest time into this project, especially as the possibilities we have through modding are limited. Sorry.
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12 years ago
Jun 5, 2013, 6:56:27 PM
Could you please provide some more info on your mod other than text + download link? I think some pictures of the models etc. would work wonders to help advertise it a bit! smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jun 5, 2013, 7:08:45 PM
I managed to get it working by adding the parameter +mod StarTrekUniverse

If I use the Mods option ingame it says it'l restart but just closes the game.

Interesting mod btw, thank you
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12 years ago
Jun 6, 2013, 4:17:27 PM
@n18991c: I suppose I will provide screenshots, yet it's not the limited interest in this mod that frustrates me, but ES itself, so for now there is no chance I continue working on this. Anyways, maybe some modders can turn ES into something worth playing again via this mod, so it makes sense to invest into advertizing this mod.
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2013, 4:34:31 PM
As you wanted me to, I uploaded preview images, but as the forums image element seems to be broken or something, I provide them as link only. I did not take an image of all ships, but most of them are here. As you can see, I took the images on the ship design view - on the upper right you can see all of the species ships, so you can have an idea of all the other ships. Also, the problems regarding the size should be obvious.






Medium 1

Medium 2











Medium 2



























Cube (taken earlier, ships size was reduced then)

Tactical Cube (taken earlier, ships size was reduced then)
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2013, 8:49:55 AM
Thank you, but the truth is: these ships are not really our work. We downloaded them from the Star Trek Bridge Commander modding scene as well as from the Civ4 Star Trek mod community and simply converted them. Also, some of the ships might be a bit borderline considering their polygons. For me and my brother, they worked, but I have an i7 cpu (although with a simple graphics card) while my brother has an i5 (although with a slightly better graphics card). So, others may get performance issues depending on how well their machine is. If there should be a skilled graphics modder, who is interested in optimizing the models, we'd be fine with including them into the mod. Also, we think about including that mod that highlights anomalies etc with colouring. Another cool thing would be, if the weapons icons could be updated with a number in the corner (to highlight their level of quality) so that it would be easier to distinct them when trading.
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2013, 2:40:43 PM
Very nice, thanks a lot for the impressive feedback smiley: smile

Has anyone tried this and is in a position to provide some extensive feedback on it? Any bugs etc?
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2013, 3:07:24 PM
Well, I suppose I'm not in the best position to give feedback, but my own opinion is that the races are not well design at the moment. I mean, we designed them with reasons, but still they don't work well. For example, Klingons will soon fall back in research, so that their strong military bonus will be nuked quickly. We did not play all the races (actually we played only two), thus never had enough experience to tell where are the weaknesses, neither did we reach the point to adjust on the races. We actually planned to have the community make proposes that we'd incooperated.
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2013, 5:43:35 PM
Thank-goodness for a Star Trek Mod. This game has desperately needed this, and it fits perfectly with the game style. I'm looking forward to trying this out!
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11 years ago
Aug 1, 2013, 9:19:24 AM
Hello brother_of_zolsk82,

Thanks for going to the effort of creating this Mod, Endless space is a good framework for a Star trek universe game.

I cannot seem to extract the objects from the second file with 7-ZIP, is this corrected or is there an issue?

With just the first file extracted I played the Federation to 105 turns but all systems had 0 population growth which I suspect is cause by the second file not being extracted?

The models look great and I would like to get this mod running properly with the only suggestion I'd have at this time is to have the Intrepid (an explorer ship) as the scout ship, Defiant as the destroyer and the Akira as the cruiser. I think this may also partially help with the size issue as the models may be constrained by the type of ship but I do not know for sure?


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11 years ago
Aug 1, 2013, 11:43:47 AM
Glad to see a ST mod for endless space. Too bad the Devs totally missed the boat when it comes to making the game easy to mod. Endless Space would have been a better game had the Devs done their research. EVERY 4x game that Ive looked at has a huge mod resource and community. Except this one. And so far Ive seen ONE compatible Disharmony mod available... ONE. That is just BS. Goes to show you how much support and replay value the game has and how committed the devs are to the late success of the game. An easily modded game lends to a larger modding community and higher replay value. Something sadly lacking in this title.

Its a good game... the devs shot themselves in the foot when it comes to it being awesome. Thats too bad.
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4 years ago
Aug 9, 2020, 6:42:13 PM

Is This cool Mod still in progress?

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