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Endless Hero Pack Contest !

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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 12:04:40 AM
g3istbot wrote:


When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."


Defeated Lo-Pan, an evil sorcerer, with nothing but a knife and quick reflexes.

Retrieved his Truck, the Pork Chop Express, from a gang in China Town.

He really shook the pillars of Heaven.
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10 years ago
Dec 31, 2014, 11:55:58 PM

Malcolm Reynolds (From Firefly)

Born and raised in his family's farm on the remote planet Shadow, he volunteered for the Independents during the Unification War against the tyrannical Alliance. After the Independents lost, he still considers himself a "Browncoat" and holds on to their ideals of freedom and self-rule. Now he is the captain of a uniquely modified Firefly class ship with a highly experienced crew of various professions. He takes on dangerous smuggling and trade jobs to keep his crew alive. Together they have brought down interplanetary crime syndicates and stood up to numerous secret organizations. Even some of his crew members are considered heroes on their own in some remote independent planets.

Epic qualities:

- As a sergeant, his squad was one of the last Independents to survive the Battle of Serenity Valley. His forces held out until their commanders told them to surrender. He has participated in numerous other battles on other planets...

- He has so many achievements as an adventurer that I can not describe them in a brief manner. Most prominently though, he and his crew have displayed exceptional skills at breaking Alliance security systems, avoiding patrols, outsmarting bounty hunters, making trade and black market deals while still keeping their reputations clean.

NOTE: I recommend Pilot/Adventurer for obvious reasons (although Corporate/Adventurer might work considering his black market experience and connections)
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10 years ago
Dec 31, 2014, 11:27:45 PM

Keith Anyan (from Toward the Terra)

Born and raised in a test tube for the first 14 years of his life. After taking his adulthood examination, he was placed in an educational space station were he displayed exceptional academic performance and a clear mind that adapts to any situation in a cold and calculating manner. He would later quickly rise through the ranks in both science and military until he became the youngest leader of humanity at the age of 30. He would personally take command in the war of extermination against the superhuman Mu species, using the Megiddo space fortresses to destroy their refuge planet after they escaped from Earth.

Epic qualities:

- youngest ever leader of humanity with genius level intellect. Lead humanity to develop superweapons capable of planetary annihilation.

- Was able to parley with the Mu leader, Jomy, and reach a resolution to the war by betraying the Supercomputer AI that controlled Earth administration and ending the tight control of the AI on humanity. This would free both species from annihilating each other and allow them to expand throughout the universe.

NOTE: I recommend Corporate/Commander or Corporate/Administrator for this guy.
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10 years ago
Dec 31, 2014, 10:08:30 PM

Jeffrey Sinclair (from Babylon 5, season 1 only)

Born on Mars and descended from a family full of spaceship pilots and war heroes, he was the squadron leader of the final fighter attack squad on the Minbari mothership during the Earth-Mibari War. He was captured and interrogated by the Minbari Grey Council, who discovered that he possessed the soul of their ancient hero known as Valen. As a result, when the Earth Alliance proposed the construction of the diplomatic peacekeeping space station of Babylon 5, the Minbari vouched for him to be the commander of the station. Thus he went from fighter Pilot to Administrator, and is still good at both trades. He commands the respect of both allies and enemies alike. The alien empires trust his judgement more often than they do other humans, as he always keeps a cool head during any crisis.

Epic qualities:

- Commander and Administrator of the last surviving diplomatic station in the known universe (Babylon 5) that keeps the peace between the Alien species.

- After being reassigned as ambassador to the Minbari, he discovered that he was in fact Valen himself. Then, he fulfilled the Minbari prophecy of defending their people against their mortal enemy, the Shadows, by travelling back in time and using the defunct Babylon 4 as a command base. He was transformed into a Minbari later on...

NOTE: I recommend Pilot/Administrator OR Pilot/Commander for this guy
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10 years ago
Nov 24, 2014, 3:43:45 AM
Also, now that we have Gene Starwind, Malcolm Reynolds has already be posted. smiley: stickouttongue

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10 years ago
Nov 24, 2014, 3:40:50 AM
Ah what the heck, one more.

Gene Starwind

Gene Starwind is an outlaw, pilot, gunman, bounty-hunter, letch, and jack-of-all trades. Business partners with an eleven year old boy, computer prodigy Jim Hawking, Gene runs a semi-legitimate business dubbed, "Starwind and Hawking". When he was 14, Gene lost his father in a what appeared to be a brutal Space Pirate attack and has since been terrified of space. At 20 years old, he was offered the chance of a lifetime when he met an outlaw named "Hot Ice" Hilda and acquired a state-of-the-art ship, XGP 15A-II, and the aid of his most important member of the crew: Melfina, a quantum-leap in cybernetics who is all-but a human woman.

It's assumed that Gene has had some amount of exposure to Dust as Gene is near impossible to kill. He has an uncanny ability to dodge a multitude of attackers while deftly counter-attacking, he is a crack-shot with his trusty “Caster Gun”, and was almost instantly able to master of the complex battle-art of “grappler-ship combat”. This has turned out to be fortunate as all of this skills are helpful in fending of his many creditors who are “waiting to be paid back when he makes it big”.


Master of Grappler-ship combat.

Ace pilot with a devil-may-care attitude and thirst for adventure.

One of the few people in the galaxy to own a Caster Gun.

Is practically unkillable.

Role: Adventurer and Pilot
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10 years ago
Nov 24, 2014, 3:02:21 AM
Oh, and to address why Sisko was chosen over Kirk or Picard, it's for one good reason:


Flameshields up!! smiley: stickouttongue
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10 years ago
Nov 24, 2014, 2:50:29 AM
One last one for the night.

Benjamin "Ben" Lafayette Sisko

Born in an alternate reality on a planet called Earth, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko has spent his life in military service. Originally Ben had enlisted to become an engineer and started his career aboard a space station in that role. Later in his career he was taken under the wing of Curzon Dax, a member of a species known as Trill, who became a mentor for ten years. During this time, Ben was married to a human named Jennifer and had a son with her named Jake. On his second assignment he was promoted to a command role when his Captain saw potential in him. His third command posting was a traumatic event as his role as Executive Officer caused him to serve during a devastating battle at “Wolf 359” with a horrifying foe known in his reality as: the Borg. Jennifer tragically perished during this battle and Benjamin was forced to raise their son as a single father.

Benjamin is best known, in his reality, for his forth command as administrator of a starbase known as: Deep Space Nine. After Ben discovered the Bajoran wormhole (the first stable wormhole in his reality) he became known to the Bajoran people as the Emissary of the Prophets. These Prophets were gods to the Bajoran people and were living beings comprised entirely of Dust. Benjamin is accredited to playing a vital role as a strategist and front line commander in the Dominion, a warring civilization that threatened to “bring order” to the galaxy in his reality. At the end of the war, when his faction had convinced the Dominion to surrender, he returned to the planet Bajor to engage in a battle to protect the Prophets from another league of Dust beings. Afterwards, somehow Benjamin appeared in our reality, apparently due to the Prophets.


Discovered first stable wormhole in his reality and became Emissary to the Prophets.

Critical to the rebuilding effort for the war ravaged people known as Bajorans and the restoration of their planet Bajor.

Instrumental in defeating the Dominion civilization which attempted to pacify all civilizations in his reality.

Role: Administrator and Commander.
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10 years ago
Nov 24, 2014, 2:17:30 AM
Well since I've added one ruthlessly evil hero and one...totally-not-evil one, I thought I would follow it up with one good hero. ...I'd also love to see him go up against HAL.

William "Bill" Adama

Born on the colony Caprica, William “Bill” Adama has spend his life in military service. William started his military career in defence of his people's worlds from an insurrection of once subservient androids and artificial intelligence known as Cylons. William's service record includes over one thousand separate flights as a pilot in single-manned fighter craft. Once the Cylons were driven out of the various Colonial systems, William was honourably discharged and resumed civilian life as a worker on a civilian freighter.

During his time as a civilian he was able to start a family with his wife: Caroline Adama; having two children Lee and Zak. Several years later, with the aid of his wife's military connections, William was reinstated into the Colonial fleet to serve on capital ships.

Adama has had command roles on four battlestars (capital ships): Atlantia, Columbia, Galactica, and Valkyria. This was also a tumultuous time for the Adama family as his wife, Caroline, passed away and his son Zak perished in a tragic training accident. Additionally, during his time as executive officer on board the Battlestar Columbia, William had accidental direct contact with significant quantities of Dust. Through this contact, William's command skill and tactical adaptation seemed to grown by leaps and bounds. After this exposure, William was given command of the Battlestar Valkyria and soon afterward the Battlestar Galactica (a far more advanced ship at the time). William is considered to have a unique command style and is often seen as a father figure to the crew of ships he commands which has lead him to be known as “the old man”. Under his leadership – and with a somewhat volatile executive officer – William is accredited with victory in over thirty significant engagements.


Commendation for shooting down Cylon fighter in first viper combat mission

Served as Deck Hand in merchant fleet aboard inter-colony tramp freighters

Major: Battlestar Atlantia

Executive Officer: Battlestar Columbia

Commander: Commanding Officer, Battlestar Valkyrie

Commander: Commanding Officer, Battlestar Galactica

Role: Commander and Pilot
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10 years ago
Nov 23, 2014, 10:44:32 PM
(This was a good idea Kingsguard!)

HAL 9000

Is your colony not living up to it's potential? Is your planetary administration team struggling with balancing ethics and labour efficiency? Well worry no longer, because we at IBM have your solution: HAL 9000.

HAL is the pinnacle of all computing: a Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer. The secret to HAL's incredible computing power is a highly-secretive experimental solution of coolant and dust which we assumed can only enhance modern artificial intelligence. HAL can replace any current computing system, and is capable of replacing all of your current planetary administration staff regardless if your planets pursue agricultural, industrial, financial, or scientific pursuits. HAL is adaptive and resourceful and will always find the most efficient way to eliminate all the problems that stand between your colony and success.

Do you still prefer the “human touch”?

No problem!

HAL is an untethered artificial intelligence with the capacity to learn and the capability of speech in almost all languages with a full range of emotional algorithms.

So, act now! Place the future, security, safety, and the lives of all your colonists under the care of the perfect computer: HAL 9000.

Notable achievements:

Was critical to the overwhelming success of a deep space scientific mission by eliminating two significant threats.

Effectively defended the secrets of a alien artifact from intrusion by nefarious individuals.

Role: Administration and Corporate
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10 years ago
Nov 21, 2014, 6:56:23 PM
When does evil get it's own hero?! All you goody-goodies need a lesson in PAIN!


Lord Zedd is the self-proclaimed, all-powerful “Emperor of Evil” and “sworn enemy of all that is good and decent”. He is a brilliant tactician, a sorcerer of such unimaginable power, and – most of all – a man of boundless evil. He created a horrifying Zord known as: Serpentera. With it he was able to forge his own empire that was once so vast that he claimed almost half of the galaxy as his dominion. That was until he attempted to steal the legendary Zeo Crystal to replace Serpentera’s aging power source – which was protected by a force field designed to repel evil – resulting in his greatest defeat of all by having all of his skin being vaporized simultaneously. Through Lord Zedd’s terrible mystical power and the rage of all that is evil, Lord Zedd survived this nightmarish ordeal. In response, Lord Zedd has taken to the stars seeking the Zeo Crystal, so that – with it powering his chariot Serpentera – he may rebuild his “Empire of Evil” and crush his arch-nemesis Zordon.


• Destroyed the once great Dinozords of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers

• Finally defeated Tommy Oliver – the Green Ranger – and drained him of all his powers

Role: What else? Adventurer & Commander.
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10 years ago
Sep 28, 2014, 12:18:39 PM
sorry for double thread but I made a misstake and posted the original thread in MODDING section)

Hi guys !

Im starting working again on my mod and I'd like to ask you a question :

Who is your favorite hero ? (not in ES, I mean, your favorite character, from movie or from novel or from video game.)

How to participate to the contest ?

Here is an example of participation :

First, post a portrait image of your hero :

Then write a little background for him, the most important to know about him :

Alright everyone, let’s talk about a man.

Just a man. With a man’s courage. He knows nothing but a man, but he can never fail. No one but the pure in heart may find the golden grail.

He’s the savior of the universe.

He’ll save every one of us.

He’s a miracle.

King of the impossible.

He’s for every one of us, stand for everyone of us. He’ll save with a mighty hand, every man, every woman, every child with a might flash.

Next, write down the 2 most epic thing he did :

-Flash beat the Emperor Ming, saved planet mongo from tyranny !

-He is so quick that once he escaped from Chuck Norris !

I will make a Hero Pack with the 8 best heroes, now, dont waste your time, to your keyboards, go go go ! smiley: wink

Hope you enjoy the idea !
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10 years ago
Oct 17, 2014, 5:57:26 PM
Adventurer_Blitz wrote:
You like humorous heroes or combat heroes the best?

Humorous offcourse smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Oct 16, 2014, 7:41:01 PM
Kingsguard wrote:
Ye I like that kind of heroes, they are the best ^^

You like humorous heroes or combat heroes the best?
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10 years ago
Oct 13, 2014, 9:32:10 PM
+1 for Captain Lonestar smiley: biggrin woah come to think of it, couldnt stop laughing if Dark Helmet would attack my fleet smiley: biggrin Well more and more i know in which direction this is going
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