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Endless Civilizations

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10 years ago
Aug 7, 2014, 6:14:21 PM
Gougougo wrote:
Time I give some advices of mine too! Assassin's brotherhood would be cool, and templars too! For transformers, I'm not sure about it, but why not?

I was thinking about the Uft, the aeon, the cybran, or even the seraphim from Supreme commander, this would be cool smiley: smile

Indeed another nice idea wich will be in the next poll smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Aug 12, 2014, 5:57:47 PM
BIG release incoming !

Prepare your dust for the most legendary heroes of the Endless Space...

So the changelog is :

-above 20 new custom heroes (2 atleast by factions)

-revised affinities and traits of the factions

-And a crazy new feature.. (surprise smiley: smile )

And everything both in English and French offcouse !

PS : Im listening the modeling tutorial and I installed 3ds max, be ready to see some petty models "soon" (in some weeks ^^)
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10 years ago
Aug 7, 2014, 2:17:10 PM
Time I give some advices of mine too! Assassin's brotherhood would be cool, and templars too! For transformers, I'm not sure about it, but why not?

I was thinking about the Uft, the aeon, the cybran, or even the seraphim from Supreme commander, this would be cool smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Jul 7, 2015, 12:54:51 PM
Arthas_Men wrote:
I have understood, why I couldn't install this mod. I thought, it is for Endless Legend lol

Lol, indeed, thats harder then xD
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10 years ago
Aug 3, 2014, 5:15:09 PM
Well, Im not fond of Endless Space and I do not play alot but I found the solution...

As Endless Space is awesome to mod (sooo easy, thx Amplitude smiley: biggrin); Im creating some additional races with custom factions, heroes and portraits.

At the moment, I will limit to Custom Factions and Portraits.


In the Endless Space, there are infinite races and civilizations undiscovered...

In this mod, you will be able to play some additional races from the 432903942 races of the Endless Space.

There will be new factions, new heroes, new traits and custom portraits !

Custom models are planned but more support is needed ! (I want to be sure I will not do it for myself only ^^)

Here are the 11 first factions I found interresting to mod : (I have all the portraits small/large/wide ready to use !)

-Imperium of Man (Warhammer 40K)

-Wookie Republic (Star Wars universe)

-The Empire (Star wars )

-Hegemonia (My first custom faction in ES I ever made )

-Azeroth Federation (World of Warcraft)

-Stars Lords (Broken Lords from Endless Legend !)

-The Contritius (surprise !)

-Orks WAAAGH (Warhammer 40K)

-Archons (teamate's custom faction with a nice lore smiley: smile )

-Founders (space dwarves !)

-Valinor Knights (elves from LOTR !)

+1 bonus race

I hope you enjoy the idea ! There are 2 language supported at the moment : French and English

Other languages user will have the Faction's lore in english. If there are volunteers for translations, PM me !

Now, I'm waiting for your propositions, I will add the most asked Factions to the game !
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10 years ago
Aug 6, 2014, 5:40:11 PM
Hello jon !

Oh great you bring funny ideas and its exactly what I want !

HELL YEA, Assassins Brotherhood and Templars damn it sounds so cool ^^

About Autobots and Decepticons, im not fan of transformer but if there are enough ask, I might add them smiley: wink

(they will be in the next Poll)
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10 years ago
Aug 6, 2014, 5:13:24 PM
Wow this looks fun. I'm going to download it now and give it a go smiley: smile

Just a thought on new races - How about Brotherhood of Assassins and Templars? Or Autobots and Decepticons from Tansformers?

I look forward to your next update.

Kind regards,

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